Chapter 38

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Jade's POV

Its been a week since the accident happened. Louis said that zayn did that on purpose. Im still mad at him on what he have done to perrie. What happened to perrie? She's still here on the hospital bed still in coma. What if she didnt wake up im going to be alone.

"Jade you need to eat now!!" Jesy said

"i dont want, and im not hungry" i said and they sigh

"Jade you last eat food before the accident and you are not hungry are you freakin kidding me??" Jesy said

"I dont want to eat" i said but they didnt gived up

"Please we dont want you to got sick perrie dont want that to happen. Atleast eat for perrie" they said and i slowly nod getting the spoon.

"So what about school?" Louis asked, i want to take care perrie and i want to teach student also but perrie is more important so i decided to stop my teaching for now.

"I think ill speak to the principal i take a break being a teacher" i said their eyes widened

"What??? I thought you love teaching???" Liam asked

"I love teaching but i love perrie more than anything and i can let go anything for her" i said nearly crying and the door suddenly opened and i saw the mother of my girlfriend

"Aw jade, you really love my daughter" deb said i just nod

"I love her so much " i said

- 2 weeks later -

Im still waiting beside her holding her hands interlocking it. My mind snapped from my trance. I still have a meeting with the principal

I let go the hand of perrie and stand up but before i leave the room i kissed perrie on her forehead. I wanted to kiss perrie on her lips but i dont want because i will be sad that she will not kissed back.

"Perrie i will just talk to the principal" i whispered

"I hope you woke up soon i miss you so much" i said while rubbing her hand. I gasped when i saw a tear fall down from her eyes.

"Babe are you there?? Can you hear me??" I said while shaking her but i soon stopped when i didnt get any signs i wiped the tear and kissed her cheek. I walked to the door and i saw caitlin and jonnie

"Jadey where are you going?" Caitlin asked

"School, i will talk to the principal" i said

"Are you sure about your decision?" Jonnie asked

"If its for perrie i will do it " i said to them and they just hugged me as i hugged them back.

I arrived at the school 20 minutes since the hospital is not really that far on the school

I knocked the door

"Good afternoon sir" i said and he nod

"What can i do for you Ms. thirlwall?" He asked and i just smiled at him

"I just want to tell you that i will take a break from teaching" i said to him

"Why?" He asked i dont know if i will tell him the real reason but i decided to tell it

"Because -" but he stopped me

"Dont worry thirlwall i already know it and i can see it in your eyes." He said and continue

"I know that its illegal to have a relationship among student and teacher but love is always there and you can stop where to fall in love. You really love her that you would sacrifice your job for her?" He asked and i just nod.

"Im sorry sir that i let you down" i said

"Dont be sorry its fine" he said

"Can i go now?" I asked.

"You may go now, i hope perrie get well soon" he said and i nod

"I hope so." I said and waved at him i walked back to the hospital and sigh when i saw perrie still on the bed while her eyes close like she's sleeping like a princess.

"i hope you woke up soon babe we are still not good right?? I wanted to say sorry for our last argue so please woke up??"

-31 days since the accident-

"What if she didnt woke up before this day ends??" I said and they all look so sad i looked at perrie she still look the same nothing change she still the one i love.. i love her so much and i dont know what to do if i will never talk to her again.

" Perrie i miss your voice so much your sweet voice that always comfort me when im sad, youre amazing voice that always amazed me when you sing, your husky voice every morning when i woke up besides you. Your sad voice when you didnt eat a food." I said and tear fall when i remember all the memories we shared together since the first day we meet.

"I miss your blue eyes while you looked at me with full of love, concerns and even lust" i said and chuckle to myself

"I miss your warm body when we hugged."

"I miss your lips against mine"

"I miss your childish attitude, and when youre jealous even though you are not telling me. I miss your sexy side. I miss how you cuddle with me."

I said between sob as i remember the first day jesy opened the door on my class and i saw her at the back of jesy, i remember what i felt when i first laid my eyes on her blue orbs. I remember the day when we first talk at her restaurant when we are still a child. I remember the day her face is so priceless when she know that im the jade she's texting on her phone.

"I miss all about you perrie, " i said

"Atleast give me a sign that you missed me and love me too" i said while holding her cold hands my heart shuttered and my eyes widened at the sound i heard and when i looked at the monitor seeing the straight line of her heart beat i gasp

"Perrie babe !!! Please dont do this to me" i said while crying

"Please dont leave me alone" i said through sobs


awww jadeeee :(((

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