Chapter One

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Seven years ago..

"Tiff, look." Christine pointed me a man on his jersey number twenty one. His a basketball player from the other school. I think a six footer and his really good looking.

"I am looking at him now and then?" At fourteen, i'm not really interested with boys. I'm concern with my school because i want to show my parents that the tuition fee that they are paying is all worth it.

"His looking here!" Lana squealed beside me. I glanced at them and they are all in wide smile.

Christine, Lana, Dwart and Ross was here beside me. Sitting on the bench as we were watching the basketball game. We are forced to watch this sports fest thing because our P. E. teacher said that it's for our project grade. It's a yearly sports fest of different schools and our school was one of these schools.

"R-E-D! Go red! Go red!" Everyone from our school cheered. Our school basketball team was against the green team. The score is now 48-50.

"Ohh. I think we'll lost the game, ten seconds? Gosh!" Dwart shouted so we can hear him. We all just nodded at him and turn back to the ball game.

"We won! We won!" Lana cheered as the player on number three jersey shoots for three points and that lead us to win the game. All of our schoolmates remained cheering and clapping towards the red team.

"Game is over. Let's go home now." I happily said to them.

"No!!!!" They all shouted at me. I laughed with their response.

We remained sitting and watching the crap announcement of the winners. Awards, medals and trophies were now given. Program went on and on, and now we are all waiting at the parking space for Ross' car. We didn't brought our own cars cause it's more fun if we only ride in one car. Bondings!

"Hi." Someone talked behind us. We all looked at the direction where the voice is coming.

"Oh my gosh! I think i'm gonna die now." Lana jumped and put her hands on her chest. I looked towards to the one who said hi; it's the one who wore the number twenty one green jersey at the basketball game a while ago.

"Hey. So, what's up with the hi?" Dwart laughed. Dwart was my gay friend and has a boyfriend from the basketball team of our school.

"Just wanna make some friends... Hayden." He offered us his hand as we all shook hands with him.

"I'm Christine, this is Lana, Dwart and this beautiful lady here, Tiffany." Christine pointed to each one of us while introducing us.

The gazed from his eyes met mine. Those brown eyes that can captivate you. Those luscious lips that looks so kissable. Well his really good looking, but.. No! School is my priority.

"So.. What year are you guys?" Hayden asked. We are still standing and waiting for Ross' car. Many people were here at the stadium so kinda hard for her to pulled out the car from the driveway.

"Third year. Juniors." Dwart smiled. This Hayden guy was from the other school but he seemed to be friendly.

"Great. I'm on the same year as yours. So.. Do you have trip after this? We can go to my place. We can have some food trips there." Hayden offered. Dwart shook his head.

"Sorry. I have an appointment tonight with my boyfie." Dwart giggled.

"Me too. I'm sorry. Next time we can join you Hayden." Christine smiled. Christine was taken since our freshmen year. She and her boyfriend was on their third year of being a couple.

"Well, you know that my boyfriend was the captain ball of our team." Lana laughed and gave him a winked. Lana was with Dan, the captain ball of our team. They are together for a year. They are all taken while i stayed single.

"Here's Ross." I change the topic and turn my attention towards Ross' car. Everyone jumped inside the car and i'm the last one to get inside.

"Hayden. It was nice meeting you." I smiled. I was about to get inside the car but Dwart closed the door and of course Ross started the engine. I knocked on the window and attempted to open the door. I can hear their laughters inside the car as Ross started to drive.

"See you tomorrow Tifany. Loveyou!" Dwart shouted as he poked his head out of the car's window as the car moved. I gave him my middle finger and laughed. I remained standing as i laughed. I remebered that Hayden is still here.

"Did you see my friends? They are mean, right?" I laughed. He nodded and stood beside me.

"Do you have plans for today? Let's have some coffee." He offered. I want to refuse but you know how his eyes looked at me while he said that, captivating.

"I don't have plans but i don't think so. I need to do some projects." I lied.

"Please. Just one hour and just a coffee. Nothing else." He smiled and I nodded. We walked along the parking lot and made our way to his car, i think. He opened the car door on the passenger side and closed it as i settled on the leather seat. He quickly jumped inside the car and started to drive.

"Tiffany, right?" I nodded

"How old are you?" He asked and still focus on driving

"Fourteen. You?" I smiled. I get my phone from my bag and noticed that Mom texted me.

"Same. You're living at?" He asked again. Is this a game show? God! I put my phone back to my bag as i was done texting my Mom.

"Joseph Village." I looked over the window and saw that we are now approaching the coffee shop.

"Really? I know that village. We're at John Village." He smiled towards me.

He parked on the parking space in front of the coffee shop. Isn't it weird? His on his school shirt and i am on my school shirt. Gonna be awkward cause everyone knows that our schools just had a game a while ago.

I jumped out of his car and didn't wait for him to open it. I waited for him in front of his car. He walked beside me going inside the coffee shop. I ordered for a Cappucino Lattè while he ordered the same. We talked about few things. About my weird and mean friends, my family and school. The waiter handed us the coffee and i thanked him for that.

"Do you have a boyfriend?" He asked and that made me choke. Do i have a boyfriend?

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