Chapter 23

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Jade's POV

"Perrie Are you done??" i yelled but perrie didnt answered so i walked upstairs im about to open the door but i heard perrie moaning and shouting my name, i opened the door and there i saw my girlfriend laying on the bed her legs are widely stretch and her fingers is thrusting up and down on her folds. i looked at her shock

"Oh fuck jade uhhh" she moaned, i cant stop looking at her, fuck she look so hot. she stopped when she noticed someone staring on her complete shockness on her face when she saw me i can see her face turn so red. she pull out her finger and stand up.

"j-jade uhh s-sorr-" she said in embarrassment. i just stared at her and smirked

"You having fun alone babe why didnt you called me" i smirked i saw her blush

"uhh" she said i just walked closer to her and kissed her lips then i held her hand and sucked the fingers she thrust earlier on her fold i can taste her juices

"Do you want help baby?" i asked her seductively 

"F-Fuck m-me" she said and i just smirked i pushed her on the bed i kissed her and im starting to undo her shirt and i throw her bra somewhere i pulled away and looked at her.

"You look hot touching yourself and shouting my name earlier" i said and she just blushed 

"do something babe" she said and im now removing her pants. she removed her underwear

"Youre so horny babe" i said and giggled 

"ughh" she said

"Stretch your legs for me babe" i said and she just nod and do what i told i gasp when i saw how wet she is 

"Oh fuck! you so wet babe!" i said and i lean closer to her and i blow her core.

"HOLY SHIT STOP TEASING ME " She said and i laughed then i started to sucked her clit i can taste her juices she taste so sweet

"Uh jade youre so good at this keep going " she said and i pulled away then i enter my two fingers on her folds i started to thrust my finger slowly 

"Fuck faster" she said i began to thrust her faster and i add one finger

"oh shit ugh faster jade" she said, because im such a tease i remove my finger and pulled away i sit down on her chair. she looked at me shock

"What the fuck are you doing there? get back here" she said and i just laughed i stuck my tongue out and i stared at my naked girlfriend.

"Ughh babe please" she said begging 

"i want you babe to touch yourself" i said and she began to thrust her finger on her folds

"OH fuck ah jadee" she said. Fuck im loving this scene i can feel my wetness i walked closer to her and i removed her fingers and i sucked her fingers again then i lean to her core and started to suck it too. 

"yes babe ughh im cumming" she said and i thrust my tongue in and out her core.

"ughhhh jadee" she yelled when she hit her high, then i clean her and get up.

"Fuck babe you taste good" i said she just blushed

"Oh shit what time is it?" she said i looked at my phone and my eyes widened its already 11:00 am 

"its 11:00 come on we need to hurry!" she said she got up and dressed we head to her car and we arrived there 12:20 pm 

"we are late!" she said and i just smirk

"Oh babe its your fault!" i said and she just blushed we walked to her mother's house.

She hit the doorbell and the door opened

"Perrie thank God you're here!" i think its her mother, she looked at me and smiled

"Oh darling you're Jade?" i just smiled and nod i lend my hand but she hugged me instead

"Youre beautiul!" she said i just blushed

"Thankyou Deb" i said perrie held my hand 

"Oh come in! my friend is waiting there" she said we come in 

We walked to her kitchen and i saw a lady sitting on the chair her back facing us. The back is so familiar. My eyes widened when she turned around....


wait for the next chapter!! :)


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