Chaper Two

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"I can't. I'm sorry." I smiled towards my friends. They all looked at me and just nodded. We've been here at Ross' place since this morning, just having some bondings with my friends.

"You always said that. Since Hayden and you get together you didn't go with us." Christine frowned. They are asking me to go with them to Lana's resthouse. December is our resthouse time, christmas vacation it is. We always stayed there every year for our bondings. I really love to go with them, but Hayden don't want me to go with them.

Since that sportsfest, Hayden and I bonds always. We always meet each other. He courted me and asked my parents for their blessings. At first my Dad, really don't like the fact that i have a boyfriend, but soon agreed on it. My Mom was glad that i already have a boyfriend, yes, a boyfriend. We became together a month after that sportsfest. We've been together for a year now.

"It's not about Hayden. Dad will be home next week." I stated. It's a fact that Dad will be here next week, but Dad always agreed if i have vacation get away with my friends.

"Whatev." Lana rolled her eyes. I really want to go with them, but i'm following my boyfriend's order. My phone rings and i get up from the couch. My friends looked at me and i just shrugged.


"Babe, where are you?" It's Hayden.

"Ross' house. Why? You done with the training?" I asked. I tapped my foot on the carpet as i remained looking towards my upset friends.

"Yea. We have dinner date tonight. Don't forget it." He slightly shouted. I can heard someone's cheering and yelling 'Go Team'. His still at the Gym, for sure.

"I know. I'll be home by five. See you then." I smiled, even his not in front of me. It's our anniversary today and we planned that we should have some dinner for this occassion.

"Love you Babe." He quickly said and didn't wait for my response, he hung up. I get back on the movie room and sat on my place again. We all continue to watch the rest of the movie. They just talked about their plans and i'm really out of place.

"I'm going home now. Thanks for the time guys. Sorry if i can't go with you." I grabbed my car key and bag from the table and didn't bother to kissed them all for my goodbye. I started to made my way to the door and closed the door softly.

"Don't do drama. We're sick of those. Believe on us Tiff. You'll be going with us." Lana shouted behind the door. What does she mean? I didn't mind it and quickly run towards my car. I jumped inside my car and drive along the street. Ross' house was just three streets away from us, it's a quick drive.

Reaching our house, i noticed that Mom was still not home. My little brother was not here also, maybe they are on the mall. I made my way to my room and started to pulled out clothes from my closet.

"Not this.. Ohh! Not also this.. This!" I exclaimed to myself. I found a mid thigh dress. A blue one, tight from the bust to thigh. Strapless and so sexy. I looked for my white high heels and off white clutch bag.

I showered and wrapped myself in a robe. I put myself in front of the mirror in my closet. I sat on the stool and started my ritual. Simple make up. Just a liquid eye liner, some blush on and peach lipstick. I put my hair in a semi pony tail and let my straight hair fall. I'm too ready for this. I put on my dress and glanced at the mirror.

"You are so beautiful Tiffany!" I talked to myself at the mirror. I slipped on my high heels and get my clutch bag, where my phone, wallet and keys were there.

I sat on the edge of the bed as i wait to Hayden. Excitement, nervousness and everything is what i am feeling. I heard the sound of the doorbell from the front door and that made me rushed downstairs.

There he is. Standing with the red roses bouquet on his hand. Talking to my Mom attentively. His on his old white sweat shirt and blue pants. His really good with that. He noticed that i was standing on the last step of the stairs. He smiled at me as my Mom looked towards where he is smiling.

"You look so good sweetheart." Mom hugged me.

"Thanks Mom." I released myself from the hug. Mom gave us a smile then made her way to the kitchen.

"Happy Anniversary Babe." Hayden handed me the bouquet then kissed my forehead. Little actions, it has a big impact to me.

"Thank you.. I just give it to Mom, so she could put it in the vase." I didn't wait for his response. I made my way to the kitchen and told Mom that to put it in a vase.

