Chapter Eighteen

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"I swear babe, i'm too full." I pushed the plate away from me. We're now at some diner along the road going to the beach. Today is saturday, so.. It's weekend get away with my friends.

"You need to eat, when we reach the beach, for sure you'll be busy with your tanning." He push the plate back to me and gave me those puppy eyes. Why oh, why my love? I sighed in defeat and finish my food. His ruining my diet. I prepared a lot for this weekend. You know, i'll be wearing a bikini and i'm ready to be the center of attraction there. It's just a thought, gah!

"I'm done." I wiped my mouth with the clean tissue paper then gulp the remaining iced tea. I reached for him across me, wiping those mess around his lips. Just looking at him, my knees are getting weak. His on his white plain shirt and that knee length short. That abs, that chest, ohh.. how lucky i am to have him again.

"You just have your breakfast babe. Don't look at me like that." He teased. I'm just looking on what's mine and will be mine, forever.

"Well, i won't look at you now but promise me, your not going to look at me later." I laughed. It's only seven in the morning and we managed to get up by five. My friends are already there at the beach, waiting for us.

"I can't promise my love." He grinned. He called the server and handed his card. I got up from the couch and made my way to the car. I reached for my phone and saw missed calls and text messages from my dear friends.

We're on our way. Just wait. Love you all. -- Tiffxx

He started to drive. It's only a little far from the diner that we ate at. I turn off the aircondition and decided to open the windows. Ohh, fresh air! This is life. Relaxing, feeling so free and with my love. I want Hayden to feel that he is really loved, that someone is supporting him with his problems now.

Hayden's mom, Cindy, was really suffering on her cancer. We always visit her and i hired someone to look after her while we're at the beach. I want to cancel this trip but Cindy stopped me. She told me that Hayden and i should enjoy our weekend together. She even said to me that i need to push Hayden to be happy and somehow forget her, just this weekend. I told her that Hayden will be happy but not to forget her. Cindy was important to Hayden. We are doing all our best to keep her alive, not us actually, but the doctors. My mom was always there at Cindy's house, helping her to forget her cancer. I don't know with Cindy, but she keeps on telling us, that she's going to die. Seeing Hayden with me again, makes her feel better as per her. I was always crying whenever she's talking to me. I want to be strong for her and Hayden, but the fact that she's telling me that she's going to die soon, my heart was skipping a beat. How will Hayden accept that? How can i help him with that?

"Babe." He softly said, squeezing my thigh lightly and bringing me back to track.

"Ohh." I snapped

"We're here." He smiled. I looked around and noticed that we're really here at the beach. The car was now parked in front of a cottage, which i think is the cottage where my friends are.

I jumped out of the car, pulling out our bags from the back seat, but he quickly pulled it away from me. I packed our things last night. I just put our things on one luggage, knowing that we will just stay here until tomorrow.

We started to walk down the path. Ohh, cottage 3? Hmm. There! I knocked on the door and Hayden stayed behind me. I can hear my friends loud laughing and chatting.

"Tiffany's here with Hayden!" Lana shouted as she opened the door. She gave me a hug and same to Hayden. The rest of my friends greet us with wonderful hugs and kisses.

"Aunt Tiff!" Lana's little boy, Lance, called me. All of their babies called me aunt, because we're like sisters, you know.

"Hi Lance, how are you?" I placed a small kiss on his forehead. Moving on the living room, Christine's twins was on their strollers, Shelley and Cole, i placed them a kiss also. And lastly, Ross' son, Robi, giving him a kiss also. Too many kids, i'm getting old.

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