Chapter 32

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Jade's POV

Its Saturday and Perrie and just decided to stay on her apartment...

"Pez, What do you think we should do?" i asked her, she then looked at me.

"Lets go on mom's Restaurant!!" she said and i nod.

"Yes, i want to see deb," i said

"So get up and clean yourself we need to get ready, " she said and i do what she said, i took a shower on her bathroom, thank God i have spare dress on her bedroom. when im finished i walked to her bedroom and get my stuff. then i can feel her staring at me.

"dont stared at me" i said while m facing my back on her

"Im not staring" she said innocently and i looked at her she blushed.

i just smirked and i wear my clothes in front of her confidently.

"Wth babe," she said while blushing she looked away and i giggled.

"Come on now are you ready??" i said and she just nod, still shock and red

"come here" i said and open my arm but she refused it, she's so cute.

"come here" i said and open my arm but she refused it, she's so cute

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we just walked to her car and she opened the door for me. she's still quite, i know she's fighting on her urge right now, how cute is that.

-Skip Car Ride- 

"U-uhm jade can you please go to the restaurant first i will just find something " she said innocently and i smirked, i know what she need to do. i giggled

"Okay babe" i said and get out of the car

i can hear perrie silent moan, im still not away from the car so i can hear it. i can't see the inside because of tint. i just shake my head while giggling

"my horny girlfriend" i said to myself while giggling and proceeding to walk.

"Goodmorning Ms., Sit for how many person?" someone said and i smiled

"Sit for 2 please" i said and he nod we walked but unfortunately i bump into someone, not my fault tho she's in hurry and i think she didnt see me.

"WTF are you doing in the way! you are not looking to your way, looked at my dress you ruined it!" she said angrily wth, i just looked at her.

"Are you deaf or blind! pay for this dress or else ill make your ass kick outside of this restaurant!!!" how dare her to talk me like that. All the people are staring at us.

"Uhm excuse me i think you are the one who's not looking at the way. Cause  your the one who bump me so i should be the one to have the right to complain." i said softly but my eyes widened when she slap me all the people gasped.

"What the f-"  the girl cut me off

"you ruined my freakin dress" she yelled. wth i didnt do anything to her. She's about to slap me but someone hold her wrist tightly

"what do you think youre doing?" Perrie said coldly, i didnt see this side of hers before.

Perrie's POV

i get off my car to walked to our restaurant but to my surprised i heard someone yelling.

i looked at the girls fighting. my blood boil when i saw my girl slapped by someone. wtf

"What the f-" jade said but she cut off by the bitch

"You ruined my freakin dress!!" she's about to slap my girl for the second time, but i didnt let that happened. i hold her wrist tightly

"What do you think youre doing?" i said seriously looking at her .

"Who are you? can you please mind your own business and removed your hands on my wrist?? or else" she said threatening me.

"Or else what?" i said 

"Or else i will call the manager of this restaurant to kick your ass of here and not let you come back here again.." she said seriously while smirking, i removed my hand on her wrist but to my surprised she slapped my girlfriend again.

"That is for ruining my dress" she said i looked at her angrily and pushed her causing her to fell on the ground. I looked at my girlfriend her face is so red because of the mark of the hand of that bitch.

"Wtf waiter!!!" the bitch yelled and the waiter come in a rush.


the waiter boy looked at me nervously.

"Uh i cant ms." he said and i smirked.

"WHY? CALL YOUR MANAGER." she said and the waiter run to the office.

"what is the problem ms?" my mom's sister said . she's the manager of this restaurant.

"This two girls ruined my day today. i dont want to see them again. so you better kick the ass of this two girls to go outside." the bitch said. my auntie looked at me.

"Im sorry but i think i dont have the rights to make the daughter's owner of this restaurant leave. if you dont want to see them then i think the best thing you should do is you should be the one to leave." my auntie said. the girls eyes widened and her mouth opened.

"wha-"she said but the guard interrupted her

"i think you should now leave. or else you dont want to die right now right? ? you just slap Ms. Edwards's Girlfriend two times." the guard said.

"Are you alright baba?" i said to jade and i held her cheeks. 

"Yes baby" she said and hugged me.

"im sorry" i said

"For what?" she asked

"for not walking with you earlier, if i didnt let you walked alone you'll not getting a slap from that bitch." i said but she smiled

"its okay babe" she said and i smiled and kissed her cheeks.

"come on babe i think we just go home my mood get ruined by that girl" i said and she just giggled.

"auntie, we will go home now! thankyou, and just deliver to my apartment the food that i reserved." i said she just nod.

"sure honey. take care you two" she said and waved.  We walked to my car 

when she opened the door she smirked.

"Why its wet there babe?" she asked i just looked at the wet spot of my sit on the driver sit. Oh shit.

"i-i ah uhmm" i said nervously.

"its okay, i already know, come here drove the car now." she said and i just blushed that was so embarrassing.


what do you think perrie did in the car ??😂😂😂🙈

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