Chapter Five

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"Happy birthday Tiffany!" Mom hugged me as i rubbed my eyes. I was still lying on the bed as she greeted me. It's my day today, i should celebrate it in a very nice way.

"Thank you Mom." I returned the hug to her. Mom has been like this to me everytime. Every morning she's greeting me.

It's been five months since the accident happened. Christmas, new year and my graduation had pass. It felt good knowing that i'll be in college next month. New chapter of my life.

"Get up now and freshen up. Okay?" Mom kissed my forehead and gave me a hug again. She stepped out of my room as i remained lying and looking at the ceiling. I wasn't on my mood now.

I reached for my phone at the bedside. My friends texted me their greetings, saying that they'll see me later. We will be having a dinnner here at our house. Only my friends and family will be here. A small dinner and get together is what i want.

"Hello?" I answered my phone as i noticed that it was ringing

"Happy Birthday Tiff." The person that i don't want to talk now is what i heard over the phone.

"Hayden?" I got up from my lying position and looked at the screen of my phone. Unknown number

"Yes it's me. How are you?" I want to cry. Hearing him was the last thing that i expected. We broke up because i can't stand on a long distance relationship. It's been two months since he flew going to Australia. He'll be taking up his college there because his Mom wanted that.

It's really hard for me to accept that. The day that he told me that thing, it hurts like hell. I felt like a shit. We're really fine in our relationship that time, but when he told me that, everything changed. I was the one that decided. Decided that we should have a break up. He cried his everything to me that day. I told him that, if after that four years and he'll be home, i'll accept him, if i'm still single. I'll be having my life here and he'll be making his life there. It's hard to let go the one you love, but if it's for their happiness, you need to let go even if it's hurt. That was the hardest decision for me. It never came into my mind that i'll be having another boyfriend rather than Hayden. Until now the love that i am feeling for him, it's still the same. Nothing change.

"I'm good. How was Australia?" I wiped the tear that was forming in my eyes. Somehow i miss him. Well i miss him.

"Good.. Tiff, i'm dating someone now." He slowly said. We promised to each other that we should be updating each other's life. About school, life and love life.

"Ohh." I mumbled. It hurts. I was still in love with him but hearing him, i think he moved on already.

"She's Via. She's been good to me. She's my blockmate..." He continued to talk but everything that he was saying was just passing by like air. I heard it but that's it. I don't understand what his saying. All i can hear is his still talking about this girl.

"Hayden. Thank you for greeting me. Anything else that you will say?" I cut him off. I don't want to hear anything about that girl. It was just months and he quickly replaced me.

"Are you mad?" Tears fell down from my eyes. Hearing your ex proclaiming his love for his new one, seemed to be the hardest thing.

"No. Thank you again for calling. I hope you'll be happy there and stay in love with her." I slowly answered. I let my voice stayed calm. I was crying hard now but i don't like him to noticed it.

"Tiff. I know you. Your crying." He laughed. I stayed stiff, sitting above my bed. I was the one who broke up with him, i should not cry. I'll accept it.

"No. I have colds. I don't like the sunny weather here." I lied. I wiped my tears with the back of my hand. Tears was not stopping. It keeps on falling and falling.

"Find someone that can make you happy Tiff. I'm not there to do that. Remember our promise to each other." Does he know that i rejected three boys that wanted to court me? I'm so in love with him.

"Yes. I know. Just don't mind me." I sighed and laid back on my bed again.

"After this don't call me anymore. Just be happy and goodluck with your life there." I hung up the phone, didn't wait for his response. What a start for my day. Find someone that can make me happy? His the one who can make me happy.

I know i need to move on. I need to forget him that's what we promised to each other. I will forget him soon. I want him back but i can't go there and stay with him. I'll be studying here and find my happiness here. We promised to each other that if we fall in love with someone, just get in love. But if we bump into each other one day and we still see the spark between us, we're meant to be.

I climbed out of the bed then made my way to the bathroom. Usual clothes for today. Nothing will be special.

I spent my day at my room. The dinner came and my friends came here. They gave me gifts. I told them what Hayden told me. They pushed me that i should find a new lover now. No time for those. I will focus on my study and my priority will be my family.

When they left our house, i stayed on my room. I glanced around my room and planned for decorating my room tomorrow. The color of the walls, sheets, furnitures, i will change it. I will start my new life now. Without him. Without love from him.

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