Chapter Twenty

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"I'll just go to my unit!" I shouted and tossed his phone on his head as i saw him stepped out of the bathroom. I grabbed my things on his living room and run towards my unit. I locked my door firmly then made my way to my bedroom.

It's been two months since our vacation. Things go smoothly between us. We still have both of our units, cause we're both busy with everything. His mom, his work and my work.

We just got home from the mall. We bought stuffs for my closet and his closet. But since we've been settled on his unit. His ignoring me. His texting and calling someone, which is not related to his work, upon hearing it. As he showered a while ago, i stole his phone. I read some messages from a girl saying 'imissyou' and other sweet texts. His cheating i think?

I laid on the bed, crying. Maybe this was the biggest mistake that i've done. Him, back in my life again. If i didn't accept him, i'm not crying like this. I'm not going to feel the hurt. I'm still happy, being alone. His talking to someone even if i'm in front of him. What will he say to me again? His clients? His friends? I'm sick of those.


My eyes was heavy and i look like a shit, upon glancing at the mirror. I am now dressed and ready to go to my office. I grabbed all my things and the cup of coffee that i prepared on my working mug. I stepped out of my unit and saw a note on my door knob.

Morning babe. Sorry. I miss you. I love you.

I know where it came from, of course Hayden. I received tons of messages and voicemails from him last night, but i ignored it.

I jumped inside my car as i stepped out of the condominium. I'm dead tired and hurt.

"I'm ready to work." I mumbled to myself. I started to drive and drive until i reached my working place. I was greeted by my staffs and i just gave them a small smile. I'm totally stress.

"Lisa, if some clients arrive can you just talk to them?" I seriously asked as i saw her enter my office. I'm still looking at the documents that was laid on my table that needs to be signed.

"Alright Mam. Are you okay?" I nodded. She's fixing those files that i asked her to do. I'm starting to sign the documents above my table.

"Mam, here's the file that you're asking. Anything else that i can help you with?" Lisa handed me a bunch of files. I think i'm going to spend my whole day, close doors and just doing this files.

"Thank you Lisa. Please if someone ask or look for me, just say that i'm not here. If it's a client, please handle them." I looked at her with pleading eyes. She nodded and stepped out of my room. I started to work again.

I glanced at the clock, it's now half pass one. Wow! Why i didn't notice the time? I got up from my seat, grabbing my bag. I'm hungry. I stepped out of my office and my staff was looking at me.

"Mam Tiff, are you okay?" Someone asked, i can't remember her name. Fuck.

"Yes. Have you all eaten?" They just nodded. I gave them a smile and walked towards Lisa's desk.

"Lisa, any clients that already arrived?" I asked as i stood in front of her desk. She nodded and handed me a paper, which is composed of the client names. I thanked her and made my way to my car. I left my phone on the office, since i don't like to talk to him.

I drive going to a coffee shop. I just want a cup of coffee. I jumped out of my car and entered at the shop. I ordered a coffee and a sandwich, remembering that i didn't take any solid in my stomach. I sat on the corner, silently eating.

As i was done, i jumped inside my car then drive going back to my office. I enter inside and i can see how my staffs look at me with such concern on their eyes. I looked around and noticed that my secretary is not here. I ignore it and made my way to my office, but i stop as i heard my secretary's voice inside of my office.

"Sir, i'm sorry. Miss Andrews don't want any clients today. She will get mad at.." I opened the door, seeing my secretary standing beside my desk while this insisting client was sitting like a boss on the stool.

"Lisa, it's okay. I can handle this. Leave the door open when you go out." She nodded and did what i asked. I put my bag back on it's place then sat on my chair. I sighed then look at this man in front of me.

"Yes Mr. Roberts, what can i do for you?" I smiled innocently. He look like stress and didn't have the sleep last night. His tie was loosen even his hair it wasn't fix.

"Tiffany. Look, i'm sorry." He reached for my hand and i quickly move it away from him.

"Sir, if it's about your investments and employees accounts, i can answer you." I seriously said. I'm stronger than last night. I know that i can do it.

"Tiff. Please." He stood up from his seat then fisted on my table. I gasped then look at him.

"Just leave Mr. Roberts or i'll be calling a police to get you out of here." I pointed to the door and sternly stand up from my seat.

"Just listen please." He softly said. I want to cry, but no, i'm strong.

"Sir, if you want you can pull out your accounts here. I can transfer you to another bank." I reached for his files above my table, knowing that it's the next on line that needs to be settled.

