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-2 years later-

Perrie's POV

after that incident me and my mom decided that i will just attend on home school until i finished my school instead of going on my old school. So why not just hired a private teacher. And having a private teacher motivates me especially when my Fiancee is my private teacher, how did she motivate me? for example


"Goodmorning loveee!!!" jade yelled at me while throwing a pillow on my face

"ughhh" i just said

"Come on get up your lazy ass on the bed!!" she said but this time she's shaking me

"It's still early in the morning" i groaned

"Its already 11:34 am you need to get up or else i'll push you!" she said

"i dont wanttttt" i said and i feel relieved when i feel that she left me but im wrong

"Ouch" i said i looked at my bed to see my fiancee looking at me

"That's what you get" she said while laughing proudly at herself. Why? she just pushed me and i fell on the floor.

"Gosh i hate you so much" i said while getting up

"Nah you dont" she said and she sticked her tongue out

"Get up!!! ill still teach you a lesson" she said and my eyes widened

"As in now" i said and she nod

"Are you that really horny?" i said and she giggled

"Not that!! youre so dirty! i mean you need to study!" she said and i blushed

"O-Okay sure wait me ill just take a shower." i said and did what i said but i forget the towel outside of my bathroom

"Jadey!!! can you please get the towel!!" i shouted but no response

"JADE!! GET THE TOWEL" i shouted but still no response i think she left the room so i just decided to go outside and get the towel by myself.

"Oh look like someone's seducing me with her sexy body." jade said while raising her eyebrows up and down and she's smirking

"What?! close your eyes! you pervert. you didnt get my towel" i said but she didnt close her eyes instead she laughed at me.

"I didnt hear tho" she said and she pointed the earphones on her ears. i just sigh and put clothes on my body

"Come on lets start." she said and i nod

"What's the subject?" i asked

"English" she said


"so all you need to do is listen and if you answered all my questions correctly you can do whatever you want if we're finished." she said and bit her lip

"Wow thats good okay lets start" i said while clapping my hand she just giggled. she discussed about the life of Shakespeare and even discussed the movie, taming of the shrew

"so why do you think taming of the shrew is the title?" she asked and i answered it

"uhm i think because its about how petruchio tamed kath? and the movie is about taming the girl and its like the girl is the shrew?" i said and she just raised her eyebrow

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