Chapter 19

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Jade's POV 

Perrie totally scared me earlier but im happy that she's actually fine now we're here outside of our car walking to our apartment.

"Jade did leigh know that we're dating" She said

"Not yet, but we will tell her later" i answered her i smiled and she just held my hand and intertwined it.

"There you guys! i've been waiting for you two here outside" she said

"aww poor leigh" i said and hugged her

"wait what's the meaning of that?" leigh asked while pointing our hands of perrie

"WE ARE DATING" we said together

"OMG! im so happy for you twooo!!" she said 

"come on lets get inside" jade said, we get inside and sat on jade's couch

"so perrie where are you from?" leigh asked

"i just lived besides jade's apartment" i said while pointing the wall

"REALLY?" she asked

"yes haha" i said while giggling

"so how'd you guys met?" she asked again

"oh its called destiny" perrie said and i just laughed

"Perrie texted me and i still dont know her that time, then i've been transfer to perrie's school to teach there but i dont know that perrie's studying there until we meet and i tell her that im the jade she's teaching." i said while smiling

"Wow you guys are meant to be" Leigh said we just laughed

"so leigh how's your life?" perrie asked

"im still me" she said while grinning

"come on lets watch moviesss?" i asked them they just all nodded.

"Wait can i invite jesy over?" perrie asked

"that would be perfect!!" leigh said.

"come on lets take a selfie and send it to her" i said perrie gived me her phone

we positioned our self and clicked i gived perrie's phone back 

"send" perrie said

Perrie's POV

PerrieEdwards: Bitch come here on Jade's apartment

PerrieEdwards: Bitch come here on Jade's apartment

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"send" i said 

JesyNelson : IM COMING!

JesyNelson : where's jade's apartment?

PerrieEdwards : beside my apartment!

JesyNelson : What? How?

PerrieEdwards : its called destiny

JesyNelson : tf edwards its not you

PerrieEdwards : hurry up!

JesyNelson : okay okay im here 

"knock knock!" someone yelled

"it must be jesy" i said and get up

"Bitch why youre so fast?" i said

"can i please come in first" she said i nod and let her come in 

"Hi Ms. Thirlwall" jesy said to jade

"Jesy just call me jade" jade said while smiling

"okay Jade! Hi leigh!!" she said and waved at leigh she sat down beside leigh anne

"so how'd you got here fast?" i asked her

"did you just forgot that my apartment is just on the next floor?" jesy asked surprisingly

"Oh! yes sorry i forget" i said 

"WOW i think i need to move in this apartment, you three are all here" leigh said, and we all laughed

 we just talking with our lives but my phone interrupted us. i looked at the ID caller

"its my mom!" i said they just nod and i answered my phone

"Hey mom!" i said


"why'd you call mom" i asked

"i heard  you have a girlfriend" i coughed wtf how'd she know

"are you alright perrie?" she asked

"yes mom who told you" i asked

"so its true?? yas im so happy for you baby girl" my mom said 

"Niall said" wth niall 

"ohhh that niall" i said

"pez what do you want to eat?" jade yelled

"oh is that your girlfriend? seems like she's a lovely girl can i speak to her?"

"sure mom wait" i  said

"babe my mom wants to talk to youuu!" i yelled

Jade's POV 

 "babe my mom wants to talk to youuu!"   perrie said

"you mom wants to talk to me?" i said but she just give me her phone 

"Hel-"  i said 



HAHAH dont worry ill post the next chapter

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