Chapter 25

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Perrie's POV

"Perrie faster we need to go now!" Louis shouted and i hurriedly opened my door and run to them.

"Perrie Breath!" Jesy said, i just glared at them

"Come on." i said and we walked to louis car,

"So we are 6 and only 4 who could fit on my car" Louis said and his thinking how we can all fit on his car.

"Why we just not use our own cars?" i suggested and their eyes all widened

"Wow perrie youre a genius how could i not think of that since the first day." Louis said and i just hit his arm

"HAHAH wth louis" i said and we all just laugh. So we go to Louis Harry Liam and Niall's House yes, they are all just living in one house. They enter their house so they can get their keys. Liam entered his Purple ferrari car, Niall entered his Green Ferrari car, Harry entered his Orange Ferrari car. As you noticed the color of their cars are their favorite colors.

"Wait why didnt you all say that you're using your ferrari cars" he said and get out of his car and he open the door of his red ferrari car.

"You guys stay there while me and perrie will go to her mom's house to get his blue ferrari car so we are all even" He said and they all nodded. We arrived to my moms house.

"Mom!! ill use my car!" i shouted

"Here's the key honey take care" my mom said and kissed my cheek

"Bye mom"

"Bye perrie bye louis!" She said and waved.

i enter my car and we drove to the boys house.

"So are you all ready?" liam said and we all just entered our car. 

Jesy is on my car because her car's engine is not working.

Jesy is on my car because her car's engine is not working

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When we arrived on school all eyes of students are all on us and their mouth opened. We park our cars and get out.

We all walked again we entered our room! im so excited to see my girlfriend when i sit down, Jade's still not on the room and the bell rung but jade's still not here. where is she?

someone opened the door.

"Hello goodmorning everyone" He greeted and we greeted him back

"As you can see Ms. Thirlwall is not here, she's not feeling well, So im here to replaced her for today" he said while smiling. Wait my girlfriend is not okay right now! i should take care of her. 

"Ah sir my head is aching" I said and held my forehead 

"Ms. are you alright do you want to go to clinic?" he said and i just nodded.

"Who want to come with her?" He asked the student. All the student raised their hand. wtf

"Uhm i think you should just choose who do you want to come with you" He said while looking  at me. I stand up and held Jesy's hand.

"Come on my head is aching so bad" i said dramatically. we walked out to our classroom.

"Wth is that drama all about" Jesy asked.

"My girlfriend is sick i need to go home!!" i said

"Okay chill! come on lets go to the clinic." she said and we just walked.

"Ms. goodmorning my friend is not feeling well." Jesy said to the nurse

"May i see her?" The nurse said and i walked to the bed and sit down.

"AW my head is aching" i said

"You should just take your friend home she need to rest" the nurse said and jesy nodded.

"I will just give the permit to your teacher." She said

we walked outside and i enter my car's passenger sit.

"Hey jesy im lazy to drive so please" i said 

"Okay" she said and enter the driver seat

she droved the car.

"Can we please stop to a market please i will just buy jade something" i said and nodded. the car stopped and we entered the market.

I brought sweets, ingredients of what i am going to cook later and movies.

"We are ready to go!" i said and we walked

She droved the car and we arrived at our apartment.

"Hey perrie i will just go to my apartment if you need my help just call me okay?" she said and i nodded. i walked to the elevator and enter my apartment first i took a shower because its so hot i changed my clothes 

 i walked to the elevator and enter my apartment first i took a shower because its so hot i changed my clothes 

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i get the spare key of Jade's apartment i have spare key incase of emergency. 

I opened it and entered her apartment its so dark and silent like no one is here. i put down the  things earlier on her kitchen i walked to her room and opened it....



Hi! IAmAMixer_ i dedicated this to you ! thanks for the votes i appreciate it alot :)

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