Chapter Nineteen

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The next morning, i woke up with a heavy feeling. I felt like floating. My world is spinning. My eyes were heavy and so my head is. I slowly climbed out of the bed then rushed towards the bathroom. I feel like throwing up. I buried my head on the toilet, vomitting my everything. I swear, i will not drink again.

"Fuck." I mumbled to myself. I stand up from my kneeling position. I decided to have a shower, knowing that it can help me.

Minutes had pass, i stepped out of the bathroom. I put on my jeans and shirt. I want to go home, i told to myself. I grabbed my things and put it all in my luggage, actually our luggage. I sat on the floor, fixing my luggage. Hayden was still not here. Maybe, I can ride on a cab to get me home. I placed the luggage beside the door and i decided to go down.

"Morning Tiff." Christine placed a soft kiss on my forehead as she saw me making my way to the kitchen.

"I want to go home." I cried. Why am i this dramatic? She shook her head then hugged me.

"You eat first. Come on." She pulled me to the kitchen, placing a plate filled with food in front of me. A tablet of headache reliever and a glass of water.

"Tin, thank you. Where are they?" I want to ask her if where is Hayden? Or did he came back? Maybe he didn't. His stuck with that blonde girl.

"His on the beach with the others." She gave me a small smile then stepped out of the kitchen. I started to eat. Eat with this condition? I push the plate away from me then take the medicine. I buried my head on the table, closing my eyes. I'm tired. I want to go home. Sell my unit, go to far far away land without him. His an idiot! His a liar!

I lifted my head, wiping my tears, as i heard a chair being pulled out beside me. It's Hayden. I remove the ring from my finger and placed it on the table. I got up from the chair and attempted to leave but he grabbed my arm.

"Tiffany, it's not what you think." I shook my head. I'm still crying my everything.

"Let's just pretend that we're okay in front of your Mom. I know i'm just your friend Hayden." I reached for the ring then placed it on his hand.

"Tiff just listen to me." I shook my head again.

"Thank you for everything Hayden. Don't worry, i'll still visit your Mom." I smiled between my tears. I remove his hold on my arm then run up to our room. We're over. Oh no, no! There's no us from the start. So there's nothing to get over at. I gave my everything to him.

I pulled out my things from the luggage. I forced all of my things to fit in my shoulder bag. That luggage bag belongs to him. The door opened and he walked inside the room. I was on the floor, still forcing my things to fit in my shoulder bag.

"Oh come on, please fit in there." I said to myself, wiping my tears away with the back of my hand. I pushed my things on my shoulder bag.

"Fuck!" I snapped. I get up from the floor then stepped inside the bathroom. Throwing up moments again, damn beers. Damn hangover! I buried my head again on the toilet, those damn liquids. I felt a hand rubbing my back, i shoved it away. I get up from my kneeling position and stood in front of the sink. His still at the doorway, looking at me.

"Just go wherever you like. Don't stay with me." I shouted. I run a water on my face, still fighting this tears that was about to roll down again.

"Tiffany! Listen! If you're thinking that i screwed up that girl. Your wrong! She's a client of our company. She's from Australia too and she's fucking married!" He shouted and gripped my arms by his hands. His lying! I don't believe him. I removed myself from him then moved out of the bathroom. I climbed in the bed, covering my whole body with the covers.

"Tiffany, please. I'm sorry. I just had a few drinks with his husband, his my friend there at Australia. I swear! Ask Christine, i slept on the living room last night. Christine told me that your already sleeping and you don't want me here. I really want to go here last night, i know your mad at me. I'm sorry." He said without breathing. His behind me, wrapped me in his arms. Is he saying the truth? He slowly remove the covers on my body. He run his hand on my left arm then as he reached my hand, he placed the ring back on my finger.

"Babe, please. I'm sorry. They are a big client. I'm sorry if i didn't tell you. She knows that your my girlfriend now. I always told them about you when we are at Australia before." He whispered to me, tucked his head on my shoulder, still arms on my waist.

"Ohh, baby. Please forgive me. Don't be mad please." He kissed my neck. I stayed stiff and listening to him. I hope his saying the truth.

"I texted you last night, many times. I'm asking if you can follow me there at their cottage but you didn't reply. So i thought your mad at me, which is.. true." He softly said, still on the same position. My phone? Where's my phone? It's on his pocket, gosh!

