Chapter 40 (Final)

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Perrie's POV

Its been an hour since jade and i broke up and im here finding her outside and im still here wearing the freakin hospital gown i remember that im just on my underwear hope its not visible. I really dont want to broke up with her honestly i just want to ask her to be my wife but i failed she wont finished my sentence. Oh yeah i forgot to tell you. The truth is that i really didnt forgot her!


I can feel my hand interlocked with someone i squeezed it.

"Perrie?" That voice, i miss that voice so much i opened my eyes and its still blurry but i soon saw my beautiful girlfriend.

"Perrie!" Jade said and hugged me. Then something plan come to my mind i smirked and then began to push her slowly and i can see the shockness on her eyes i want to laugh but i decided to stick with my plan

"Who are you?" I asked her

"What do you mean?" She asked awe looked at her face i want to kiss her so bad

"I feel blessed because i woke up and saw a beautiful girl like you and hugging me but i didnt know you so its really awesome if you say your name?" I said to her, her face look so adorable

"She's Jade Thirlwall. Your girlfriend" my mom suddenly said and i noticed jade walk out the room

"Mom!! You broke my plan" i said to her and she giggled

"I thought you really forgot her" she said

"I will never  forget her like that" I said

"Oka- wait omyghad perrie youre awake omg i miss you so much" my mom said wth

"Wth mom?? You just realized it? Youre getting old now" i said and laughed

"I hate you, ill just get you a food i know youre hungry " she said and get out

Someone knocked the door

"Umm hi" jade said i looked at her

"Jade come here where did you go earlier?" I asked her and smiled

"C-Comfort room, why'd you ask?" She asked oh shoot i forgot. She still know that i forgot her so ill stick with my plan

"Nothing" i said okay lets begin i hope this is successful

"Oh jade?" I asked

"Yes?" She asked

"Are you really my girlfriend?" I asked

" i dont know if you consider me as your girlfriend so youre the one who can answer that question" she said. Im not expecting that answer of her. And when i looked at her i felt guilty

"Im sorry jade if im hurting you right now but can i please asked a favor?" I asked

"Can we please stop this relationship?" I said, hold on there i mean is that i want to stop our relationship as girlfriend i want it to upgrade.

"w-what do you mean?" She asked.. okay this is it ,no turning back

"I dont kno-" she cut me off

"Okay save it, you not love me anymore? Perrie i love you so much and im ready to fight for you even though that i know this will hurt me so much but why did you want to let go me" she said wth i didnt mean that

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