Chapter Seventeen

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Loud ringing of my phone started our day. It continue to ring and ring. I slowly climbed out of the bed, searching for the damn thing. I heard Hayden groaned because of the ringing. Damn phone, where did i put it?

"Babe, where's my phone?" I rocked his body to wake him up. I shakily stood beside the bed side where he is lying down, still naked. He rubbed his eyes and looked at me, grinning. He roamed his eyes from my head to toe. Silly man! I was still sore and really sore.

"I said where's my phone? It was still ringing." I looked under the bed, under the pillows, where is it? He climbed out of the bed, walked somewhere along his room. I felt arms around my waist.

"Here's your phone. I love you." He murmured. I stole my phone from him and sat on the edge of the bed. Ten missed calls from my friends and five messages. As i was about to call Lana, my phone rings again.

"Hello?" I pulled Hayden to the bed to sit beside me.

"Thank you for answering. Where are you Tiffany?" Lana almost shouted. I leaned on his shoulder, smelling so sweet and manly.

"Can you keep your voice low!" I shouted back

"Sorry. Anyway, where are you?" She softly said. I can hear my other friends on the background, laughing.

"At my unit. I have my leave today. Why?" Hayden got up from the bed, putting some decent clothes on.

"We're here in front of your unit my love. Please open the door." Lana laughed. They were in front of my unit? Oh my gosh!

"I'll be there. Just wait." I hung up. I rushed and looked for my things.

"Babe, they are here." I looked for my undies and quickly put it on. Hayden handed me my nighties and robe, i just put it on. I stepped out of the room and grabbed my things in the kitchen counter.

"Babe, just follow me there. I'll cook breakfast." I shouted so that he can hear me. He shouted back an 'i love you' and that really made my morning. I opened the front door to see if my friends are really there, they are really here. I slowly stepped out of his unit and my friends tilted their heads on my direction, noticing my presence.

"Good Morning guys." I cheerfully said, hoping that they didn't notice that i stepped out from another unit.

"Your unit is here, why did you get out from there?" Christine crossed her arms. This four was really scaring, their looks and gestures, gosh!

"Just visiting Hayden." I smiled like an innocent. I opened the door of my unit, gesturing my hands to them to come inside my unit. I heard Hayden's door open. I can see in the corner of my eyes, that his now stepping out of his room.

"Guys, don't you like to come in?" I still smile at them. They are just looking at me then shifted to Hayden.

"Morning girls." Hayden greeted to them. One by one, he kissed them on the cheeks. His now on his grey shirt and his knee length short. He had his shower already. The smell of his minty shampoo and strong perfume.. Hmm!

"You look like you have a good night Hayden." Ross laughed then entered on my unit.

"Very good night. Did you already have your breakfast?" Hayden smiled. I entered on my unit and they just followed me.

"Breakfast? Don't you know that it's already past twelve?" Lana laughed. Past twelve? We slept that long? They all sat on the couch while i stand behind Hayden. We didn't notice the time, swear.

"I slept that long. Sorry for that." Hayden stated. He tilted his head, looking at me behind him. He reached for my hand then put it on his shoulder.

"So.. Girls, why are you here? Something happened?" I smiled. They were just looking at us, searching for an answer with what they are seeing.

"Plans about the weekend. Remember.. Beach." Dwart smirked. I nodded. I was so hungry and tired. My legs were still aching because of last night. I feel sore around my whole body.

"Let's talk about that later. We still didn't have breakfast." I pulled Hayden up and made our way to the kitchen. Even the groceries that i had last night, i didn't put it in the cupboards. Was i that busy last night?

"Girls! Juice you want?" They just nodded on me as they keep on talking. I prepared drinks for them and Hayden served it to them. I cooked some eggs, bacon and toast. I have two mugs of coffee for us. I placed it on the kitchen counter, so while eating we can listen to them.

They started to plan about the foods. Dwart started to assigned foods in each one of us. I was assigned to bring seafoods and it's not a problem with me.

"I love you." Hayden whispered beside me. We're still eating and didn't bother to move on our place.

"I love you too. You okay with the things that they are saying?" He nodded. I leaned on his shoulder, holding his hand that was wrapped on my waist.

"Tiffany!" Ross shouted. I lifted my head then looked at them.

"What?" I asked being so confuse

"You are so.. Hmmp! You and Hayden, you will stay on one room?" Lana asked. That's why i love my friends they are so mean!

"Yes." I mumbled then lean on his shoulder again. I was enjoying my moments with him, like we are the only people in the world. Like his the only person here.

"Thank you for answering us." Christine laughed. We continue to finish our food as my friends continue to talk with everything. I finished the dishes while Hayden sat on the couch with them.

"I just get a shower. I'll be back." I didn't wait for their reponse. I made my way to my room then go directly to my bathroom. I remove my clothes and started to shower. I rubbed my whole body with the bath sponge. I remember last night, it was really a night to remember. I can still feel his touch on my body. The way he caressed and lingered each part of me. Ohh!

I massage my hair with my shampoo. As i was done, i wrapped myself on my bathrobe. I walked directly to my closet and pulled out a denim shorts and a v neck sleeveless top. Nothing to do today so just the comfy clothes will be good. I applied my beauty products then stepped out of my room as soon as i'm done.

"That's it." Lana stated, making her pen up. I walked towards them then sat on the couch beside Hayden.

"May i see?" I pointed to the paper that Lana's holding. I bent a little to reach for the paper cause she's sitting across me. I checked the paper and it seems like it's really a plan. They made an amazing plan.

