Chapter Twenty- Three

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"No. Definitely not." I laughed as i keep on rubbing my tummy that was due this week. Week that i'm really scared and excited of.

"Whatever Tiffany. No wonder your boyfriend was still looking to you like that." Lana pointed her finger to Hayden that was sitting on the other table with the boys. His looking at me, smiling then shifted his look to the one who is talking to him.

It's a dinner party here at our new house. We already have the baby shower last week on Hayden's unit. We've been here at our new house for three days and tonight, we're hosting a dinner for everyone. My family and his family already left because it's getting late. Only my friends and his was still here.

"His just looking after his daughter, so shut up." I continue to laugh. Hayden was really a hands on one to this. I always have this weird feeling and he was like freaking out whenever i do that. He even have this two weeks work leave, just to watch and guide me.

"I don't think so." Christine wiggled her brow towards Hayden. I looked at him and he just shrugged at me. Hayden was really making me weak with his actions.

"Whatever. Just going to get some sweets." I got up carefully from the stool then entered on our house through sliding door.

This is a two storey house, in cream and red paint. On the first floor, kitchen connecting to the dining room. Living room that has three big red leather couches, a flat tv hanging on the wall, center table with a flower vase. Usual type for a simple home. Besides the kitchen was our laundry room and next to that was the stock room, that filled with groceries, toiletries and other stuffs.

On the second floor, five bedrooms to be exact. Our own, our daughter's room then three guest rooms. Hayden have this little office on this floor too. We prefer having those spare rooms for the unexpected visitors.

Our daughter's room was all set up. White and peach polka dots on the wall. All her clothes, was placed on the closets. We managed to put a peach crib covered with net. A baby monitor was already installed on her room, even a bed it was settled there too. Toys, playpen, everything was set.

I'm due this week, so we already have an emergency bag, filled with our little ones things. Hayden was really excited about this, so am i. I want her to be born and have those sleepless nights cradling her in my arms. I'm too excited.

I walked towards our kitchen, bending a little as i reached for the cold sweets inside the fridge. I was just a sweets lover, so i love making it. I felt familiar arms around me, i get up then turn around. Seeing my love, smiling at me.

"Do you need anything?" I asked. He shook his head, grabbing those sweets away from my hands. He placed it on the kitchen counter then placed his hands back on my waist.

"I want to go to bed." He seriously said. I laughed then hit his chest. His been this horny one all through out my pregnancy.

One morning, i woke up, feeling so exhausted and all. I don't know why, but all i know is, that i slept. I opened my eyes, seeing Hayden all naked and inside of me. I swear, i screamed my everything that morning cause i found myself naked too. It's not bad or what but what makes me scream is that his really fucking me all the way that morning.

"Once they leave we'll go to bed. Get your butt sit there again." Pecking a kiss on his lips. I grabbed the sweets then walked towards the garden. As i opened the sliding door, i felt something that i was least expecting. I placed my hand on the lower part of my tummy. Oh gosh, what's this?

"Fuck!" I screamed. I felt water running down my legs. I dropped on the floor on my bum. I don't know what's happening now. I can hear people around me calling for Hayden saying that i passed out. I feel that i was being lifted and carried in a pair of familiar arms.

"Babe, just hang on okay? I'm just going to get the bag." Hayden whispered to me as i was being placed on a carseat, i think. I managed to give him a nod as i keep on panting and catching my breath. Oh gosh!

The car moves and i don't know how fast we get in the hospital. I know we're in the hospital because the smell and the voice of the nurses that was calling the doctor was the only thing that i am hearing.

"I love you. You can do it." I felt him peck a kiss on my lips and that's the last thing that i remember before i totally see black.

I rubbed my eyes, with a loud sigh slipping out my mouth. I felt that a weight was being removed away from me. Wait, I touch my tummy, i gasped and asked myself, "where is my baby? And what happened?"

I open my eyes, slowly, lights that was hurting my eyes, single and fluffy bed where i am lying, i'm really sure i'm at the hospital.

