Chapter 11

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Louis's POV

"You may all now come in" i heard our teacher said, jesy enter the room and she sit down on her chair. all eyes are on me so i held Perrie's hand im so nervous as hell. I looked around and i saw my three dudes waving at me i just waved at them back.

"You two, You may now take your sit" my teacher said, i still didnt see her since i enter this room so i look at her, wow she look so hot. Perrie and i walked to our sit jesy near the window at the left then perrie at her side i sit beside perrie so i am on her right side then on my back is harry then niall on perrie's back and liam on jesy's back. i will now going to sit but our teacher interrupted me.

"So you guys have new guy classmates. Mind introducing yourself guys?" she ask and we just nodded and walk on the front.

"Hello im Niall Horan" Niall said and he wave i giggle he is so childish

"Liam, Liam Payne" Liam said, serious as always.

"The names Harry, Harry Styles" Harry said and he winked to the girls wth,

oh its my turn to speak.

"I am Louis Tomlinson, just call me louis." i just smiled.

After we introduced ourself we sit to our sit again.

"For those new students who dont still know me. Im Jade Thirlwall  call me Ms. Thirlwall" she said looking at us. That name is familiar i looked at my teacher my eyes  widened  when i remember the name i lean forward at perrie and whisper something making her blush.

"Perrie is that the teacher you like?" i said to her she nod.

"So we are going to start the lesson today" Ms. Thirlwall said

-skip discussions-

its our dismissal and we are about to leave the room when suddenly Ms.Thirlwall speak

"Perrie can i talk to you for a minute?" she said perrie just smiled and nod at her.

i know perrie and Ms. Thirlwall need time with each other so "Perrie we need to go now. Jesy will give you a ride home" i said to her and hugged her the boys just repeat my action.

"Bye guys take care" she said to us

im about to get out but i remember something so i lean forward again and whisper at perrie 

"Enjoy and have fun not so much fun tho" i just saw her blushed and i saw Ms. Thirlwall Fist clench. oh someone look jealous.

"Bye perrie" i winked at her and i just heard her giggle.

i walked through the hallway.

"where's perrie?" Liam said when he noticed perrie's not around.

"uhm Ms. Thirlwall will just talk to her and let us get going jesy will just ride her home" i said and they just nod.


short chapter!

dont forget to vote! xx

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