"My phone was at your pocket." I murmured between my sobs. He released me from his hold. I felt that his touching his pockets then heard him groaned.

"I'm so sorry babe. I don't know how can you forgive me. But i'm really really sorry." He wrapped his arms on me again, holding my phone on his left hand. I stole it from him then pretend that i didn't hear him.

"Tiffany. Please." He turn my body around to face him. I was facing his chest but he placed a finger under my chin, pulled my head up to meet his look on me.

"I'm sor-" i cut him off by giving him a kiss. I kissed him passionately and deeply. Our tongues was battling inside his mouth. I placed myself above him, straddling him. A kiss that i really wanted. I'm smelling him while kissing him, no smell of a girl's perfume. I kissed him down to his neck then his collarbone, no hickeys. I rolled up his shirt, rapidly placing kisses on his chest, no trace of lipsticks or scratches. I felt a relief. His saying the truth.

I unbuckle his short while his doing it also on my jeans. I got up lightly as he pulled down my jeans a little. I was on top of him, legs on each side. I stroke his member up and down then slowly put inside me. I moaned so loud and grind my hips more. I was really enjoying this.

"Tiff can i borr-- Oh! Oh! Gosh! I'm sorry." I stopped making moves as i heard Lana's voice. My back was facing the door and i know she opened the door. My gosh! I quickly jumped out of his body then fixed my clothes. Hayden fixed his clothes then get up from his lying position to sitting.

"What was that Lana?" I opened the door widely. She looked at me, smiling.

"I'm just going to borrow.. charger of your Ipad." She answered. I looked at her, annoyed with what she did. In the middle of our make out session, borrowing a charger? Really?

I walked towards my bag then pulled out the charger. I moved towards the door, where she is standing.

"Next time that you'll borrow anything missy, make sure that you'll knock on the door. We're making out, you see." I rolled my eyes, giving her the charger. I leaned on the door frame, crossed arms.

"Next time you'll make out, lock the door." She laughed then run towards their room. I closed the door then climbed in the bed again.

"Fix your things. We'll leave soon." I laid back on the bed, checking my phone. He really texted me last night. Mom has a text, saying that Cindy was doing well, that's good.

"I love you." He whispered as he laid back on the bed. I just nod then ignored him again.

"Babe, i said i love you. Hey, i'm sorry." He cupped my cheeks, getting my attention. I looked at him, smiling.

"I hate you." I laughed then peck a kiss on his lips. I moved on his place and snuggled into his chest.

"You don't hate me. I love you babe. I'm sorry." He kissed the top of my head then sighed. His saying something at my head but i'm not hearing it nor understanding it.

"You take your shower now. Your bad smell." I teased. He grabbed my body by arms then put me above him.

"Can we continue?" He wiggled his brow, grinning. I shook my head cause i know anytime soon, one of my friends will be barging on the door.

"Go to shower now. We'll continue later at your unit." I smiled then got up from his body. I stood on the bed side, fixing my hair. I love to make out in his unit because i don't want to ruin my bed sheets on my unit. Ohh! Kidding! I just love his bed, that's all.

He doesn't need to be told twice. He quickly did what i said. I pulled out some jeans and shirt for him then started to arrange the luggage again.

I'll be sleeping on his place tonight. We have some schedules about this. I even asked my mom if i can sell my place and she answer me with, 'it's up to you.', that's a great help right? If i will sell my place we need to sell his place too, cause i want some bigger unit for us. If not on the condominium, maybe a house will be good. We already talked about these things. We just need to sort out things, because his still busy with work and other papers.

I felt arms around me. Tucking his head on my shoulder as i remained standing. I swayed a little as he squeezed my body more. I love how his big frame fits on my small body. If his standing firmly i'm on his shoulder level, his too tall.

"Christine's twin was so cute babe." He softly whispered behind me.

"Yea. I love their kids, especially Lance. His really a big boy now." I smiled even if he can't see me. We are still on the same position, swaying our bodies together.

"Lana's son?" I nodded

"I want to have a child." I clearly heard it from him. I loose his hold from me and looked up on his face. He looked serious. I want to have a child but really not this soon. I'm still enjoying the moments that we're together. Just us and nothing else.

