Chapter Eight

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I didn't open my door on it's first doorbell. When it was pressed again, i decided to open it.

"Yes? Anything you need?" I sweetly said as i opened the door. He stopped walking. He slowly turn around then smiled at me. Wait, his not here. Please! I was shocked but smiled later on. It's Hayden. His still the same. Those brown eyes that once captivated me. That nose that i used to pinch everytime. That lips that once captured me. And that body, i miss him.

"Hi." He shrugged. I walked towards him. I touched every part of him. Starting from his hair, his face, his chest down to his hand. It's not a dream. His really here.

"When did you go home?" I stood in front of him and gazed into his eyes.

"This morning. How are you?" His tensed upon observing him. He can't even touch me.

"I'm good. You?.. You have your family now?" I looked at him searching for the answer. His fingers were clear, no ring. His not married or even engaged. Maybe he has a girlfriend. Why am i interested?

"No. I've been sickly in love with someone, that's why i never bother to look for a girl there." He softly laughed. His still single. We're still standing in the hallway, talking and not caring about the world. His on his t-shirt, knee length short and his slippers. He looked like his just staying around the corner, so home get up.

"Ohh. You want to come in?" He nodded. I let him enter in my unit. I don't know but when i met his gaze towards me, i was striked. He sat on the couch, still holding those paper bags in his hands. I caught him looking at me but shifted on something later on.

"This is for you Tiff." He smiled and handed me the paper bags. I thanked him then sat across him. His eyes was roaming around my place.

"That's your boyfriend?" He pointed to the picture frame on the top of the TV rack.

"Yea. His Michael." I smiled. He nodded and just gave me the smile that i once had. A smile that i really want to see and now was showing to me.

"How long have you been together?" He looked back on the picture and remained staring at that.

"One year." I replied quickly. He nodded again. Silence filled the room. I don't know what topic should i bring up. Awkward.

"You? How was the one that your telling me before?" I broke the silence. He shifted his look to me from the picture frame.

"Nothing. I dated girls but nothing. I'm still looking for the right one to be my first on everything." His back hit the couch and closed his eyes. He sighed and stood up.

"I'm going now. Your boyfriend might get angry if he see me here." He smiled weakly then walked towards my door.

"His not staying here. Where are you staying?" I walked quickly and reached for him. I hold his arm, not wanting to let it go.

"Unit next to you. I don't know that your staying here, don't think that i was spying you or what." He smirked. His the one on the unit next to me? My god. His the one that was talked about on the lobby. The hunky one and a bachelor, as per them.

"Ohh. Really." I smiled. I pulled him to sit back on the couch again. I want some talk with him.

"Tiffany, i don't like to disturb you. I know your tired and all." I shook my head. I was about to talk but my phone ring and i quickly answered it.


"You going to sleep now?" Michael softly said

"Yes. I'll be sleeping now." I answered. I looked over the couch, Hayden's looking at me. I mouthed him to wait.

"Night. Love you."

"Love you too. See you tomorrow." I hung up the line. Hayden sighed and shifted his sight on something.

"Sorry about that. What's that again?" I sat across him, looking towards his brown eyes.

"I'll leave now. You need rest. I don't want your boyfriend to get mad at me." He laughed but i can see it on his eyes, his fighting the tears that needs to fall. Hurt?

"And i need to fix my things. You know i'll be the one to fix those mess." He sarcastically laughed. I just smiled at him.

"I can help you. Come on." I pulled him up from the couch. He looked at me but nodded soon. We stepped out of my unit and locked my door. He reached for his keys on his pocket and quickly open his door.

Newly painted walls, well known furnitures and appliances and those luggages across his living room is what faced us as we entered his place. All of his furnitures was placed on the places so it's just his luggages that we need to settle. I glanced over the wall above his TV set and saw a big picture frame. It's us, a photo when we have our first date. I gasped and sat on his couch as i remained looking at the picture. The photo look old and full of memories.

"Hayden, why is that photo hanging on your wall?" I pointed to the picture as he was moving his luggages near us.

"I just want it. I know i can't have you back Tiff. Just a photo, to remind me everyday that you became mine." He smiled but that faded soon. Tears forming in my eyes, but i wiped it quickly. He even keep that?

"If it's not okay with you, i let my interior to remove that. Sorry." He started to fix his things and i joined him. One by one, we fix it. I folded his clothes while he run on his bedroom to put his clothes on his closet, pile by pile. We remained silent and not even talking to each other.

I opened the other luggage, knowing that it's only his clothes. I found a familiar box inside the luggage under his clothes. Box that i gave to him on our first monthsary. I opened it trying to get the memories back. I found all the letters that i gave to him, the wrapper of those chocolates and candies we ate together, those photos of ours and the bracelet that we had. I let my tears fall down. I was stunned by this. I loved him but i didn't kept everything. Some was still on my things, but him, every little things he kept it. I continued to cry as i touched these things. I was unsure of what action i am going to do.

"Tiff, you alright?" I nodded and wiped my cheeks with the back of my hands.

"Do you still love me?"

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