Chapter Twenty-One

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"Lisa, is this all the files that i need?" I was sitting on my chair, in front of my working desk. We're on over time today, because of the tons of works that we have.

"Yes mam." She handed me different folders and get back to her work again. All of my staffs already left, it's only me and Lisa that needs to settle this. I glanced at the wall clock and it's now near to seven.

Management will be here tomorrow for the monthly audit so we need to finish this. Only few papers was need to be settled. I can do this.

"Mam you want me to get you a dinner?" Lisa said without leaving her sight at her laptop. Ohh gosh! I haven't take any food today. I took breakfast, but i vomit everything. My morning sickness was reigning over me. I always feel dizzy and craving for something. Our management already knew about my pregnancy, and when i'm on my seventh month, i'll be on my maternity leave. That will be for three months leave. Two months before giving birth to my first child and a month after giving birth.

"Is it okay?" She nodded. Thank god Lisa was here with me. Best secretary in the world.

"I'm good with coffee and cupcakes. Thank you Lisa." I smiled. She get up from her seat then dialled on the office phone. She was now talking to the crew, i guess. I reached for my phone that i placed beside the picture frame of me and Hayden. Ohh, messages from Hayden. I forgot to text him that i have my over time today. I decided to call him and for sure, his mad.

"Tiffany! Where are you?" He shouted. See, his mad. I place my phone a little far from my ear. His voice was too loud.

"Still at the office. I forgot to text you, i have my overtime." I softly and slowly murmured. His been that caring over me, actually he don't want me to work anymore. I just insisted that i still want to work.

"You should have call me babe. I'm worried about you." This time his voice was low. I keep on finishing the files that needs to be settled. Lisa was back on her place and back to her work again.

"I'm sorry. I'll be home after this. Did you already have your dinner?" I murmured. Why am i murmuring? It's just Lisa that was here. I forgot that nobody's here. Gosh! One hand on the phone then the other on the laptop. I always do this thing.

"Not yet. I'll be there." Then he hung up. I put down my phone back on it's place. Wait. What did he said? He'll be here? Crap.

I get back to my paperworks. Lisa left her work, then get out of the office. She came back with paper bags of coffees and pastries.

"Mam, here." She handed me a coffee and cupcakes. I thanked her and before she get back to her seat, there's a knock on the door. Lisa quickly walked towards the door. I guess it's Hayden. I placed my food on my desk, food that was called dinner.

"Mam, Mr. Roberts is here." Lisa smiled then get back to her work again. I get up from my chair, to meet my boyfriend, that was only wearing his plain shirt and jeans, too casual.

"Babe, sorry." I welcomed him by a hug. He was brushing my hair then rubbing my back.

"It's okay. Did you both have your dinner?.. Lisa?" He released himself from the hug, wrapping his arm on my waist.

"Yes sir." Lisa waved her coffee then smiled, of course she continued with her work. I remove his hold from me then walked towards my seat, realizing that i still have things to do.

Hayden sat down in front of me. His just checking the papers above my desk. I'm tired and for sure Lisa too. We just need to finish this after this, nothing more, next month again.

"Finally." Lisa get up from her seat, stretching and yawning. I looked at her and she's now collecting her things. Hayden was looking at me, asking through my eyes, if i was done and i gave him a nod, saying that i'm done too.

"Mam Tiff, i'm going now." Lisa grabbed her bag and smiled at me. I reached for my bag as Hayden collected some of my things from the desk.

"You'll go with us. Let's have some decent dinner." I offered but Lisa shook her head.

"My husband was outside Mam. We'll be having some date thing." She giggled. That was too sweet. I remember, Lisa was married and has a little girl.

"Sorry about this over time Lisa. Regards with your husband." I get up from my seat, pulling her for a hug. She released from the hug and stepped out of the office, waving at us. Lisa was like a sister to me, she's a year younger than me. She's been a dear friend and a loyal one to me, as her boss.

"Let's go babe." I pulled his hand then stepped out of the office. I locked the door firmly and securely. On the front door we have a guard that will lock the office. I didn't bring my car today. Good thing that Hayden brought his car.

"I want to go home Hayden. I'm so sleepy." I said as i get inside his car. I'm exhausted. I rubbed my tummy that was now starting to grow. Having this ten weeks baby in your tummy, felt so good.

"You need to eat first, i'm sure you didn't take your vitamins." He buckled his seatbelt then started to pull out from the driveway. Yes, i didn't take my vitamins for today because of the works at the office.

"But i'm tired babe." He shook his head, pulling my hand to his thigh.

"Okay, fine. I want shrimp pasta." I softly said. He smiled at me then continue to drive, i guess driving to the nearest restaurant. I was craving for shimp and really want it now.