"Are you serious?" He nodded. He pulled me for a hug, landing my head on his chest. Am i ready to have kids?

"It's okay if you don't want babe. I'm just.. you know. I love kids. Your brother, your friend's children, i just want to start a living with you." He softly murmured. For me, we're still on the process of patching up things because it's six years that we need to fill. Fill those time together that we didn't have the chance.

"It's not that i don't like it baby. It's just so quick. Yes, we have sex, your not using protection while i on the other hand, didn't take pills for a month.." I stopped talking realizing what i just said. I didn't take pills, oh my gosh! I always forgot those things because of my busy schedule.

"Your not taking pills?" I nodded. He squealed happily, laughing and jumping around. Gosh, it may lead to pregnancy right? Your an idiot Tiffany! You know that Hayden's here and you'll be making out of course! Why didn't i take pills?

I sat on the edge of the bed, still thinking about this. I really don't know. I looked at him, his still standing near the door. How am i suppose to face it, if it leads to pregnancy?

"Guys! Stop making out! We'll leave now." I heard Lana shouting and knocking on the door. I got up from the bed then grabbed my shoulder bag.

"Come on. Come on." I pulled him out the room. His carrying our luggage as we made our way down stairs.

Reaching the living room, they are all there. Everyone was ready to go. We all stepped out of the cottage then jumped in each car.

"See you all on sat. Text you all the details." Lana shouted as we are all settled in each car. We all bid our goodbyes to everyone and those keep safe messages. I was sitting beside my boyfriend that still has that wide smile. His really expecting that something might pop out soon. I'm scared for that i don't know why.

"Do you want to eat?" He asked still focus on the road. We're on the middle of the main road, it's just a quick drive.

"I'm hungry but i want to eat when we reach our place." I smiled. I lean on the car seat, looking over the window.

"You eat the chocolates first, it's on your bag, while we're here. I don't want you to be hungry." I just nod. I search for the sweets on my bag, ohh chocolates, why can't i resist you? I started to eat my sweets. Hayden was really focus on his driving, just squeezing my thigh if he have free time.

"Say ahh babe." I laughed, forcing him to open his mouth. The stop light hits red, i want some teasing time with him.

"I don't like that chocolate." He whined. I ignored what he said, i push my all time favorite chocolate inside his mouth. I cover his mouth but when i noticed that his already chewing it, i remove my hand on his mouth. I tucked my legs up on the seat, humming along the music.

"See, it taste good right? I love you for eating that." I smiled then hum again along the song. The stop light hit the green, so we started to move again.

"If kiss was the return for eating that chocolate, i can eat all of that." He grinned. That will be a great exchange! I laughed then hit him on his legs.

"When we reach our unit, let's do that challenge." I laughed. I was really comfortable in my sitting position. It's the benefit of not driving, you can do what you want.

".. Baby, this love, it's all that i've got. More than diamonds and pearls and all the wealth in this world. Baby, this love, it's all that i've got. But i know it's gonna last forever and ever.."

I shut my mouth as i listened thoroughly on the song, if i'm not mistaken, that song was titled, All i've got.

"Who sang that?" I asked cause i'll be downloading that on my Itouch. I love soft sounds that's why i was quickly captivated by that.

"I'm not sure but i think, 17:28 group sang that. It's good right?" I nodded. I save that song in my mind.

After few moments, we already reached our condominium. Pulling out our things from the car, parking it on the space, we quickly stepped inside the building.

"Sir Hayden, excuse me, you have some mails." The receptionist said as soon as he saw us. Hayden asked me to get the mails cause his phone was ringing, telling me that it's his client. The receptionist, handed it to me, a little disappointed that i was the one who get the mails from her.

"And Miss Andrews, someone left a mail for you too." She gave me a brown envelope and that fake smile. I accepted all the mails and thanked her for that. I sat on the lounge as i waited for Hayden that keeps on explaining something on the other line of his phone.

I opened the one that was addressed to me, it's just a voucher coming from the management. I have free spa and some salon discount voucher. I read the letters for Hayden, it all came from Australia, everything from his work.

"Let's go up now." He tapped me on my shoulder. I quickly got up then made our way to the lift. I'm going to rest as soon as i reach my unit. I'm super tired, sleepy and... hungry!

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