Chapter Four

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Trying to open my eyes, seemed to be the hardest thing. My throat was so dry. I heard soft familiar voices around me, talking. I was unsure if where i am. The only thing that i can remember, is that i walked out of his life. It made my heart sank as i remember those things that happened. Disappointment on him, to top it all.

I tried to move my finger, little by little i started to moved each part of my body. I feel sore and hurt. I heard movements around me. I opened my eyes, softly and gently.

"Tiffany.." My Mom said as she approached me. I roamed my eyes to the room. White painted wall, plain couches and a single bed, where i am lying. I'm on the hospital. I closed my eyes trying to sink in where i am.

"Are you okay? Do you need anything?" I heard the voice that i least expected to be here, Hayden. I opened my eyes, still figuring out, why is he here? I looked at him straight into his eyes. He looked stress and tired.

"Mom.. Water.." A deep soft voice came out from my mouth. Mom quickly got me a glass of water. I noticed that some of my friends were also here. I gave them a small smile. Hayden carefully held me at my back as i got up from the bed. Mom held the glass of water, she slightly pushed it on my mouth and i started to gulp it carefully. My throat hurts as if i wasn't drinking for days.

"How many days i am here?" I softly asked. Hayden helped me to laid back on the bed again. He sat on the chair on my left side as my Mom was on my right. I was looking towards my friends, that seemed to be quiet since i opened my eyes.

"Two days. The car hit you hard Sweetheart, but the doctor said that you have small fracture on your left leg and bruises at your back. Do you feel any pain now?" Mom explained. I shook my head and closed my eyes again. Mom brushed away those loose hair strands away from my face.

"Guys, can you give us a sec?" I said as i opened my eyes and looked at my friends. They all nodded and stepped out of the room.

"Is it okay, if you leave too?" I looked at Hayden and he just nodded. I want to talk to my Mom privately. I was unsure of what really happened after the accident.

"Mom.. Why i am here? Who brought me here?" I reached for her hand and rubbed it smoothly.

"Hayden called me. The doctor said that Hayden brought you here with your friends." Mom looked straight into my eyes. Tears started to form on her eyes. My whole body was still sore and so my head is. I'm trying to sink in every words that Mom was saying.

"He told me everything that happened. You almost died because of what happened, you know that huh?" She said between her tears.

"I'm sorry Mom. I'm sorry." I started to cry. Mom reached for my cheeks as she keeps on wiping my tears.

"No one's fault in here." She smiled weakly. I stayed crying as my Mom held me in her arms. I don't know but i just want to cry.

"Hayden loves you Tiffany. I talked to him already, that night that accident happened." Mom stated. I know that he loves me, but i was really hurt because of what he did.

"He didn't went home since that accident. He didn't leave your side. You know that i need to be home for your little brother, that's why his the one who took care of you." Mom hugged me, not too tight, not to hurt me. Hearing those words from my Mom, it made me feel a little better. Better that he still sticked at me, the fact that i let him go.

"Mom.. We broke up that night." I truthfully said as i remained hugging her.

"I know. Give him a chance. Your Dad already called, he knew everything now. Of course, mad at first but he said that give some chance to Hayden." Mom stated. She released me from the hug then sat back on the stool. A chance? Is he deserving for that? I almost lost my virginity and he kissed that girl. I was totally hurt.

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