"You need rest. You feeling sore or anything aches?" I heard Hayden whispered on my ear, as he pushes me back to bed cause i'm trying to get up.

"None." I respond weakly. Actually, i'm feeling sore. My legs, back, private parts, it's all aching.

"Where is our baby?" I whispered as he sat on the space on the bed where i am lying. He brush the loose hair strands on my face then tuck it behind my ear.

"She's there." He pointed on his right. I looked over his arms, seeing my daughter being carried by my Mom. My daughter was on her all pink things, as i can see. They are here already. Cindy was beside my Mom and my Dad.

"Hi honey, look at your daughter. She loves us." Mom giggled. She got up from the couch then walked towards us. She gave our baby to Hayden then get back to her seat again. Hayden placed our little one beside me as he reached for a stool to sit beside the bed.

I stroke my index finger on my daughter's face. Her hair was like mine, brown, her eyes that was a little open, she gets it from her Dad, the brown one. The nose, the lips, i like how it all blended. Hayden and i did the great job for this pretty little one.

"Have you give them the name?" I reached for his cheeks, then cupped it. His looking to our daughter, with that smile plastered on his face.

"Yes. They already know it and it's filed already." He continue to smile.

"Hailey Taryn.." He softly whispered as he continue. Hayden reached for my hand that was stroking our daughter's cheeks, kissing the back of it.

We managed to have that initials of us on her name, H for Hayden then T for Tiffany. Hailey, came from a character that i am reading on my favorite book. I love the Hailey character there, because of that sweet and loving traits. And Taryn, it means queen. She's our queen and nothing else.

"What's the name of our grand daughter?" Cindy loudly asked. I remember they still didn't know that, for sure Hayden didn't say it to them.

"It's Hailey Taryn, Cindy." I softly said. They were like clapping their hands and softly giggling on their seats. I heard Mom repeatedly saying,"Hailey.. Hailey.. Hailey."

"She's pretty Babe, looks like you." Hayden spoke, ignoring the three crazy parents of us. I was looking at Hayden, he looks like a proud father.

"She's beautiful because her Daddy was handsome." I smirked. I touched Hayden's face, pulling him closer to me. I reached for his lips, pecking a kiss on it.

"What time did i gave birth to her?" I asked, still forcing myself to remember what happened last night. I just only remember that i was only brought to the hospital, that's all.

"2:13 am, Friday, March 21, 6.2 pounds and 17 inches. Normal delivery." He proudly stated. Wow! He knew all of that? If i was just eavesdropping and didn't know that it's him, i will conclude that his the doctor or the record keeper.

We have that small talk and before i drifts on my sleep, the doctor went over. Saying those directions and so, asking me if i'm sore or anything. Hayden and I listen attentively to the doctor.

As the doctor left, Mom carried Hailey back on the mattress beside my bed. I was still feeling dizzy and tired. I remained lying on the bed and i know i will sleep.

"Mommy's still sleeping Hailey.." I heard Hayden softly said. I slowly open my eyes, seeing him standing, carrying our daughter, which i think is awake on his arms.

"Look at those chubby cheeks of yours little Tiffany." He continue. I was staring at them, i felt tears run down my cheeks. Priceless scene that i am seeing. Him, carrying our child, very first child, it was like skipping a beat in my heart.

"I love you pumpkin. But i love your Mommy more. Without her, we're not here. One day, you thank your Mom for bringing you up in this world.." I heard him sighed. His back was facing me but i know him, his smiling for sure.

"You will be our little one for now. But soon you'll be having more siblings. Want that huh?" Slowly he turn around and i close my eyes before he caught me. I want what he stated, more siblings for Hailey? How can we manage those? But i'm excited with that.

"Time to wake up your Mommy, right Hailey? She's sleeping for more than twelve hours." I heard him said. Wow, more than that hours? That's why i'm slightly feeling better, besides the lower part of course.

