Chapter Twenty-Four

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"You are so pretty Hailey." I cooed to my daughter that i am carrying in my arms. I'm waiting for Hayden as he gets the car from the parking lot. My parents wants to pick me up here, but i refused it, i want them to rest because they've been constantly visiting me here at the hospital.

"Daddy's there pumpkin." I softly said, kissing her cheeks. I saw Hayden's car, pulling infront of us. Our things was already in the car, he brought it as he gets the car. I was still cradling my little girl on my arms, as i waited to Hayden to get out of the car.

As i saw my daughter yesterday, all the pains swept away. She's worth the wait and pain. Hearing her crying, i was like an idiot listening to her, realizing that i need to feed her. Carrying her in my arms, that's the best. Being close to her, i know that i made the right decision, making her accidentally, having her, you know, weird mother feelings. I love her even before she was born. Hailey already wrapped her finger on all of us. The looks that was coming from her whenever she opens her eyes, isn't she's so adorable?

"Time to go girls." Hayden said as he got out of the car. Placing our little one on the carrier on the back seat. I sit on the passenger seat beside Hayden. I was still glancing at my daughter as the car moves. Ohh. Look at those tiny body of my Hailey.

"I'll cook dinner babe. Or take out?" Hayden placed his hand on my thigh. I flinched a little, why is his touch giving me a hard time?

"Your tired, take out will be good." I squeezed his hand.

Along the road, we go to a drive thru to a fastfood chain, grabbing those dinner. After few minutes, we reached our house. He parked on the space infront of our house. I'm excited with Hailey's first night.

Hayden hopped out of the car, then opened the door on my side. I got out of the car, waiting for Hayden as he gets our daughter from the back seat. He gave Hailey to me as he get our things from the car.

"Welcome home baby." I softly whispered to Hailey, as i keep on ligthly rubbing her small head that was covered by a pink baby hat.

Hayden unlock the door as we reached the front. I miss our home. Before entering, i glanced at my family's house and the lights was still on, they are still awake. I enter to our house, realizing that Hayden already go inside.

"Welcome home!!" I gasped then hold Hailey protectively. I roamed my eyes, and there, my parents and brother, Cindy and my friends. They came rushing towards me, hugging and kissing me.

"Can i have her Tiffany?" Lana pleaded. I nodded then gave Hailey to her. I moved on where is Hayden is sitting, quickly wrapping my arms around him.

"You hungry now?" I shook my head. I keep on staring at my daughter that was now pass to Christine. I swear, my daughter was like a doll that was pass to everyone.

"Look at your daughter Hayden." I laughed, pointing to Hailey that was now crying. She's hungry for sure. I get up but Hayden grabbed my arm.

"You sit here and rest, i can handle that pretty girl." He got up from the couch, pushing me back to sit. He bend then peck a kiss on my lips. I'll never get tired of my man. His been that responsible father to Hailey since the day that he found out that i'm pregnant. He always said that his proud of me, in carrying Hailey and taking care of her. Well, i can't pass everything, without his help.

He walked sheepishly towards the group that was enjoying my daughter's company. Getting Hailey from my Mom, huh? How did Hailey landed to my Mom's arms? I mentally laugh. Hayden cradles Hailey's body back and forth. They look so cute.

I looked over the dining, everyone was having a dinner now. Hayden said that i should eat as he was still having those moments with our daughter. I eat fast as i can, cause i know Hayden was hungry and tired. I quietly walked back to the living room, seeing Hailey on Hayden's chest as he keeps on rubbing her back.

"You know what Hailey, your mom was like you whenever she is sleeping. You are both beautiful." I heard him say, and that made me giggle softly, not so loud, not to ruin their moments.

"Someday you will be like her, beautiful, stunning woman. You know what pumpkin, Daddy loves your mommy so much." Ohh. That made me flinched on my position, covering my mouth. Isn't it amazing having him in my life?

"Don't be jealous, Daddy loves you too little Tiffany." Hayden softly giggled as his index finger was wrapped on my our daughter's small hand. I sit beside them and that gets his attention.

"It's your turn babe." I smiled at him. I think Hailey will be a daddy's girl. Because as Hayden carefully move her away from his chest, she started to cry. Wow!

"It's mommy's turn pumpkin. Daddy was hungry." Hayden laughed, giving me the crying Hailey. He placed kisses on both of us before going to the dining where others were.

