Chapter 24

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Perrie's POV

i looked at jade her eyes widened when my Mom's friend turn around and looked at us.

"Mom?" she said. WHAT? its her mom? but why

"Yes love" her mom laugh, jade hugged her.

"Wait? you two are friends?" i asked my mom 

"Yes darling!" she said i just smiled

"Oh wow you've grown up perrie" she said i looked at her confuse

"Uhm what do you mean?" i said

"Oh honey you didnt remember me!" she said 

"remember what?" i said again she just laughed

"okay ill tell you" she said and i sit down we listened. when she's done telling the story i gasp and looked at Jade.

"No way!" we both said.

"Yes way!" my mom and her mom said.

"OMG i cant believed it" jade said and i just laughed


Im here on our restaurant even though im only 6 im helping my mom, and all the customers adored me because im so young to be a 'waiter'

"darling can you please take the order of that table?" my mom asked pointing the table i just nod. i love taking the orders of our customer. i walked to the table

"Hello! Ms. can i asked what you want to order?" i said to the lady she just smiled

"Awee youre so cute to be a waiter come here sit with us"  she said so i just sit. i saw a girl beside her and she looked so lovely.

"Hi" the girl said i smiled at her

"Hello what's your name?" i asked her.

"Im jeed! (jade) " she said i smiled

"i love your name" i said she just smiled

"what yah name?" she asked 

"my name's Perrie" i said we shake our hands

"Perrie! im sorry Ms. if my daughter interrupting you" my mom said suddenly popped out.

"no its okay, she's so cute!" jade's mom said

"sorry mom! bye miss!, bye jeed(jade)." i said.

"Mom can i come with perrie? i want to be a waiter too " jade said and her mom just nod.

"Come on perrie!" jade said and we walked we take the orders of our customers. i saw my mom talking to jade's mom. i think they are now friends too. me and jade talked to each other .

"Honey! your dad called me we need to go home now" her mom said. jade looked at me sadly

"bye perrie! see you soon" jade said i smiled sadly

"bye jade" i said and i waved she lean forward and hugged me.

she walked away with her mother beside her. i hope i see her soon.

*End of Flashback*

"i still cant believed it!" i said and laughed

"me too" she said and laughed too

"Oh babe puberty hit you so good" i said and smiled

"HAHHA you too baby" she said and she smiled

"enough of that corny stuff lets eat!" my mom said 

we eat and talked about some things.

"Oh mom how you guys still know each other but me and jade are not." i asked. she just smiled

"First Norma give me her number and we contact each other and we became friends we hung out sometimes an-" i cut her off

"Bu-" she cut me off

"Im not yet done!" she said and i raised my two hands they all laughed. i just held jade's hand 

"So i was saying we hung out sometimes. Norma and I really wanted you two to met again i've tried to invite you to go with me but you just rejected. And im Surprised when i heard that you and Jade are already together! wow you two really are meant together" my mom said i just smiled and looked at jade she's smiling too.

"Wow!" i said

"So perrie when will you asked my daughter to marry her?" Norma said and i just blushed

"Mom!" jade said 

"I really want you two" she said and i just smiled.

we finished eating and we decided to go home.

"Bye mom!" i said and hugged my mom jade hugged my mom too

"Bye Perrie bye baby" Norma said she hugged me and jade.

i droved the car and we walked, we decided to stay on my apartment.

i opened my door.

"Wth are you two doing here?" i said when i saw leigh and jesy sleeping on the couch. they woke up. i feel the presence of jade besides me

"Excuse me? do you remember that we are on jade's apartment last night we cant sleep because we hearing moans of jade then jesy have spare key of your apartment so we decided to sleep on your apartment" Leigh said and i feel embarrassed i can feel my cheeks are burning.

"you two horndogs." jesy said 

"Sorry okay" i said they just laugh

"its okay we understand." Leigh said i can feel im blushing again.

"So where are you two going?" jesy said

"We just go to my mom's house" i said and they just smirked.

"so what happened?" leigh said.

"when we arrived there we didnt expect that my mom and jades mom are friends and...." i tell her about what jade's mom told me earlier.

"WOW!! so you two already met when youre little?" jesy said

"yes!" jade said

"omg thats so cutee!" leigh anne said

we just talked about things and they decided to go home. jade decided to sleep beside me

"goodnight pez!" jade said

"Goodnight baby" i said and i kissed her forehead

we sleep together


i'll try to update tomorrow!!

bye thankyou guys for reading this... i will so much appreciate it if you VOTE


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