Chapter 14

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Perrie's POV

I woke up on my bed with a smile on my face when i remember what happen last night. Wait... last night i remember, i sleep on a sofa. i stood up and walked i look around my apartment and no sign of brunette where is she? I saw her phone on my sofa i get her phone and i put it on the table i will just gived it to her later i walked to my kitchen and i  see the little sticky note sticked on my ref. I read it...

Sorry i didnt wake you up before i leave. Actually i woke up because i fell down on your sofa. If youre confuse, i lift you and put you on your bed last night because i can see that youre not comfortable.

Eat now babe and see you later xx

                                        Your love,

i smiled, and get ready i eat breakfast then go to the bathroom and took a shower I wear a simple clothes.

i smiled, and get ready i eat breakfast then go to the bathroom and took a shower I wear a simple clothes

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My phone vibrated i pened it

JesyNelson : Where are you?! You are 20 minutes late hurry up youre getting a detention.

I stare at my clock... HOLY FUCK! its already 8:25 am my class start at 8:00 am. I quickly get my car's key and get out of my apartment.

I drove my car and i arrived at school 8:35 am I run to the corridor but i enter the CR first instead of my room cause you know i feel like im so haggard. When i saw my face look fine i leave the CR and knocked to my room.

"Ja-Uhm Ms. Thirlwall sorry im late" i said she looked at me and check me out i saw her eyes staring at my shoes up to my eyes.

"Why are you late perrie?" She said not looking at me is she mad or something?

"Uhm i wo-woke u-up la-te" i said nervously her eyes met mine she smirked

"Okay, youre 30 minutes late Edwards you need to have detention for that" she smiled devilishly and she 'accidentaly' drop her pen on the floor so she bend to get her pen. i can clearly see her chest!wth i bite my lip at the sight. "Fuck her ass bro" i heard my classmate while he's staring at my GIRLFRIEND's ass wtf! i secretly glared at him and killing him on my mind.

Jade stood straight and looked at me while smirking.

"you may now take your sit Edwards " she said and winked at me

i walked on the way to the boy who's talking about my girlfriend and i hardly and 'accidentally' step on his foot which make him stood up and about to push me but Louis and Niall held the guy's hand. I just walked pass him and i just tap the back of Louis and Niall and said that its fine. they just sit on their sit and i sit too. 

So its now dismissal Jade is being excused by the other teacher and Louis and the boys already leave the room but the guy in front of me is still not leaving the room i stood up and walked away but the annoying guy held my hand and push me through the wall he pinned my arms 

" Its pay back time edwards" he smirked

"You know what! i really like to kiss you" he smirked and kissed my neck im pushing him but he is so strong wth i feel so disgusted. he removed my leather jacket and he is now kissing my shoulder i can feel the tears falling down my cheek. On one swift move my top is gone he is about to unhooked my bra but someone push him and he fell on the ground and there i see Jade she looked at me with concern look she run on me and hugged me

"Babe are you alright" She said with concern she wipe my tears 

the guy is about to beat jade but someone threw him a shoe on a face. And i know that shoe is from Harry. i saw the boys walking on the guy they punched his Face.

"How dare you to touch Perrie?" louis kicked the guy and i could see his eyes are on fire. the guy's face are covered by blood liam and niall pulled louis away from the guy they leave the guy there and walked on us i can see louis expression changed when he saw me 

"are you alright perrie?" i just nod. Jade give me my clothes and she helped me wear it. 

"Hey i will just call the police" Niall said Harry followed him 

"Perrie we will just throw this guy outside we will be back" louis said and smile i just nod.

i just stare on the wall and i remembered the scene.

"Baby come here" Jade said she opened her arms i run to her and hugged her

"Jade" i cried at her she just rub my back 

"Its okay pez it will be okay soon" she said and pulled away she kissed my forehead

"Im sorry jade i cant stopped him he is so st-" she cut me off 

"Its okay perrie you didnt do anything just forget about him i will not let him come near to you again" she said and kissed my lips i kissed her back

"Thankyou jade" i whisper

"for what babe?" she asked

"because you saved me and he is about to unhooked my bra but im thankful that youre there to save me"  i said to her shyly

"I will not let him see you naked babe, youre mine" She said and smirked

"Yours" i said and smile i hugged her again and she hugged me back.


Update yayy!! im still not done on my assignment lol ! sorry for not posting yesterday !! 

 oh and btw!! thank you for reading this story you guys always make my day! feel free to suggest what do you want to happen next :)



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