Chapter Twelve

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We laid on his bed, not even caring to the world. Not even removing each others hold from one another. He never get tired of saying 'i love you' to me and it's really good to hear that. He always kissed my forehead, a kiss that symbolizes, forever. We talked about things that he need for work and his Mom's illness. I hope his Mom survive from cancer. I don't know how can he accept it, if something bad happen to Cindy.

"Babe, put your alarm by.. hmm.. seven, so we can go to your Mom early in the morning." He nodded and do what i asked. I remained lying on his bed. A while ago, i can feel that his really tense that i'm beside him. He was always shifting his position. But when i moved closer to him and put my arms around him, he became comfortable. Years had passed but his still the same. His still caring about his surrounding before he get use to it.

"I'm going to the kitchen, you want some drink?" He climbed out of the bed but i grabbed his arm and pulled him back to the bed.

"You drink later. I want you here." I sweetly said and he can't ignore that. He sat on the edge of the bed but i pulled him more, closer to me. I got up from my lying position and moved towards him and sat on his lap.

"I'm sleepy but i still want to cuddle with you. Is that okay huh?" I cupped his cheek as i wrapped my legs on his waist.

"I'm just going to get a drink, i'll be back." I shook my head and wrapped my arms on his neck.

"Bring me there if your going there." He looked at me as i feel his body got tense. He carefully climbed out of the bed with me, still wrapped around his. I started to kiss him. I kiss his eyes, nose, his whole face actually. His hand was on my lower back, supporting my body. He continue to walk while i continue to kiss him.

"My baby is a big girl now but still wants to be carried." He whispered in a female voice. I laughed as he said that.

"Hayden!" I loudly said between my giggles because his starting to tickle me again. He stopped when we reach his kitchen. He quickly get a water and drink it. I carefully unwrapped my legs from his waist. As my feet reached the floor, he snaked his arm on my waist.

"You done? Let's go to bed now." I tilted my head to meet his gaze. He nodded and pulled me out from his kitchen. His kissing my shoulder while were walking and it's really bringing a shiver on my body. He stopped kissing me as we both heard the loud ringing of my phone. I quickly reach for my phone and answer it.


"Tiff, you sleeping already?" My god it's Michael. Hayden removed his arms around me but i grabbed his hand and put it around me again.

"Yea. Why?"

"Your still at your parent's house?" Hayden was really making me weak. I'm talking to Michael but his giving me a deep kiss.

"Yes. Mom wants me to sleep here. You? Still at work?" I wiped my lip then pulled Hayden's head, to kiss him back. Soft moans wants to slip out of my mouth but i stop it.

"Yes. Finishing the last papers. I have work tomorrow, i can't go with you on the salon." His background was so silent. Is he still at the office?

"Ohh. It's okay. I'll be visiting a friend on the hospital tomorrow." I slowly said. Hayden's kissing me on my neck and it's really hard to talk while this one is doing this.

"Alright. So let's meet tomorrow night?" He said. I bit my lower lip. Hayden was placing kisses down to my neck, on my collarbone.

"Tomorrow?" I tapped Hayden's shoulder and he just nodded.

"Okay. Tomorrow night. I need to tell you something." I smiled. Hayden pulled me on his room and locked the door firmly.

"Actually, i have to tell you something too Tiff." He sounded so serious with the tone of his voice. I remained holding my phone and tucked it on my ear. Hayden was really my weakness, my god! He pushed me on the bed and planted kisses on me again.

"Alright. See you tomorrow. Night." I hung up the phone and throw my phone on the floor. I pulled Hayden up, cause his on my thigh now. I kissed him passionately.

"You know what? I want to moan but i'm stopping it." I softly laughed between our kiss. He lifted his head and looked straight into my eyes.

"You should do that, so that your boyfriend can hear us." He sarcastically laughed then laid down beside me.

"I don't like to share those moans to anyone. Just for you my love." I snuggled into his chest and run my hand into his body.

"I love you." He whispered and kissed the top of my head. This things that i'm doing with Hayden, i still don't do it with Michael. I feel so comfortable with Hayden. The way he touch and kiss me, it's getting me weak. Hayden was really different.

"Babe, i'll be having dinner with him tomorrow, so i can't stay here." I placed myself above him and frowned.

"I'll wait for you. Your unit was just next to me missy." He peck a kiss on my lips. His too sweet. I hope i can finish my business with Michael. Why is it so easy for me to let go Michael? His been the rock on my down time but, i don't know. When it comes to Hayden my point of view in life was changing.

"I'll bring some foods tomorrow. Okay?" He nodded. His hand was on my waist as i remained above him.

"Bring some of your clothes here. I want you to stay here. Is it okay?" He hold both side of my face and rubbed his nose onto me.

"I don't like." I laughed then kiss him on the lips.

"Alright. I thought you want it. Sorry babe." He smiled weakly then closed his eyes. His still that teenage boy that i love before. Closing his eyes whenever he can't get what he want.

"All my things? Or some only?" I touch his nose. I'm enjoying this position, above him.

"You said you don't like. Don't force yourself Tiff." He seriously said. He rubbed my back and placed a kiss on my head.

"Your so cute. I'll ask my Mom first, if she agree that i move here. I will sell my unit, if she agree." I smiled. If we'll be back together, i'll sell my place. Time to settle down with my man.

I was so sure about my decision. I will come back to Hayden and leave Michael. All through out that Michael and i were together, i love him but not as i love Hayden. I will tell Michael about this, cause i don't want him to caught me and came out that i am cheating on him. I'm so sure about this. Really sure.

"Let's talk to them tomorrow." He stated. He grabbed my body and put me beside him. He get the control of the aircon and put it on a little colder. I tucked myself under the duvet and moved closer to him.

"Night babe. I love you." He placed a soft kiss on my lips and hugged me tight.

"If the dinner with Michael tomorrow ends early, i'll call you so that we can buy stuffs for your kitchen." I softly said. I suggested this because his cupboards was empty. Even his fridge was empty.

"I can order those. No need to hurry that dinner babe." He thread his hand on my hair and started to play with it.

"You will let them organize your kitchen, why can't i?" I made a sad face and face my back to him. I thought he wants me to do some girlfriend act towards him even if i'm not.

"Night Hayden." I mumbled and closed my eyes. I didn't wait for his response cause i know he will insist that order thing rather than personal shopping.

"Hey. Sorry." He tapped my shoulder and kiss my ear.

"It's okay. I'll sleep now." I moved a little far from him. I was not his girlfriend, so it's okay. It's not right to get mad at him. It's not right.

"Don't get mad. I just don't want to get the time that you need to spend with your boyfriend. I'm sorry." He hugged me so tight and tuck his head on my shoulder.

"I just want to organize your kitchen. You want me to be yours again but even that little thing, you can't let me handle that." I pulled him more as he stayed behind me.

"Alright alright. We'll go shopping tomorrow for the kitchen. Okay? I love you." He slowly turn my body to face him. He peck a kiss on my lips. I pulled him more and share the whole night with him, with his kiss and touch.

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