"Tiff. Can you bend again?" Lana snapped. I looked at her, being so confuse. The others was just looking at us, waiting for her next action.


"Just bend." I did what Lana said. I bent a little and she was on her wide eyes. What was that for?

"You have hickey!" Lana laughed. I felt my cheeks heat up, feeling so embarassed.

"So?" I snapped acting like it's nothing.

"Who did that?" Christine pointed on me. Do they really need to ask this?

"My boyfriend. Girls, just drop it. As if you don't experience having a hickey." I rolled my eyes. Hayden drape his arm on my shoulder, pulling me closer to him. I hold his hand that was draping on my shoulder, then entwined my fingers into his.

"Michael?" Dwart asked. Michael? I remember, i didn't tell them that Michael and i broke up. Even my relationship with Hayden, they didn't know it.

"Nope." I leaned on Hayden's shoulder then pulled his hand more, so that his really close to me.

"You broke up with him? What happened?" Christine asked with concern.

"This will be the first and last that i'm telling the story." I lifted my head from Hayden and my four mean friends move closer to me and looked at me.

"Because of not giving him a kiss on the lips and not having sex with him, he ended up dating with his ex girlfriend. He had sex with that girl and got her pregnant." I truthfully said. They just look at me with shock on their faces.

"Bastard." Lana rolled her eyes. She really has a stupid mouth among all of us.

"He set a dinner for that. Well, good timing cause i was about to ask him too about breaking up with him. I'm seeing someone else that time, while his busy with what he called "work". I'm busy too, seeing this someone." I smiled. I looked at Hayden in the corner of my eyes and his really smiling.

"Who's that someone?" Dwart asked.

"So there, we broke up and that break up go smoothly. Right now, i'm happy, that's all." I smiled.

"Yea, you look happy right now." Christine giggled. My back hit the couch again then wrapped my arm on Hayden's arm.

"So who's the new one?" Dwart wiggled his brows to me. Hayden kissed the top of my head and i know all of them was looking at me now.

"I don't know." I sweetly said. I know it will pissed them off. Lana groaned but looking at Christine, she knows the answer. On our group, Christine was the most intelligent and understanding.

"Hayden. How was your work?" Ross changed the topic. Good!

"Good. First day yesterday and it was a bit stressing." He smirked. His pulling me closer to him and i didn't ignore that.

"Ohh. You have work today. Why are you here?" Lana snapped.

"I have my leave. Emergency leave, cause this girl wants it." He cupped my cheek and pulled me more.

"Really can't resist Tiffany. So your love life, how was it?" Ross seriously asked.

"Dating someone." Hayden smiled. If we tell to them that we're back together, they will be asking for a party or get together. I'm not against that but i want to keep it first.

"Stop tricking us guys. Your back together right?" Lana rolled her eyes and placed her chin on her palm.

"No. We're just friends. Right?" I tilted my head to meet his gaze, wiggling my brow.

"Tiffany! We know you! That smile was beause of Hayden. And i know also that you already gave up your virginity." Lana laughed. She's really the great detective and lawyer in our group.

"It's really none of your business Lana! I didn't announce to everyone that you have sex with Dan on our high school fair." I laughed. It's really embarassing, i swear!

"So you guys are together.. again?" Christine smiled. I nodded and of course Christine launched a big hug on me.

"Mission accomplished!" Dwart shouted. The four of them jump up and down, laughing.

"Let's drink for that!" Lana shouted. They looked so teenagers. They pulled Hayden up. They form a small circle and murmuring to each other. I'm out of place right now.

The rest of the afternoon was all about the plan for the beach and all. They were still teasing me about Hayden, which is really cute. They drink some beers and have some small talk. They all admit the tricks that they did when Hayden was at Australia. They really tricked me. They left my unit about an hour ago, leaving my place like a mess.

Hayden helped me to clean my unit and i did the same to him. His bedroom was hell, pillows all over the room, sheets was stained and the smell of the sweat and sex stains was the smell of the room. We cleaned it and didn't bother to eat some snacks.

"Finally!" I lauched myself on the bed. Five hours of entertaining my bitch friends and two hours of cleaning our units. We didn't bother to call a maid service, we can do it by ourselves. My leave at work seems to be this tiring.

"Tiffany! Get out here. Pizza's here." Hayden shouted from his living room. Good that he already ordered some food i was about to pass out, gosh! I climbed out of the bed, started walking with shaky legs. Still feeling sore because of last night, actually because of a quickie a while ago. We did make love in the middle of cleaning the mess in my unit. I really can't resist him, that's why.

"Boo!" I whispered on his ear, his lost in track upon looking at him, that's why i gave him a little teasing.

"Funny Tiffany." He grabbed my waist, pulling me to sit beside him. Pizza was on the center table, i'm starving. Just looking at those foods, looks like it was a precious one. I grabbed a slice of that blue cheese stuffed pizza, didn't bother to wait for his signal to eat.

"I'll be going to Mom tomorrow after work." Hayden seriously said. I looked at him, mouth full of this precious pizza.

"Pick me up at the office, i want to go with you." Chewing the pizza, he just nodded then started to eat. It was a great time to tell his Mom, that we're back together. I know Cindy knows that we are together, but it's for real now.

I leaned on his shoulder, feeling his depression. His keeping something away from me. I want to know it, but i know it's about his Mom. His Mom has been his woman for all of his life. It's giving him a hard time, really a hard time. I hope Cindy get well so my baby will not be like this. So cute to call him, 'my baby', i swear his like a baby whenever we're sleeping. Pouting his lips and curled up behind me. Nothing changed, i still have this little boy, sickly in love with me.

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