Chapter Fifteen

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I woke up by the loud alarm coming from my bedside. I reached for it without opening my eyes and turn it off. I wasn't so please with this. I want to rest because i feel so tired and just lay down on my bed. But when it alarmed again, i groaned loud and said that, 'i hate monday!'.

Monday was really the most hurtful day in my life. Tons of work and unfinish paper works was on my working table. It wasn't easy handling bank accounts and loans. Being a manager of that bank wasn't so easy at all.

"Morning babe." I felt a kissed on my forehead. I was still lying on the bed, not even caring even if it's monday.

"Morning too." I grabbed his arm as he was about to get up. I pulled him to me and wrapped my arms around his neck.

"We have work today Tiff. It's already past six." Past six? My work starts at eight, i still have time for him.

"It's not even time babe. Just ten minutes." I pulled him for a kiss but he shook his head. Gosh! Why is he doing this to me?

"I have work at seven my love. If i stay here, i'll be late." He looked at me with apologetic eyes. Monday was really irritating. I unwrapped my arms on his and pushed him lightly. I climbed out of the bed and go straight to my bathroom. Just ten minutes and he can't give me that. Does he know that for six years i'm sickly looking for his, longing for his touch and craving for his kiss.

I heard him shout that he'll be going to his unit to get dressed. I stayed on the shower, giving myself a real, nice shower. I wrapped on my towel and tucked it on my chest as i was done. I popped my head out on the door to see if his in my room, his not there. I quickly remove my towel and wrapped it on my hair. It was me, i love walking on my room, naked. I put some lotion and moisturizers on my body.

I keep singing along the song of Taylor Swift. It was really part of daily routine, singing while preparing for work. I put on my undies and clothes on. A mid thigh blue skirt and a plain grey blouse for today. Benefits of a manager, you can wear what you want and not with the working uniform and have a break when you want it.

I lifted my head seeing my door opened. A business attire with that green tie, looking too hot.

"You already leaving?" I asked while putting some make up on my face, sitting on the stool.

"Yes. Pick you up at lunch. I'm running late." He walked towards me then stand behind me. His too good, just looking at him on the mirror.

"Take care." I turn around and reach for his face. His perfume was so strong and it's really wafting up my nose.

"I love you. Call you soon." He peck a kiss on my lips and started to walk. He stopped walking as he made it to my door and turn around to me.

"By the way, you look beautiful." He smiled then stepped out of my room. That can make my day a better one. We're just acting like together, but we're really not.

As soon as i'm done, i grabbed all my things and left my unit. It's already past seven and i need to be in the bank by eight. I quickly drive my car and go directly to my working place.

"Morning Mam." The security guard greeted and i returned a smile to him. I quickly stepped inside my office and think of the things that i'll be doing. I sat down on my chair first as i look at my staffs doing their work now, because customers are already here.

I started with the paper works on my right. I need to sign the papers and documents and really need to read those first. I stopped on my track as i heard a soft knock on my door.

"Mam, a delivery for you." Lisa, my secretary was holding a paper bag which i think is compose of coffee and pastries. As i remember, i didn't eat breakfast.

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