Chapter 29

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Perrie's POV

Its already valentines day! I need to get ready for this day!! Im so excited to see my girlfriend its just 12:35 pm and im here just sitting on the couch doing nothing, Jade is with leigh on the mall, why im not with jade? The thing is i cant walk properly! Stop that dirty mind its not what you think my feet are aching because i just you know i tripped when im walking on the stairs then i fell thank God that my feet are the only problem!

"Perrie come on we still need to practice!!!" Louis shouted while knocking hardly on the door! I almost forgot it. I literally need to practice today for the program later. Me and the boys decided that i will have a solo, then they will perform as a group then we will perform together.

"What time is the program?" I asked

"Its 6:00 pm" liam said

"Wow okay." I said, i didnt expect that time.

"Come on!!" Louis said he held my hand and pulled me

"Ouch" i said while i fall to the floor damn my feet hurt

"Wth happened to you?" He said

"Why you cant walk??" Harry asked

"I think she do some naughty naughty wit-" niall said but before he finished his sentence i instantly cut him off.

"Stop your dirty mind niall!!" I said and glared at him

"I tripped " i said and liam just laugh

"Youre so clumsy" he said

"Okay enough with that lets go " louis said and he helped me to get up. I cant drive my car because of my damn feet.

We just arrived at school, its so quite here still no students its just us. The only thing we can hear is the people working and preparing for the program.

"Here's your mic perrie" louis said and lend me the mic.

"Thanks lou" i said

"Mic test!" i said through the mic. We just practiced one for me and one for them then our performance together..

During practiced we didnt even noticed the time. I left my phone in louis car.

'What time is it?" I asked

"4:37pm" harry said

"Thanks i think i need to get ready." I said and started to walk but slowly because of my feet.

Jade's POV

Im here knocking in perrie's apartment but no one is answering and i even contacted and texted her but still no answer im here since 4:00pm but she's not here... im starting to feel worried.. wtf happened to her?. She didnt come with me earlier when im going to the mall. I asked her why but she just kissed me but no lies i loved it when she do that but right now im worried sick..

I still waited outside her apartment then i remembered that i have a spare key... so i opened her apartment and sit on her couch then i decided to just wait on my apartment and get ready for the date later so i opened the door and to my surprise...

Perrie's POV

Im now here walking going to my apartment. I held my key but the door is already open wth . What if some other people are there to steal my things?? So i put my two hands on the door and i walk closer and lean my ears so i can hear the inside but the door suddenly opened and my hands accidently landed to someones boobs and she moaned. Oh damn i looked at the girl and there i saw my girlfriend with her arms akimbo and she's glaring at me.

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