Chapter Fourteen

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Dwart will be home today and we are all excited about this. It's been four years that we didn't see him. My friends will be here in my unit for the welcome lunch thing for Dwart. Too excited for this.

This morning i already cleaned my place. All of the things that reminded me of Michael, i put it all in the trash. We're over and we're both starting our lives seperately.

I cleaned up the mess that we had last night. Coffee cups, those paper wrappers and even chocolate wrappers was all around the place. Hayden helped me clean those mess. He knew that my friends will be here today. I want him to be here when they arrive but my Dad called him for a golf. Really, my family was getting my time with him.

I was now preparing some pasta and roast chicken. We are all assigned to have something for this lunch. Lana will bring desserts, Christine for the drinks and Ross for pizza. It's like the old times and i miss it.

I prepared everything on the dining. I set the table and clean up my mess on the sink. After those, i showered and put on my blue jumpsuit. I put some light make up and didn't bother to set my hair. I just want my hair down. I heard my doorbell being pressed and that made me stop doing my rituals. I run towards my door and open it.

"Tiffany!" My three friends shouted. Christine, Lana and Ross was already here. They give me a big hug and one by one kiss me.

"Ohh. I miss you all." I pulled them inside my unit. They all placed the foods that they bring on the dining table.

"So how was life my dear?" Christine pointed to me as they all sit on the couch. They all look so pretty even they have their babies now.

"Better." I softly laughed. I know they know that Hayden is back. This is what i miss about them, the question and answer portion.

"How was Michael?" Lana asked. Before i can answer her, the loud beeping of the oven started. I walked towards the oven and slowly turn it off. The veggies are cooked now. I put it on the plate and placed it on the table.

"Girls, kindly open it." I shouted from the kitchen as i heard my doorbell again. I wiped away the stains on the oven and of course i'll be washing the dishes after.

"Your lover is here!" Lana shouted. They were all laughing, upon hearing it from the kichen. I looked over my shoulder and saw that Hayden was here. I glanced up on the wall clock and it's now fifteen minutes before twelve. His already done with his golf thing with Dad. I walked towards the doorway and looked at them as they put Hayden on the couch.

"Hayden how are you?" Ross asked. They are all sitting on the couch, starting the interrogation.

"Good. I didn't have time to meet you guys, but don't worry the stuffs that i have for you is still there at my unit." Hayden smirked and that made my friends squealed on their seats. I remained leaning on the doorway's wall, staring at them.

"That's good. I'll expect that later." Ross laughed. Why are they so close? Hayden do the teasing with them and Michael didn't have the chance for that thing.

"Anyway Hayden why are you here? If i'm not mistaken, it's Tiffany's unit." Christine wiggled her brows to Hayden.

"I just forgot my phone here." Hayden stated. His phone? He forgot it on my room. My gosh!

"Here?" Lana loudly said. Hayden nodded and stood up from the couch. He excuse himself and made his way towards my room.

"What was that?" Lana pointed towards my room. I know what she means, why is Hayden here, that's what she's asking. I shrugged and follow Hayden on my room.

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