"Babe.. Babe.." He softly whispered on my ear. I fakely whined then slowly open my eyes. His smiling at me, still carrying Hailey.

"Morning babe. Hailey's looking for you. Look." He slightly face Hailey to me. I smile at them. The door opens, nurse came in. She did the usual routine. Checking up on me, then to Hailey.

"Mrs. Roberts, if there's no soreness or anything within the day, we will discharge you tomorrow." The nurse stated as she keeps on writing something on her records. Mrs. Roberts? Maybe Hayden put that to their records, cause i saw him chuckling on the couch.

"I'll let you know. Thanks." She nodded and left the room. I slowly get up from the bed, so i was on my half sit position now.

"Can you give Hailey to me?" He nodded then get Hailey from the mattress beside me, placing her in my arms.

I was like dancing in the air when Hayden puts her in my arms. She was so light for me, to think that she weights so heavy when she was on my tummy. I stroke her hair then down to her cheeks. Hailey started to move and soon she started to cry. It was like an orchestra playing in my ears, weird, because she's crying and for me it's a good music.

I started to rock her back and forth, and when she didn't stop. I think breastfeeding was the answer. I slowly loosen the tie on my hospital gown, revealing one of my swollen breast. Putting my nipple on her small mouth, at first, she's not taking it, but soon she started to suck it. Wow, it's different. It's sending me tickles and a lot of shiver. Hayden suck differently, ohh! Dirty thoughts of mine.

I looked over at Hayden that was sitting on the edge of the bed. I talked through his eyes, saying that to lock the door. He did what i asked. I don't know with us, just through our eyes, we know immediately what we are talking about.

He sat back, but this time, so near to me. I cupped his cheek with my free hand. His smiling like there's no space for sadness now.

"I love you babe." He said without leaving his sight on me. I pulled him to me, giving him a short passionate kiss. I love how we connect to each other. How we give comfort to each other.

"I love you too." I pulled out from the kiss. Hailey remove her small lips from my nipple. I slowly put her head to my shoulder. I know how to make her burp. Rubbing her back as i keep on waiting for her burp.

"How does it feel that.. Hailey sucks your nipple?" Hayden laughed. I placed Hailey on the space beside me as i heard her burp softly.

"Different." I shrugged, laughing.

"I will get use to her sucking moments babe. Unlike you, you suck wild." I continue laughing. He gave me a dirty look and i know it will turn to bad thing. I just gave birth to Hailey, no way for another kiddo this year.

"Look who's talking? Tiffany, if it's not because of my wild sucking, there's no pretty Hailey here." Hayden smirked, sitting beside me. He wrapped his arm on my waist, as i leaned on his shoulder. That's true, without him, there's no Hailey in the world. We're looking at our daughter, that was sleeping again. She looks peaceful and deep sleep.

"Mom will be here later, and your Mom too. They can't get enough of their first grand child." Hayden chuckled. Everyone has been that supportive to us. All through out my pregnancy, they are with us. Helping me to cope out the pregnancy blues.

"That's good." We remained sitting and staring at our daughter.

As the afternoon came, Mom and Cindy arrived. They were taking million photos of Hailey. Even Hayden, he took photos of our daughter. I stole his phone from him, seeing his lock screen wallpaper was us, Hailey and me. The photo was taken a while ago, i think. I was carrying Hailey and stroking my index finger to her cheek. That's so cute. As i unlock his phone, the homescreen, it's us, but this time Hayden and I, the moments that we're kissing each others lips. It was really sweet, really.

"Tiffany, look at your daughter, smiling while sleeping." Mom pointed to Hailey, that was smiling, ear to ear. Found that as a remarkable one.

"Just like Tiffany." Hayden loudly stated while laughing. I gave him an annoyed look then shifted my look again to my daughter.

Rest of the day until the night, nurses and doctors came up for rounds, checking me and Hailey. Clearly, we're leaving the hospital tomorrow. It will be a great thing to be home with Hailey on us. She'll gonna be rocking our house. It will be our first day tomorrow being a family on our new house.

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