"How was our baby Tiffany? Is she giving you a hard time?" I love how he said 'our baby', sounds like the best thing to be heard at. Hayden really wants a baby girl, saying that he will spoil her to death. It's okay to me whether if it's a boy or a girl, as long as Hayden was with me.

"Not so, but when you left the bed babe, i felt so alone." I made a sad face but he just laughed so loud. It's true, i felt so alone, when we left his usual spot on his bed or our bed. I was throwing up the whole morning before i go to work. You know the feeling of vomitting your everything but there's nothing? That's it.

"How sweet you are babe." He continue to laughed, parking in front of the restaurant. I unbuckle my seatbelt then waited for him outside the car.

We stepped inside the restaurant and settled on the seat near the window. He quickly ordered the food and now we are waiting for the food to be serve.

"Mom wants us to be at the house tomorrow, can you?" He asked beside me. His arm was wrapped around my waist, resting his hand on my tummy. An act that i will never get tired of.

Cindy was better now. Her health was really our priority. She's cooperating with every medication that she needs. The fact that she'll be a grand mother soon, helped us also to get her focus about her medication.

"We only have eight in the morning to twelve noon office hours tomorrow, so i can!" I excitedly said, clasping my hands together, seeing the mouth watering pasta that was being serve now.

"Don't bring your car, alright?" I nodded and started to eat like a monster. It feels heaven! The shrimp pasta taste well! I finish my food without a wink, i love it.

We stepped out of the restaurant after eating. I didn't notice that it's almost nine in the evening, to think that we both have early work for tomorrow. We reached our place about fifteen minutes. We quickly go to his unit as we reached our floor. It's really hard for us, we'll go to his unit then mine then his then so on and so forth. We already have some house viewing inside the village where my family is living. We've seen five houses and one house caught our attention. But for now, we're still settling everything about our units and works.

"Can i kiss you?" Hayden sat beside me. I was this dead tired and didn't bother to move here on the couch.

"Why are you asking?" I moved closed to his place, putting my hand on his thigh. For me, he can do whatever he wants to do to me. His my boyfriend and really the love of my life.

"Nothing. I just want to kiss my girlfriend." He hold both side of my face, running his thumb on my cheeks. I leaned forward to kiss him. I wrapped my arms around his neck as he lifted me up from my seat. He put me on his lap, pulling me closer to him. I pulled out from the kiss, resting my lips on his lips.

"I love you." I murmured, still my lips was resting on his. His lips was so soft and i'm enjoying this position.

"I love you too. Now, kiss for our baby." He placed his hands on my back as he leaned down to kiss my tummy. His really sweet, nothing else matter now, but him and our child.

Having this first child, was like reaching a milestone for me. I wasn't expecting this but who doesn't want to have a child? At first, of course i don't like the fact about carrying a child, but as time goes by, and as Hayden was helping me with everything, i accepted it. Accepted it with all of my heart and soul that i'm carrying our first child that was the fruit of our love.

"Enough with the kiss soon to be Daddy. Soon to be Mommy is sleepy now." I giggled then remove myself on top of his. We walked towards his bedroom. I go directly to his closet where my other clothes was. On my unit, some of his closet was there. On his unit, some of my clothes was here. It's hard to be like this, that's why i'm rushing those agents about selling my unit.

Shower, putting those sleepwears then applying those beauty products, that's my usual routine every night. I launched myself on the bed, tucking myself under the grey sheets.

"Babe, you still not going to sleep?" I lean on my elbow, seeing him still on his desk, fixing something. He get up from his seat, walking towards the bed, with a paper on his hand. What's that? He handed me the paper that his holding. I unfolded the white paper and read the words slowly.

"Ohh babe, why didn't you tell me about this?" The paper said that he bought the lot beside my parent's house.

"A surprise i think? You'll help me about the house okay?" He stated then started to discuss things about it. Him, as an engineer, he will be the one in charge in building the house and i on the other hand, will be on the interior. We're really starting our family now.

"Night babe. Thank you again." I leaned on my elbow, reaching his face, placing a deep kiss on his soft lips.

"I'll do everything just for you and our child. I love you." He murmured as our lips was still together.

Life has been this wonderful because of his words and kisses. I'm still the high school girl that was sickly in love with this man. Everyone knows that we're back together. His group of friends and officemates, they know me as Hayden's wife. His always proclaiming that i'm his wife and that's a good thought for me.

"I love you too. Now.. You sleep now soon to be Daddy." I peck a kiss on his lips, wrapping my arm on his body.

Best things in life was happening now. Love from this man, support from our families, our child that was soon will be reigning our lives. I can't count the blessings that God was giving me. Life was great.

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