Chapter 28

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Perrie's POV

Im now here on school i dont know why im already here its just 7:00 am

"Wow Ms Headache youre so early!" The guard said.. i just laughed he is so funny.

"Uhm sir may i asked your name?" I asked im really so curious about his name.

"Im james, James McVey!" He said and lend his hand and i just accepted it and shake.

"How about you?" He asked

"Perrie Edwards" i said and smiled he just smiled.

"Oh nice to meet you!" He said cheerfully.

"Nice to meet you too! I need to go now bye" i said and he just waved.

Wow that guy is really funny. I walked to my locker then i opened it and to my surprise i saw a note.

I stared blankly at the letter who the heck is this? Im so nervous what if he kidnapped or killed me

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I stared blankly at the letter who the heck is this? Im so nervous what if he kidnapped or killed me. Oh god i cant leave jade like that.

I jump when someone put hands on my waist from behind causing my heartbeat fast and my vision got blurry until it went all black.

Jade's POV

I saw perrie walking to her locker. Why she's so early! I looked at her and seems like she's reading something i walked closer to her silently and i put my hands on her waist. She jump and she's shaking i think i scared her. Then shockness all over my face when i feel her weight became heavier. Why did she fainted!? Did i really scared her so much wtf. Thank God im holding her.

"Pez" i said while tapping her cheeks

Oh damn no choice. I just carried her like a bridal style and sent her to the clinic. I put her on the bed.

"Uhm Ms. It's already 8:00 am i think you need to go back on your room or else you'll be late." The nurse said to me. I nodded and looked at perrie she seems like sleeping peacefully.

"Okay ill be back here later" i said and she just nodded.

I just walked to my room and entered it after the bell rang causing all the student rushing to get inside.

" so do you all already have a partner? " i said.

"Yes!" They all said.

Someone raising hand

"Yes?" I asked

"How about you Ms. Who's your date." He asked. I just smiled shyly. I need to play this cool.

"I actually still dont have a date" i said this is just a lie

" so i decided to make a name of you guys on the paper and i put it there on the box so i can pick a student randomly. " i said and i got the box

"Okay im now going to pick here" i said i picked one paper on the box.

"My date is .... Perrie Edwards" i said and raised the paper to let them see that im telling the truth.

"Wow!! Thats perfect" my student said

"Two hot girls dating equals amazing" i just giggled wth.

"So enough about this. Lets discuss about the new topic..." i said and i just discussed

"Okay you may now take your lunch" i said and leaved the room. I walked to the clinic and entered it. I walked to Perrie's bed she's still sleeping.

"Perrie" i said silently. I saw the tears coming out from her closed eyes.

"Leave me alone!!" She shouted while her head is moving. Shaked her body.. wth is happening to her

"Baby wake up" i said and she shot her eyes open. I looked at her and i can see that she's scared of something. she suddenly hugged me.

"Jade! Dont leave me" she said. I just rubbed her back

"I wont, its just a bad dream" i said and she just nod.

"Btw why do you faint earlier?" I asked

"You scared me I thought someone would kidnapped me" she said nervously. I feel sorry about that

"Im sorry baba" i said and looked at her.

" why do you say that someone will kidnapped you? "I said she just hand me a paper

"I saw this on my locker." She said

I just read it and eyes widened

"Dont mind it baby! Im always here dont worry" i said and hugged her again.

"Come on now" she said and we stand up we walked to my room and she sit down in front of my desk.

"What is that ?" she asked while looking at the box.

"Oh i picked a paper there with a names. And whoever i picked it will be my date" i said and she frowned

"What? How about me?" She said

"You are the one i picked earlier!" I said and she just smiled

"How?" She said and looked at the paper she started to open all the names and she gasped

"You're so desperate to date me huh?" She Said while smirking.

"I really just want you to be my date not with someone else" i said honestly.

"Wow so all of the names here on the papers is just me?" She said while giggling

"Yes, thats why you're the one i picked earlier. And nothing else because in all of that 40 papers the names are just your name." I said and she just giggled.

"Wow youre genius jade!" Louis said at the door and the guys clapped their hands including jesy's we all just laughed.


Hi!! what do you want guys to happen on Valentines day? feel free to suggest here 


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