Chapter 13

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 Jade's POV

 I wonder why perrie go to the starbucks and its now dark my eyes widened when i remember she dont have car! How will she go home. 

I open the door quickly and rushed out i didnt notice the girl so i bump into her i fell on the ground i still dont know who is she. She got up and lend her hand for me to stand up 

 "sorry ab- YOU LIVE HERE?!" she asked surprisingly my eyes widened when she forget that she have coffee on her hand so the coffee splash on my face especially on my chest i saw her bit her lip. i held her hand and stand up. 

 "Why are you here?" I asked her im stuttering because its so cold!

 "I live her " she pointed the door next to mine. My lips form an 'o' shape

 " close your mouth babe your catching flies " she said seductively. Where is that confidence came from ? 

 "Uhm.." i said WTH

 "Come on you need to change youre freezing!" She said to me . I nod and walked to my door perrie is still outside.

 "Come in pez" i said she nod and come in

 " Wow i didnt even realize that your apartment is just beside mine " she laughed

 "Wait there pez" i said and enter my room im now stripping my clothes and i wear short im about to wear my t shirt when pez knock the door.

 "Jade" she said"Come in pez" i said. She opened the door 

 "Jade ca-WTH I UHM SORRY I - WILL JUST GO BACK LATER " she said her face is so red and he turned around her head bow down she look so embarrassed and i find it cute. I smirked and walked to her i want to teased her I hugged her from the back and i can hear her breath hitch.

 "Can yo-u wear you tshirt n-now" she said i just laughed and pulled away. I suddenly missed the heat of her body. I wear my tshirt.

 "Okay you can look now" i said to her she turned around and i heard her heavy sigh.

 "Uhm can i go home now" i frowned

 "Aw you dont want to hang out with me? " i said to her

 "No i just want to change my clothes" she said and i nod.   she walked and get out but i heard her come back.

"Why are you not following me?" she said. i smiled and follow her. we walked to her door and enter her apartment i gasped.

"WOW your apartment is so clean!" i said she just giggled. How i love that giggle tho.

"Wait ill change my clothes first" she said and walked to her room. i just looked around her apartment while waiting her to get out on her room.

"BOO!" she scared me i held my chest and sigh

"You literally give me a heart attack!" i said while turning around i saw her on the kitchen drinking water i gasped at the scene. She's so freakin hot on what she's wearing right now wtf. I think i've been staring at her for like 5 damn good minutes.

 I think i've been staring at her for like 5 damn good minutes

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"Like what you see?" she said and smirked at me i just nodded and look at the other way

"you look hot" i whisper 

"look what??" she asked and saw her smirked my eyes widened.

"nothing come on! lets watch some movie" i said she nod and sit besides me.

"Btw! until when you moved here?" she asked me

"when i texted you that i've been transfer on the other school here on shout shields!" i explained

"WOW i didnt even realized!" She said and looked at me. I can see her blue eyes clearly. My heart beating fast right now damn.

"Jade i want to tell you something uhm please promise me you wont leave me before you heard what i want to say" she said nervously 

"I promise pez what is it?" i held her hand

" i liked someone can you give me advice on how i can say my feelings for her" she said. She liked someone? and that someone is not me are you stupid thirlwall she just known you for like 3 weeks. My conscience said.

"uhm tell her what you really feel about her, held her hand and dont let her go" i said as i hold back my tears i stand up and about to  leave her but she just stop me by holding my hand.

"please stay im still not done asking you" she said i frowned.

"Please"she said and she hugged me. i just sit down and listened to her.

 "i know this sounds stupid but i want to tell you that i been liking a girl she's so nice, sweet, kind and even hot, even though we just met three times and texted her for exactly 3 weeks i could actually tell that i really like her" she said, while looking directly into my eyes

"and that girl is you jade" she said, what?

"You what?" i asked her, clearing what she said.

"I like you jade, can you please be my girlfriend?" she said. her words still not processing on my mind. I realized that i been looking at her for the whole time

"sorry jade i shouldn't  ask you like that i know you didnt like m-." she said and she didnt able to finish her words cause i kissed her.

"who tells you that i didnt like you ?" i asked and smirked she look at me with wide eyes.

"so?" she said 

"so? " i copied her

"Youre now my girlfriend?' she asked me.

"Yes pez. Im yours, and your mine" i said to her she just smiled and hugged me i hugged her back.

"I will never forget this day" she said. i just giggled and hugged her again

i love this girl so much! 


Thank you for reading this story !! sorry for the wrong grammar and spelling!!

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