Chapter 27

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Jade's POV

I woke up on my bed. My heart beat, beat faster when i saw someone's arms are on my waist i quitely looked at my back and feel relieved when i saw my girlfriend i smiled and quietly removed her arms on my waist, i need to go earlier school so i can do what i missed yesterday, Yes im actually fine now. I walked to my room again and stared at my girlfriend who's still sleeping peacefully at my bed. Im really happy that she prioritized me first before her studies. I stared at her one last time and kissed her on the cheek then i leaved my apartment.

Its 7:30 am when i arrived school
"Goodmorning Ms. Thirlwall" some student said .

"Goodmorning" i smiled

When im walking to the corridor my phone vibrated. I opened it and i saw my girlfriend texted me.

MyPerrie💞 : where are you baby ? Why do you left me?

Me : Im on school now i should arrived here early.

MyPerrie💞 : are you now okay?

Me : Yes baby where are you?

MyPerrie💞 : We are now on our way.

Me : okay take care!

MyPerrie💞 : i will! I love you😍

Me : i love you too babe xx 😍💞

I smiled when i read the message she's so sweet. I opened my room and there are just few students inside. They just greet me.

"May i call all the teacher. Please come here on my office" the principal Mr. Mendes said.

"Class i will just go to Mr. Mendes's office" i said and they all just nodded.

Perrie's POV

We all arrived on school using our own cars again. Yeah all of us including jesy's black car. I get off my car slowly. All eyes are on me and when i stare at them they're like drooling wtf

 All eyes are on me and when i stare at them they're like drooling wtf

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"Omygoodness" the guy said

"Fuck" someone said

" i want to fuck her so hard " the guy with pierced on his ear. Wtf i think he's on drug

"She's so freakin hot " the girl said

"Oh damn her abs tho." The girl said. I just shyly hide my stomach.

Why are they staring at me? I walked to my corridor.

"Oh fuck" someone said and i smirked hearing those voice. i looked to the girl who owned that voice. I saw her biting her lips and that someone is my one and only girlfriend.

"My eyes are up here Ms Thirlwall."  I said jokingly she just glared at me

"Where have you been btw?" I asked

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