Chapter 9

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Perrie's POV

i opened the door of my apartment.

"WELCOME BACK PERRIE!!!" they shouted, aww they're so sweet there i see, Jonnie, my mom, Caitlin, Jesy, my dad, niall, louis and harry 

"aw thankyou guys" i said and hug them one by one 

"LOUIS!!" i hugged him 

"HI! PERRIE"  he said, i missed him so much

"Why are you here dont you have school?" i asked him

"i dont have school " he smiled

i smiled back.

we ate dinner and they all go home except louis. Louis is my bestfriend since childhood and im so happy that he is here.

"perrie i actually have something to tell you" he smiled

"what is it lou?" i asked him

"uhm i been transferred on your school" he said, my world light up

"wow im so excited" i said but he put his hand on my mouth

"im still not finish" he said while laughing

"actually not just me" he said

"what? with whom?" i asked him excitedly

"with harry, liam and niall" he smiled 

"WHERE WILL YOU GUYS START?" i asked to him

"Tomorrow" he smiled at me. OMYLIFE im so excited

"hey but why do you transfer?" i asked him curiously

"i have 3 reasons! First i dont want on my school, second your dad said your school is better, and lastly we miss you and we will protect you from jerks on your school!." he smiled

"You dont need to protect me" i laughed

"We want to" he said

"okay if you want to!!" i said, my phone interrupted me. so i opened it 

JadeThirlwall : how are you pez?

I SMILED and louis noticed it so he stole my phone and read the message

"Who is this jade thirlwall? you already find someone" he said while raising his eyebrows!

"NO! give me my phone back" I said but he still scrolling and now typing. WTH is he doing 

"send" he smirked

Jade's POV

Im laying on my bed. im still thinking of Perrie so i get my phone on the table near my bed and i texted her.

JadeThirlwall : How are you pez?

i put my phone on my stomach waiting for it to vibrate. I think she's now sleeping. So i just close my eyes but suddenly my phone buzzed i opened it and read

PerrieEdwards : I Just want to tell you jade that i will die soon i have stage 4 cancer

i dropped the phone on my face because of shock 

JadeThirlwall : WTF are you joking ?

i nervously type while shaking. my heartbeat stopped is she freakin serious?!

PerrieEdwards : Sorry about that, im not the one who texted that its my annoying boy friend😅✌🏻

I sigh

JadeThirlwall : you literally scared the hell out of me!!

PerrieEdwards : SORRY :(

JadeThirlwall : Its fine, btw how are you?

PerrieEdwards : IM BETTER NOW :)

JadeThirlwall : Good to hear that 

PerrieEdwards : Hey i need to sleep now!

JadeThirlwall : Goodnight pez ❤

PerrieEdwards : Goodnight 😘

Wait, i scroll up again and read it 

PerrieEdwards : Sorry about that, im not the one who texted that its my annoying boy friend😅✌🏻

she have boyfriend?

Perrie's POV

"Wth have you done!!" i said to him she just raised his two hands

"Sorry" he laughed

"i hate you lou! you scared her" i said to him

"look im sorry okay" he said and now he look so sincere

"okay ! just dont do that again!" i said to him and he just nod

"uhm may i ask what are you two?" he said

" a person" i asked honestly

"not like that i mean what is your relationship you two ?" he said while laughing because of my joke

"actually she is my teacher" i said to him 

"What?!" he asked

"SHE IS MY TEACHER" i yell at him 

"Do you like her?" he said 


"answered me honestly perrie!" he said seriously 

"uhm im still not sure but i think i like her" i said shyly

"Do you know having a relationship with a teacher is illegal" he said

"i know! but i liked her before i know she's my teacher!" i said to him

"what do you mean?" he asked confused

" Ive been talking to her at my phone before she became my teacher she just transferred here" i said to him

"ow okay but its still illegal" he said, sticking out his tounge

"we are not yet on a relationship" i said to him 

"not yet" he smirked i just blushed

do i have a chance to her?


Stay tuned for the next chapter 

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