I cradled her, humming some lullabys on her ear. Glancing at the kitchen they are still busy, so i feed up Hailey on the living room. I'm tired to go up in her room, i still feel the soreness and all.

Time flew by, everyone bid their goodbyes. My parents stay saying that they will clean up the mess. I didn't refuse that cause i'm really tired. As they were done, they left the house and say their goodnights. Hayden brought Hailey upstairs, because she's asleep.

I go upstairs after checking all the doors if it's lock. I open our bedroom door, seeing Hayden already lying on the bed. Hailey will stay tonight here in our bedroom, Hayden insisted that. He can't get enough of her.

I walked towards the bathroom, then did my evening rituals. I stepped out of it, then walked towards the crib where Hailey was sleeping.

"Goodnight pumpkin. Your too pretty that's why everyone can't take their eyes off of you." I touched her cheek, then keep on rubbing it.

"Mommy loves you. Welcome home again." I smiled, wiping the tear that run down on my cheek. I'm so happy that i brought up a beautiful girl in this world. I love her brown orbs, like her Dad, the one that captivates me. Her nose that they say, it was like mine. Those lips that i know, it's from her Dad. And her brown hair, she got it from me. The combination that Hayden and I have, it's really good, because look at our daughter, she's so pretty.

"Stop crying. Are you not happy babe?" I felt arms wrapped around me. His behind me, while i keep this drama of mine.

"She's beautiful right? I'm so happy that we made her." I tilted my head to meet his gaze. If i didn't push him to make love to me that night, there's no Hailey in this world.

"Hailey was pretty because you are too." He turn my body around, to face him. Hayden has teary eyes and i know his been this emotional because of having Hailey. We love each other and there's an additional now, it's Hailey.

"Tiffany, without you i can't have her. If you didn't give me a chance, i wasn't here. We're not here. She's not here." He slowly said. Cupping my cheeks, looking straight into my eyes. Hayden has been this amazing even before he went to Australia. His my first love and i don't know how can i live without him again.

"I love you, so much. I love Hailey too, ever since you said that your pregnant." I was just stunned with his words. No words can describe how wonderful life has been with him.

Without any word, i leaned forward to kiss him. It's just a simple yet passionate kiss, pure of love and emotion. We remained standing beside the crib of Hailey. She's still on her deep sleep and i hope it will continue later on.

I heard an angelic voice, softly crying. Without hesitation, i get up from the bed, seeing the person that makes my life complete, is crying. I get her from the crib, knowing that she's hungry. I glanced at the clock, it's only two in the morning.

Softly sitting on the bed, i unbutton my shirt, revealing my breast. I put my nipple on her small mouth, she accepted it and truly sucking it joyfully. That's why she's crying, hungry little one. As she finished, i made her burp then cradled her in my arms. Hayden was sleeping peacefully, with that mouth, a little open, slipping a little snore.

I put her back to her crib then i get back to sleep again.

I don't know how many hours had pass but all i know is, Hailey's crying again. This time she's not hungry. I changed her diaper and made her sleep again. Wow, i'm tired huh.

I get back to bed then drift on my sleep, i need sleep. I super need it.

Once again, Hailey was crying. I slowly get up from the bed. Why oh why Hailey? I get her from the crib, then carried her in my arms. She stopped crying as i continue to cradle her. Hailey was looking at me, giving me a smile. That made my tiredness swept away.

"Mommy's so sleepy Hailey, can you go back to sleep?" I murmured to her. Glancing at the clock, five in the morning. No more sleep for me, i think.

"Why is that brown eyes of yours looking to Mommy like that?" I giggled. She was so adorable with those eyes, twinkling like stars.

"Look at your Daddy pumpkin. His still sleeping ohh.. You love Daddy huh Hailey." Wow. She's really pretty, those cheeks, arg! I hope when she became a teenager, she'll be responsible with everything.

I sat on the edge of the bed, placing her on the space that i was lying before. Making funny faces and those blowing on her tummy, even if she can't see me clearly.

I am sleepy but seeing my daughter, wanting some moments with me, i set aside my tiredness. I love her like she's the only person in the world, except for her Dad of course.

"Ohh, Daddy's moving pumpkin. Want to wake him up?" I giggly said. His starting to move, then later on open his eyes.

