Chapter 39

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Hello Jerrie_is_life thankyou for reading my story!! i really appreciate how you comment every chapter and thankyou for the votes ily!!! I DEDICATED THIS CHAPTER FOR YOU! :)

Jade's POV

"omygoodness louis call the nurse" liam shouted

"My baby" deb said and she cried while walking to us

im still here standing and cant even move on what i noticed

"perrie" i whispered and cry

the doctor with 3 nurses came on the door 

"i suggest you just wait outside" the doctor said and im being pulled by jesy,when the door closed i sat down on the floor and cry, 

"jade dont cry. please be strong for her" my mom said

"Mom what if sh-" she cut me off

"She will be okay " deb said and i just sat there and my hand on my face

-after 20 minutes-

"Perrie Edwards family?"the doctor asked

"How is she doc?" deb asked the doctor looked to the floor

"im sorry to say that she didnt make it. we tried our best to save her but, im sorry mrs edwards"  the doctor said my world has stopped, she's dead?? no i cant live without her no, no this cant be

"what? where is she??" i asked while yelling 

"im sorry ms" the doctor said to me 


"this is not true!!"

"jade" deb said

"Jade!!"  louis shake me

"JADE WAKE UP!!!" my mom said and i woke up  while catching my breath what happened?

"what happened?" i asked 

" i dont know i think youre having a bad dream" they said

"Where's perrie?" i asked

"She's on the room thank God she's already stable" Deb said while smiling i feel relieved

i walked to perrie's room and looked at her i held her hand and interlock with mine

"Perrie please dont scared me again, i cant live without you" i said and sob and i stopped when i felt her hand moved

"Perrie?" her eyes opened and i felt happiness

"Perrie!!" i said and hugged her but instead i feel her hugged back she slowly pushed me away

"who are you?" she asked me. she forgot me?

"what do you mean?" i asked nearly crying

"i feel blessed because i woke up and then hugged by a beautiful girl today but i didnt know you. so it would be so awesome if you say your name?" she said while smiling. even though im sad i cant help but smiled back i miss her smile so much

"She's Jade Thirlwall. Your girlfriend" Deb said

"What?! my girlfriend??" she asked, i felt my feet starting to walk away from her from the girl i love. i need to breath, why did she forgot me? i closed the door and walked to the comfort room

atleast i should be happy because she's alive and i should just accept that she forgot me and never loved me again the way she loved me before. i will just help her to remember things and i will never give up. i said to my self i walked back again and knocked on the door 

"uhm hi" i said and perrie looked at me while smiling

"Jade come here, where did you go earlier?" she asked and i just smiled

"C-Comfort room? why'd you ask?" i asked she just smile

"Nothing" she said and giggled

"Oh jade?" she asked

"Yes?" i asked

"Are you really my girlfriend?" she asked i looked at her

"i dont know if you consider me as your girlfriend so youre the one who can answer that question" i said sadly and she looked at me

"im sorry jade if im hurting you right now but can i please asked a favor." she asked me

"Can we please stop this relationship?" she asked and i gasped i looked at her i can feel that my tears are starting to form 

"w-what do you mean?" i asked

"I dont kno-"i cut her off

"Okay save it,you not love me anymore? Perrie i love you so much and im ready to fight for you even though that i know this will hurt me so much but why did you want to let go me?"

"Im sorry jade i just dont feel being your girlfriend anymore and i want to-" she said but i stopped her

"If that's what you want? okay ill gived it you. if it makes you happy then lets break up" i said while crying

"Jad-" i stopped her again

"No stop i understand it" i said and i started to walk and i closed the door.

"Jade why are you crying?" jesy asked but i ignored her and i walked away and entered my car 

"why perrie?" i asked through sobs, she broke my heart so much 


The last chapter would be up in a minuteeee 💞💞

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