"We'll talk later." He stepped out of my office and didn't give a word on me. I just get back on my seat and started to cry. Fuck this man. His an idiot. His a cheater.

Time flew fast, it's now time to go home. I quickly drive going to my place. As i seated on my couch, the doorbell was being press and i quickly open the door. He placed a kiss on my forehead then walked inside my unit.

"Tiffany, the one that you read at my phone, it's a wrong send message." He stated as he sat on the couch. I just nodded and walked towards the kitchen. I removed my heels and leave it on the doorway. I grabbed a bottle of water and drink it. I'm exhausted.

"Believe me. Here. Read it." He walked towards me, giving me his phone. I pretended that i checked it and gave it back to him. I sit on the stool and remained being silent.

"Tiff. You didn't read it. Please. Believe me." He begged and sit beside. I sighed then get it from him. I checked it and saw his friend, saying sorry to him because of what his wife did. He used Hayden's phone and his wife replied on Hayden's phone, knowing that it's her husband's phone. She's an idiot right?

"Here." I handed him his phone and remained silent. I get up from the stool and i started to feel dizzy. I rushed towards the sink and throw up. The bitterness of the liquid that's on my mouth. Gah! Hayden rubbed my back, giving me a bunch of tissues. He handed me the bottle of water that i am drinking a while ago. I wiped my mouth and drink the water. I looked at him and his looking at me, full of concern. I can't keep this anymore.

"I'm pregnant." I softly said. He looked shock for a matter of seconds. But later on smiled at me. His giving me that smile again. He pulled me for a hug and kissed the top of my head.

"I know you are. I'm just waiting for you to say to me." He murmured on top of my head. I lifted my head from his chest. He knows?


"Remember i was looking for my shaving cream last time? At first i hesitate to pick up the white tube that fell down on the tiles, but as i looked at that, it's clear to me that it's a pregnancy test." He softly said

As i remember, i left the pregnancy test on his bathroom. I didn't leave it there, i just forgot it. I knew this thing about a month ago. I was delayed for a month that time. So I quickly called Lana. She met me on the pharmacy and go to her place. I lied on Hayden that time, saying that Lana has an emergency. I took the test and it confirmed everything. We quickly set an appointment to her personal doctor and it really confirms the pregnancy test's result. The doctor said that i was four weeks pregnant that time.

I always wear dresses going to office. When i was at home, i'm with my loose shirt. I keep it as a secret, cause i don't know how to say to him. Weeks has gone and i still keep it. I'm just waiting for the right time to tell him, that i am two months pregnant now.

"Whenever we are making love, your not removing your top. I noticed that babe, even your throwing up moments, i know that. I'm just waiting for you to tell me." He seriously said as he continued. I remove myself from his hold then sit on the stool.

"Are you mad Hayden?" I looked down on the floor. I hope i tell him about this thing before. What if he didn't accept this? Oh gosh! I looked up at him and his just staring at me too. I got up from the stool and walked towards my bedroom. I locked the door and laid on my bed. His mad. The looks that his giving me, that's it. I reached for my phone and texted him, i just don't want to talk to him now.

Lock the door if you leave. Let's have some break. I know your mad at me, i'm sorry. I can do it all by myself.-- Tiffany

I tossed my phone across my bed. I don't care if it cost a money. I laid back on the bed, crying. I can raise my child even if i'm alone. I am responsible with this, i know that.

"Tiffany. Open the door." I heard him shouted from the door. I wiped my tears and climbed out of the bed. I unlock the door shakily. I think i'm gonna faint.

"Hayden. Please, just leave. If you can't accept this, i'm keeping it. Just do whatever you want. I can provide this child." I cried again. Why is this so hard to take in? He pulled me in his arms, rubbing my back. I just cried and we remained standing in the door frame. I feel that he lifted me up and carried me on his arms. I was placed on the soft mattress, his still behind me. His arms was around my waist as his hands was resting on my tummy, rubbing it.

"You sleep. I love you." He whispered. I just nodded and moved closer to him, leaving no space between us. I turn around, facing him.

"I told you to sleep not to look at me." He grinned. He cupped my cheeks then peck a kiss on my lips.

"I really really really love you." He cheekily said. I was about to answer him but he pulled me for a kiss.

"Babe.." I said between our kiss. He pulled out then looked at me.


"I'm hungry." I didn't take anything today. Just liquids is what i have. I'm not sure about the foods that i want. My cravings was asking for some sweet and spicy foods. Gonna look for something to fit in my taste buds.

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