"Hey! Hey! Why are you both awake?" He almost shout those words. He looked shock as he saw us.

"She didn't let me sleep babe. Woke up at two then three then five. And until now, we're awake." I simply said, getting her from the bed. I yawned then put her to her crib again.

"Why didn't you wake me up?" He sighed

"I don't want to ruin your sleep, you've been sleepless since i've been admitted to hospital. I'm sorry." I weakly said, looking over my shoulder. I was rubbing Hailey's leg as she looks asleep, i think i can go back to sleep.

"Go get some sleep babe. I'm sorry." I felt him behind me. Slowly he grabbed me by waist, putting me back to bed. I laid back as he was above me, just inches apart from each other.

"I didn't hear that she cried or whatever a while ago. I'm sorry babe. Don't think that i'm irresponsible, please." Irresponsible? Him? Wow. What was his problem?

"Hey. Your not irresponsible, It's okay. Hayden.." I wrapped my arms around his neck, pulling him closer to me.

"But babe-." I didn't let him continue those words. Instead, i pulled him for a kiss. Tongues battling inside his mouth as i keep on roaming my hands around his sexy body. I'm still sore and some of my body parts was still aching, but hey, it's the only way that i can make him stop.

"I love you so much. Hailey was sleeping, so let's have some sleep too." I said as i pulled out from the kiss. I don't know but my body was asking for more. I know i can't do those stuffs that's why i stop.

"I don't know if sleep can help this." He softly laughed, lying beside me. He pulled me closer to him, putting the cover above us. His on his boxer shorts and topless. Those abs and muscles, ohh!

"It can my love, just close your eyes." I laughed. Being this close to him was the best thing to do.

His been my first love. I met him on a basketball game. After those meet ups, dates and flirtings, we got together. We broke up on our first anniversary because of some misunderstanding. Then we got together then later on he went to Australia, that cause us to broke up again. He studied there and i, on the other hand, studied here.

I made my life here, while his making his life there. Time flew fast, six years has gone. I fell in love with Michael after those six torture years. Torture because i'm waiting for Hayden even if i don't know if he'll come back here.

A year with Michael, i coped out and started to compose myself back. I'm still broken but i know Michael's helping me. But one day changed everything. Hayden came back, i thought he has family or even the thought of being engaged came into my mind, fortunately, none. I was so happy to see him, actually, i'm glad that his still single.

That night that he came in my unit, he changed everything. I found myself. I found the missing part of me. We kissed. We hugged. We talked. Weeks has gone, a fact came into my mind, that i still love him. Michael and i talked, setting each other free and making each of our lives worthy with someone that deserves us.

Hayden asked me to became his girlfriend, no hesitation, i said yes. We make love that night and Hailey was made. She's a product of our love. Everything falls right on it's place. We've been together for almost a year. Having this house that we called home, our careers that was succesful and this child that we have, it's filling up the six years that we wasted.

Hayden has been the great and still doing his amazing moves just to make me happy. Those tantrums that he always get from me, shouts, and everything that his taking just to satisfy me, his doing it. Mornings that i wake up and his beside me, it's been a routine. Nights that was filled with teasing and kissing, that's been our way to show how we love each other.

Honestly speaking, i can't live my life without Hayden. I've been in hell and now i feel like i'm in heaven, and that's because of him and our daughter. His the love of my life which i can't replace with anything. I love him in all ways, meaningful ways. He gives meaning to my life and proves that life is wonderful when i'm with him.

"I love you so much Tiff.." I heard him murmured behind me. My eyes were closed, cause i'm still a little bit sleepy.

"You know how happy i am? Even me, i don't know. I'm so thankful that we have Hailey. I can't take my eyes off of her, just like what i am doing to you." I know his smiling after stating those. I want to open my eyes but i don't want to.

"I'm just going to settle everything in work and here. Like stuffs for Hailey and you getting back to work, after those, i'm going to ask you to marry me." Marry me? I mentally laugh but tears rolled down on my cheeks. I hope he didn't notice it nor feel the wetness on my cheeks.

"You'll be Tiffany Roberts. You'll be my wife and that will be a promise." He sighed, pulling me closer to him. His arms was wrapped around my body while our hands was entwined.

"I love you.." That's the last words that i heard as sleep hits me hard.

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