"Mom. We're going now. I'll be home before ten. Thank you again." I hugged Mom.

"Anything for you. Now, go on. Your date might get bored." She pushed me out of the kitchen and i quickly approached my boyfriend.

"Shall we go now?" I asked him. He was still staring at me and i love how he looked at me.

"Yea. You look so beautiful Babe." He grinned. I hit his back and pulled him out of the front door. I stole his car keys from his hand and unlocked the car. His so slow and still staring at me.

"You want to cancel the reservation and just looked at me?" He shook his head. We jumped inside the car and he quickly start the engine.

"The gang has a plan next week,  Lana's resthouse. Wanna go?" I smiled and tried my luck if he will agree.

"I told you that we are going somewhere next week." He looked upset now. He remained focus on the road. Well, no luck for me. I don't know why he put me away to my friends. Before, we always go with them. But as the time flew, he changed and didn't want me to go with my friends.

"I'm just asking. Sorry." I looked on my hands that resting on my lap. I miss my friends and all the stuffs that we were doing.

We remained silent for the rest of the drive. When we reached the restaurant, i jumped out of the car and wait for him. The restaurant was too relaxing. Dim lights and cozy music serenading my ears. Foods that we ordered a little too expensive but taste so good. We only had a conversation about the christmas vacation, nothing else. We are now inside his pad and doing some cuddles.

"I'll be leaving before ten." I softly whispered. We're sitting at his couch in front of his flat tv. It's only eight in the evening and it seems like i'm not in for cuddles tonight. I was thinking about my friends.

"Why? It's so early. I'll give you a ride home. Be home by eleven." The tone of his voice is a command. I just nod my head for agreeing.

We remained watching the movie. I was leaning on his shoulder and his arms wrapped on my waist. He moved closer to me and peck a kiss on my lips. He pulled me more and put me on his lap. I pulled out from the kiss but he pulled me again for a deep kiss. He run his hand on my back and started to zipped down the zipper of my dress. I gasped and tried to pulled out from the kiss but he tightened his grip to my arm.

"Please. No. Stop it." I cried. I was hitting his arm to removed his hold to me, but he continued to kiss me. I cried as he kept his hold on me.

"Please. Hayden! Stop!" I shouted between my tears. He stopped and looked at me. I pulled up my dress' zipper and grabbed my bag. I wiped my tears with the back of my hand.

"Thank you for the dinner." I rushed towards the door and shut it. His shouting my name but i ignored him. I rode the lift and rushed at the exit as i reached the lobby. The first cab that i saw on the road, i jumped on it quickly. I gave my address to the driver and he quickly start the engine.

I cried as i sat on the back of the cab. I can't believe he did that to me. I feel so hurt and down. Does he really love me or his just lusting over me?

"Mam, we're here now." The driver looked back at me. I looked around and noticed that we are here now in front of our house. I pulled out cash from my wallet and handed it to him. I thanked him and jumped out of the car. I fixed myself before i entered our house. I don't want Mom to noticed that i'm hurt and everything. I entered my duplicate key in the front door and made my way to the stairs.

"Tiffany, i thought you'll be home by ten?" I heard my Mom talked behind me. I turn around and saw that she's at the kitchen.

"Yea. Dinner ended early and i'm little tired Mom." I forced a smile to appear on my face.

"Ohh. Alright. You go to your room now. Night." She kissed my forehead and go back to the kitchen. She's busy baking cookies.

I made my way to my room. Nothing came into my mind but to text my friends. I want them to know what happened.

Girls. I'm so sorry for acting a bitch a while ago. Have some things to brought up to you guys. Missing you all so much -- Tifanny❤️

I laid on my bed with may Ipad on my hand. I was waiting for my friends to online on Skype. I want to cry to them because of what happened. I received many messages from him, asking for forgiveness, but i ignored him. The fact that i'm so hurt and i want to hit him of what he did to me.

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