Chapter Seven

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College has been that good. I have my work now but it's a little pressure that your the boss, actually second to the boss. My boss said that i need to transfer on our other location and it's not an issue for me. I have nothing here in Australia. My mom was at our country and the one that i wanted to see is there too. Time for my comeback and make my life there.

I dated many girls for the rest of my college. I don't know how many but i'm sure, that i still didn't have sex with anybody. I was really saving this for my love. The girls here at Australia, they are all so good but believe me, no one meet my girl's standard. I was still in love with that girl, Tiffany.

It's been six years since i've been here. I miss my own country. The weather, the people, the place it looked so different. I'll be working here for good. My boss already told me that i'll be the boss here. Mom picked me up at the airport. We had lunch. I already bought a unit on a condominium. I'm not going to stay with my parent's house. My old pad was already sold since i left for Australia.

I have some things for Tiffany's family. I was still in touch with her Mom and Dad. They were updating me about Tiffany. Her friends, they were my spy. I told them that not to say to Tiff that i'm still updating about her life. We promised to each other that we'll be making our own life.

Life has been that cruel since we broke up. Australia was hell for me. She's the first one to came in my mind whenever i woke up. First one that i wish, that was still with me. I forced myself to moved on, but no. Tiffany is different from the other girls. Those blue eyes, that straight hair, that body that everyone was admiring. She's the most gorgeous one i've ever met.

I drove going to their family's house. It's still the same, nothing changed. I press the doorbell. My hands were filled by the bags that i have for them.

"Yes?" Tiffany's Mom said as she opened the door. I smiled at her and she launched a big hug for me.

"Hayden! Oh my god. When did you go home?" She pulled me inside there house. She let me sat on the couch. Everything was still the same. It's still their house. Her mom was still pretty like her.

"Just this morning. How are you?"

"Good. I hope you texted me so that i prepare something for you." She smiled. Louise was pretty like Tiffany, i swear.

"It's okay Louise. How was Robert?"

"He'll be home next week. Ohh. It will be a celebration. Your here and his here also." Louise excitedly said.

"I want that. Louise, it's for you and Robert. And this blue bag is for Miggy." I handed her all the paper bags. Miggy was her little brother that was really naughty. She thanked me for that. She made her way to the kitchen and as she came back, she gave me a glass of soda. We talked about the life here and my life there. I miss them. They were like a family to me.

"Louise, i'll be going now. Just contact me about the party so i can have my leave." I made my way to their front door, she accompanied me and bid my goodbye to me.

I started to drive and decided to go to the mall. I want some coffee. I parked on the space and jumped out of my car. I got the coffee and decided to have some walk in the mall.

"Ouch!" A lady with the two kids said as i accidentally bumped her.

"I'm so sorry Miss." I looked at her and realized that it's Christine, Tiffany's friend.

"Christine! How are you?" I squealed happily. She has her two babies, both cute.

"Hayden? Oh my god! When did you go home?" We remained standing but we moved on the side not to block the way.

"This morning. You look good being a mommy." I laughed. She hit my arm and her face became serious. Christine, Lana, Ross and Dwart, i always contact them. They were always there, helping me.

"How was Tiff?" I asked sheepishly. She looked at me and sighed.

"She's still with her boyfriend, Michael." She shrugged. I knew that thing. They always told me that they don't like Michael and they were just pretending that they liked him.

"I know. I dropped by their house a while ago. Louise told me that she's living on a condominium now. Where?" I tried my luck cause Louise didn't tell me where and i respected that.

"Condominium inside the global village. Anastasia tower." She happily said. Anastasia tower is where i bought a unit. Same building as her. Good! Good! Good!

"Thank you. I'll see you around Christine." I kissed her cheek and her babies. I quickly pulled out the parking space and drive. I reached the global village and quickly made my way to Anastasia building.

"Hi sir. You need help with your unit?" The receptionist asked as i approached her.

"No. Everything was good there. Can i ask you something?" I moved closer to her and try my charm. She nodded and gave me a wide smile.

"What's the unit number of Miss Tiffany Andrews?" She sighed and started to type on the desktop in front of her. She wrote something on the paper and handed it to me.

Unit 4-A

I thanked the receptionist and made my way to my unit. Unit 4-B! It's my lucky day believe me. I glanced on her door but i decided to go to my unit first. I showered, changed my clothes into something comfortable. I got the paper bags that was filled with stuffs for her. I'm excited and nervous. It's the first time after six years that i'll be seeing her. I ate my dinner first at my unit. I'm ready, i told to myself. I locked the door of my unit and made my way to her room.

I sighed. I eavesdropped first but hearing from inside, it's quiet. I press the doorbell on her unit. I was waiting for her response. I pressed it again and still nothing came out. I was about to walked back going to my unit but i felt her door opened.

"Yes? Anything you need?" She sweetly said. I became tensed. I miss that voice. That voice that always saying her good mornings to me. I turn around slowly and smiled at her. She look shocked but smiled later on. She's still the same. The same stunning woman that i love seven years ago up to now. That blue eyes that twinkled. Those pink lips that parted as she smiled. She's beautiful as ever.

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