Chapter Eleven

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I sat on the couch beside him. Sipping the coffee, tucked both of our legs up on the couch. Michael texted me that his already home and going to sleep, i just replied him with an ok message. Is that right? My god.

"When are you going back to work?" I put my hand on his thigh to get his attention.

"Monday. Need to fix some papers first." I nodded. It's still a little awkward, this things between us. We want each other but there's something stopping us.

"Hayden, are you okay?" I asked him cause his looking over our picture on the wall then smiled then wiped his tears on his cheeks. His crying? I don't know.

"Yea. I just remember something." He smiled then close his eyes. His back hit the couch as he remained closing his eyes.

"I can go back to my unit if your not okay." I touched his face and run my thumb on his cheeks.

"Tiffany. I want you back to me. I can't do what i want to do, cause there's someone stopping me to do that action. I don't want to be selfish. I don't know. But i really want you to be with me again." He looked at me then back on the photo. I was shocked with what he said but i continue to listen to him.

"I can't kiss you the way that i want. I can't touch you.. the way that i can show you how much i love you." He said between his tears. I looked at him trying to collect what he is saying, he still love me.

"You have a boyfriend and it's killing me that it's not me. I swear, i can commit suicide. If it's not because of your Mom and Dad, i'm dead now." He buried his head on his hands as he continue crying.

"Since the day that i left for Australia, I don't like to tell this but, your parents was always there for me. They know everything that's happening on me. Mom and your parents they supported me. I felt so lucky because, can you believe that, my ex-girlfriend's family is still supporting me?" He stated. I don't know this things. They keep this away from me.

"Don't get mad at them Tiff. I asked them to update me with everything that's happening to you. Everyday i received a message from Louise. Your ups and downs, i know that. I'm crying my everything, everytime i called your Mom. I want to go home here but your Mom stopped me. She wanted me to finish my college there so that if i go back here, i can present you that i'm finish studying and i'm already working. Your Mom and Dad told me that after i finish college, i can go back here.." He sighed as his wiping his tears.

"I can go back here to ask you to marry me. Both of our parents agreed on it. Day after my graduation, i'm packing my things cause i'll be going back here. I got the message from your friends stating that you already have Michael. I want to commit suicide that day." I reached for his cheeks and wiped those tears that keeps on falling. I can't butt in, i want to say something but his really focus on talking.

"Your Dad dropped by at Australia. We talked and he tried to make me calm. I tried to accept that fact with the help of your friends and your family. I worked, twenty four seven, just to forget you. I can't, i really can't." He shook his head but his still crying. My god, what i've done?

"I worked for the whole day but as the night came, you are on my mind again. It's been a habit. Your friends was the best, believe me. Even the little things that was happening here, they were saying it to me." He smiled between his tears. My friends also tricked me!

"I want us to get married but seeing you now, happy with him, i change my plans. I'm too late because my girl already got a man to stay with her." He cupped my cheeks. I was holding back my tears but it just fall.

"I'm happy that you are happy now. I really am. One day i can find a girl, i can love her but not the love that i have for you." He looked straight into my eyes.

"Like what i said before, i will not destroy your relationship. I still stay as Hayden, but not the one that you love. I'll be here for you, just a.. friend." And that made me cry harder. Why is he saying this?

"Shh. Stop crying. Just tell him that if he made you cry, he must hide on the best hiding place." He smirked

"You are so important to me. You are my life Tiff. You are my everything." He smiled and kissed my forehead.

"Make your life a happy one. If you don't want me near you, i can stay far away from you. Just to make you happy.." He wiped my tears and cupped my cheeks

"I love you so much Tiff. I love you." He hugged me. The hug that i really longed for. His hug has a lot of emotion, i can feel it. He released himself from the hug while i stayed stiff.

"Hayden.." He looked at me, smiling.

"Remember the day that you promise to me that you'll be happy?" He stared on the floor, collecting his thought and nodded later on.

"I'll be making you happy." I smiled and hold his hand tight.

"What do you mean?" He looked at me, confused.

"I love you okay? I love you." I peck a kiss on his lips then lean on his shoulder. I know what i want and what my heart wants.

"Let's go to bed. I want to sleep here." I said in a bossy way. I stood up and pulled him up from the couch.

"You sleep here?" I nodded. I wrapped my arms on his neck and his arms on my waist. It's the perfect moment that i really wanted.

"I love you babe." I leaned on his chest as we remained standing.

"I love you more." He murmured on the top of my head. I want this everyday. This closeness and the love that i once had, i want it to come back to me.

"Anything else that my man will say to me?" I smiled and cupped his cheeks. He shook his head and peck a kiss on my lips.

"Really? A kiss? No words or anything?" I pouted. I tip toed and planted kisses on his whole face. I tickled him on his side. His returning the tickles so i run towards his kitchen. No escape, he cornered me. I attempted to run again but he grabbed me on my waist.

"I love you." He whispered. I turn around and move closer to him.

"I love you too." There's nothing on my mind now. I love him and i really really love him.

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