Chapter 15

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Jade's POV

Its been a month since the  incident happened. Currently Zayn, the guy who planned to rape perrie is already on the jail and he is being expelled on our school. He passed the drug test when the police man test him. He's taking revenge to perrie because Perrie said to me that zayn is looking on my ass thats why he intentionally step His foot but its not just the only reason His two bestfriend said that zayn actually planning to rape perrie. But Perrie is already moved on on that and now im here on her apartment watching movie.

"Babe! Are you alright" perrie asked as she noticed me staring blankly.

"Yes im alright" i smiled at her she smiled back.

I held her cheeks and leaning forward at her staring at her lips. She smirked.

"Just kissed me" she said. I moved closing the gap between us. I kissed her lips. her tounge wanted to enter my mouth but im such a teased i didnt grant her request. She cupped my breast causing me to moan. And now she finally get what she want we fight with our tounges with dominants but i suddenly pulled away causing her to frowned

"Why?" She said sadly

"Wait babe i need to breath anymore" i smiled kissing her lips once again. We kissed passionately

"That was hot!" She said. I smirked.

"Come on lets go eat before we head to the gym!" Perrie said and i nodded she always go to the gym every saturday to keep her sexy body but for me i think she dont need to go to the gym anymore.

"Sure!" i said happily.

I enter my apartment ang do what i need to do

(A/N their outfit)

20 minutes when she knocked the door

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20 minutes when she knocked the door.

"babe co- WOW you look so sexy" she said while staring on my body

"Eyes up here baby" i said to her she just laugh and held my hand

She drove the car.

- Skip Ride -

we head to the restaurant.

"Table for two please" perrie said to the guy, the guy just looked at me and winked

"This way Ms." He said, i feel perrie's grip on my hand got tighter, we sit down the guy still staring at me he is so weird. 

"Are you just gonna eye fucking her?" Perrie said with annoyance on her tone

"Oh sorry What is your order Ms beautiful?" the guy asked me smirking

"uhm" i said nervously as i saw perrie's face is so red and her eyes are on fire like he want to punch the face of him.

"excuse me im still here" She said to him

"what's your order?" he asked, Perrie pointed her order on the Menu but the guy is not paying attention to her.

"Excuse me Mister are you listening" She said angrily like she's going to explode anytime soon.

"Uhm can you please get now what s-she ordered?" i said stuttering and i lend him the menu the guy smirked at me and held my hand instead of the menu im giving to him. i gulped when i saw perrie's fist clench. i pulled away my hand immediately.

"I'll get your order if you give me your number" she said while smirking and flirting with me.

"I think you sh-should asked my g-girlfriend first i think she dont want me to gived it to some random guy" i said to him but he just raised his eyebrow and nod.

"where is your girlfriend? i will -" i cut him off

"she's my girlfriend" i pointed Perrie, his eyes widened 

"Are you just going to flirt with MY GIRLFRIEND or i will tell to my mother who's the owner of this restaurant that youre flirting with your customer and the one youre flirting is MY GIRLFRIEND?" Perrie said 

"yo-youre the d-daughter of Mrs. Ed-Edwards" he asked nervously 

"Honestly i am," perrie said annoyed.

"Im sorry Ms. Edwards i didnt know please dont fired me" the guy said nervously

"Fine, just go get our order" she said. the guy left and i saw perrie looking blankly to nowhere  like she's been thinking something. So i held her chin and kissed her lips. She smiled at me and held my hands.

"what's your problem babe?" i asked her she looked at me and i can see the nervous on her eyes.

"Jade.." she said 

"Spill it!!!"  i said to her

" I l-love y-you Jade!" she said nervously. my mind cant process. the butterflies on my stomach are exploding

"W-what did you say?" i asked her

"i said I LOVE YOU JADE THIRLWALL!!" she said, i smiled at her 

"I love you too!! Perrie" i said to her while smiling

" Come on now we should get going " she said and held my hand we walked outside going to the parking lot while our hands are intertwined.

How i loved this girl so much.


Tomorrow!! ill post a chapter just wait!!

thankyou for reading this love you!


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