Chapter 26

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Perrie's POV

i opened the door of her room. I looked at her i closed the door silently and i walked closer to her i comb her hair using my finger her eyes starting to open she looked at me and her eyes widened when she realized its me.

"What are you doing her?" she asked with husky voice. Thats hot!

"Im here to take care of you!" i said to her

"But you have school today babe!" she said while pouting 

"Youre more important than school!" i said, she smiled at me genuinely

"Aww babe come here!" She said and opened her arms i hugged her and she hugged me back, i gasp when i feel how hot she is. 

"Babe youre so hot!" i said she smirked

"Aw than-" i cut her off

"Yeah youre hot really but thats not what i mean" i said and i pulled away. I touched her forehead again.

"Come on lets go to the hospital!" i said

"No please! i dont want to go to the hospital !" she said

"But-" she cut  me off 

"Please let just cuddle! i will be fine" she said 

"Okay then come here" i said i opened my arms for her, she hugged me tightly. But i remember something i removed her hand on my waist.

"Why?" she said sadly while pouting i really wanted to kissed her but i dont know if she wanted too

"Im just getting something" i said she looked at me and hugged me tightly 

"Dont leave" she said i smiled

"I wont baby! I will just need to do something oh and i love when youre clingy" i said and giggled she pulled away and glared at me. i just kissed her forehead and begun to walked to her kitchen and cooked soup for her, then after cooking i bring the CD's with me.  I opened the door of her room and my eyes widened when i saw my girlfriend currently changing her tshirt.

"Ow sorry babe ill just go back la-" she cut me off.

"No it's fine come here sit down" oh god  i cant breath i followed her

"Babe can you please wear shorts? thats kinda turned me on" i said while pointing to her underwear. She just wear tshirt . She smirked at me

" I dont want" she said and stick her tongue out. I just giggled at her cuteness

"Babe eat this i cooked this for you" i said while smiling she just smiled at me.

"WOW babe this taste amazing" she said and i smiled widely 

"Okay come on finish that and we are going to watch movies!" i said

"Feed me pleaseee!!" she said childishly and i just giggled.

"Here's the airplane" i said while pulling closer the spoonful of soap on her mouth. But i jump when my phone suddenly vibrated on my pocket.

"Holy shit babe im so sorry " i said when i looked at her wet shirt because the soup just landed on her shirt thats why its wet.

"babe take it off its so hot!" she said and i just nod and do it. i removed her shirt i gasped when i saw her perfect chest.

"U-Uhm i-i t-think you should j-just d-dress by yourself" i stuttered

"You're so red baby hahah so cute" she giggle while stretch my cheeks. she just hugged me and take note she's just on her bra. is she teasing me?!

"B-Babe get dress its cold" i said to her i get up she get up too and hugged me behind.

"Like what you feel" she teased

"Oh F-fuck jadey"  i said and she just pulled away and laughed

"I hate you" i glared at her

"Oh no you dont" she said and smirked. i stared at her and she just completely wearing underwears.

"C-Can you please wear any clothes??" i said and she just smiled and decided to get clothes on her closets

"C-Can you please wear any clothes??" i said and she just smiled and decided to get clothes on her closets

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"Are you happy now" she faced me and i looked at her she's now wearing clothes thank God

"Yeah but i prefer you without clothes" i grinned and she just giggled

"Come on lets just watched movies" she said and we lay down on bed, but before i played the movie she asked me a question.

"Perrie can you see your future with me?" she said, i can really imagine her being by my side on the future.

"Hey" she said sadly and i looked at her and i just remember i didnt answered her question earlier.

"Ow sorry babe, im just you know thinking what will be my future without you by my side, and you know what i see?" i said.

"What" she asked

"Close your eyes babe"  i said she looked at me confused but she still do it.

"What do you see?" i asked

"It's just dark and i can see nothing" she said 

"Exactly babe thats what i see and thats my world without you by my side" i said while smiling. I can see the tears starting to form on her beautiful eyes. She just hugged me tightly

"I love you perrie" she said and she pulled away i looked at her and wiped the tears

"I love you too Jadey" i said and i just smiled and hugged her again.


Update :)

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To the one i dedicated Thankyou so much for reading and for voting every chapters :) xx

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