Chapter 22

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Perrie's POV 

I woke up because of the annoying alarm clock i am about to hug jade besides me but she is nowhere to be seen. Where is she? I get off my bed and i held my phone and opened it i texted mom.

PerrieEdwards : Mom, Jade and I will be there in your home. We will eat lunch there!

Then i wait for her reply

Mom : sure honey im excited to meet her, i will invite my friend too

PerrieEdwards : Who's your friend mom?

Mom : its for me to know and for you to find out 

PerrieEdwards : okay! you speak like jade :)

Mom : Oh really? 

Mom : oh i need to go! ill call you later

PerrieEdwards: sure mom bye :)

I walked to her kitchen and to my surprise i saw her busy making breakfast so i walked behind her quitely then i put my hands on her waist causing her to jump because of the fright. She moved her face to the side causing our lips to meet unexpectedly.

"oops" i said and giggle i smirked and she blushed remembering what happened last night 

"why are you blushing?" i asked while smiling she just blushed even more and i giggled

"Oh what are you doing?" i asked looking at her

"Cooking breakfast for you" she said while smiling

"Aww! you don't need t-" she cut me off

"I want to" she said making me smile and giggle

I pulled away and sat on the chair

"I want to tell you som-" i groaned when my phone interrupted me, i opened it and i saw my mom calling so i answered it 

Jade's POV

"Hey!" i heard perrie said

"What?" she said while smiling causing me to feel curious  while im cooking

"Around 12:00 pm" she said

"wait for me alright?" she said again, i just continue cooking her breakfast

"Okay see you ! i love you too" she said i stopped, my jaw and my fist clench! Who the heck is she talking to? Im now putting the breakfast i cooked for her on a plate.

i walked and put the plate on a table

"here's your breakfast" i said seriously she stared at me confusedly so i looked away

Perrie's POV

"Hey!" i said through the phone

"Perrie i want to ask you something!" my mom said i just smiled

"What?" i said while smiling

"what time will you two arrived here?" she asked

"Around 12:00 pm " i said

"Okay btw im eating ice cream you want some?" waahhh i love ice cream

"Wait for me alright?"

"okay gotta go i love you!" she said and i smiled

"Okay see you ! i love you too" i said then the call ended. I think Jade is already done cooking the breakfast

she put the plate on the table "Here's your breakfast" she said seriously, something wrong with her why she's so cold, Did i do something wrong? she turned around without looking at me so i called her

"Babe!" i said she stopped and turned to face me

"What?" she said coldly what the fuck. i didnt see her side of this before i know something wrong is happening

"W-What i-is -" wtf why i cant talk properly. she just looked at me and i can see that she's angry

"WHAT?" she yelled, i looked at her shock omfg wtf i done wrong, why is she mad. i dont know what to do so i just stared at her completely still shock on my face. I bow my head down cause i dont want to see the angry expression on her eyes. What if she break up with me? What if she hate me now. I dont know why she's like that. All my thoughts are flooding me that i didnt noticed that im already sobbing.

Jade's POV

"WHAT?" oh fuck i didnt want to yell at her she looked at me shock and i saw her head bow down. i shouldn't yell at her like that. My heart broke when i heard her little sobbed, i made her cry i didnt mean to. i walked beside her and hugged her. I dont want to see her cry

"Why are you mad at me? Did i do something wrong?" she said between sobbed, yeah its my fault.

"do you hate me now?, are you going to break up with me?" she said while crying, she didnt hugged me back and hearing her like that make my heart broke into pieces

"shhh perrie" i said while rubbing her back. when she calmed down she now hugged me back.

"im sorry jade if i did something wrong" she said still sobbing.

"Shh. I think i should be the one who say sorry. im acting so childishly." i said and i pulled away i wiped her tears and kissed her lips.

"Im sorry perrie, im just jealous" i said while looking down.

"To whom" she said and she held my hand

" to the one you talking to the phone earlier you said i love y-" she cut me off by kissing my lips she pulled away and a smirk form into her lips.

"You dont need to be jealous! its just my mom" she said i looked at her shock! WTF i feel so embarrassed so i blushed

"Wh-" i said she just giggled

"aww youre so cute jade" she said i frowned

"Sorry pez i make you cry and i even yelled at you" i said looking into her eyes she looked at me back

"Its okay Jade i understand" she said while smiling she kissed me again and i smiled

"I love you perrie" i said

"i love you more jadeeyy" she said to me. she looked at the breakfast i made for her and now she's eating.

"Jade this taste amazing" she said and i smiled

"Aw thankyou" i said while smiling and i saw her smirk again

"what?" i asked

"but you still taste amazing than this" she said and i just blushed she just giggled

"Oh jade we're going on my Mom's House at around 12:00 pm" she said i looked at the clock and its already 9:30am 

"oh we should get ready." i said and smiled


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