Chapter Ten

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Mom invited me for a dinner. She told me that i should bring Michael with me. Sad to say, his busy with his work, so i'll be going alone there. He has a lot of work because his boss was not around so he need to finish those. I know that Dad was home and it's a welcome home dinner for him. I have an early out for work today because of the dinner.

I reached my unit in just a snap. I put myself in the shower. I'll be wearing my denim short and my v-neck grey shirt. That's only a dinner with my family, nothing to dress up. I put my red lipstick and put my hair in a messy bun. I slipped on my flops and grabbed my shoulder bag. It's just a short drive going to my parent's house.

I jumped inside my car and started to drive. I dropped by to the bakeshop to buy a cake for the dinner. It's gonna be a good night and i really miss my family. As soon as i reached our house, i got the cake that i put on the passenger seat and jumped out of my car. I can hear laughter and voices that was chatting inside the house.

"Evening guys!" I shouted as i entered our house. The aroma of the food that was coming from the kitchen, smells delicious.

"Tiffany! We're here!" I heard my Mom shouted from the kitchen. I thought they were at the living room that's why i glanced at the living room first. Maybe they were having the dinner already. I stepped inside the kitchen, i saw Dad, Mom, Miggy and Hayden. Hayden? Why is he here?

"Tiffany. Where's Michael?" Mom kissed me then looked behind me. Dad placed a kiss on my forehead.

"Work." I mumbled as i placed the cake on the table.

"As always." Dad laughed. Hayden was talking with Miggy. They looked so close to each other. Michael can't go along with Miggy, cause Miggy really don't like him. There was a time that Miggy was ignoring me because of Michael.

"Anyway, you sit now and let's start the dinner." Mom clapped her hands. Mom placed the foods on the table. It's pigging out time.

"Hayden, by the way, i need the paper that you borrowed from me." My Dad looked towards Hayden. I looked at them and continue eating.

"I'll give it to you tomorrow. I'm still studying the figures." He smiled at my Dad. Dad and Hayden have the same field of work, that's why they can understand each others paper works.

"Son, if your still not done, just keep it." Dad smiled back at him. Son? Really? He never called my boyfriend like that! I remained listening to them. Same as Miggy and Mom they are still eating. Michael came here before but Dad confronted me that he don't like Michael. I know that thing and Michael is doing his everything just to please my parents.

"Dad, i'll be going up. I have lots of homework." Miggy stood up from the stool as soon as he was finished eating.

"Hayden. Thank you again. Mom gave it to me last week." Miggy high five Hayden. He kissed all of us and go to his room, hopping. Last week? He visited my family last week? Really?

"How's work Tiff?" Mom asked as she put that last piece of cake on her mouth.

"Tiring. I have new staffs that's why i need to train them again." I shrugged. Dad and Hayden keep their topic while me and Mom talked.

Dinner went good and as well as the talks that we had. Hayden and I was still ignoring each other. Pretending that we don't like to see each other. After the night that we talked on his unit, every morning he knocked on my door to say his good morning and every night his bringing me lattè on my unit. Michael was really busy this past few days. His just texting me, saying his morning and take care greetings. I don't know but it seems like his really busy.

We keep on chatting about few things since we sat on the living room. Mom asked Hayden if he has a girlfriend and of course his saying none. They asked him few things about his work. His now a boss of a company. He even told my Mom about his Mom that has an illness, which cause me to react. Cindy was a good Mom, she loves Hayden unconditionally. She always said that to me.

"I'll visit Cindy tomorrow. She didn't tell me that thing when we met last week." Mom stated. They were meeting each other? Mom didn't tell that to me.

"I'll go with you Mom. I don't have work tomorrow." I smiled. It's weekend tomorrow and i have nothing to do.

"Go with Hayden. Your Dad will be going with me, we'll go to his office tomorrow." I nodded. Since then Mom always told me that Hayden was the right one for me. Dad also said that thing.

"It's getting late. I'm going home now. Thank you for the dinner Louise." Hayden stood up from the couch and kissed my Mom.

"Robert. I'll try to do what you said to me." Hayden hugged my Dad. Mom pulled Hayden on the front door and murmured something to him. Dad followed them and soon joined on their silent talk. I was just looking at them. Hayden was just nodding while Mom and Dad was saying something. They looked so close.

"Tiff, i'll go now. See you around." Hayden smiled. I nodded and waved at him.

"Honey you can go now too. It's getting late." Mom said. I got up from the couch and  kissed my parents.

"Just call me about tomorrow. Love you." I waved at them and jumped inside my car. I pulled out the driveway and started to drive. I looked over the window, realizing that Hayden's walking. Why is he walking?

"Hayden! Why are you walking?" I stopped near the sidewalk, near him.

"I left my car at the condominium." He smiled then continued to walk.

"Come on! Get inside the car." He stopped then looked at me, confused.

"What? Get inside now." I grinned. He looked at me but later on jumped inside the car.

"Just drop me at the coffee shop on the main road Tiff." He looked at me then shifted his look to other things.

"Meeting someone?" I said as i keep focus on the road.

"No. Alone time. You know." He smiled weakly.

"I'm here. So no alone time for you mister. Let's just get coffee then drink it on my unit." I offered. He just nodded. I can see that his tensed with my action. I just want to be with him, that's all. We dropped by at the coffee shop then got two coffees and pastries. We reached the condominium and made our way inside.

"Good evening sir." The receptionist said as we reached the lobby. She winked and gave Hayden a wide smile. Didn't she saw me? My god! What a flirt! I gave her an annoyed look. I entwined my hand on his. Hayden looked at me, really confused. We stood in front of the elevator, still stick to each other. The receptionist gave me a devil look.

"His mine. Stop fantasizing girl." I laughed then pulled him inside the lift.

"You're so silly." He kissed the top of my head and draped his arm on my shoulder.

"Why? You're really mine Hayden you know that." I turn around and wrapped my arms around his body.

"I'm yours but your not mine." He sternly said. I can feel the sadness in his voice. I lifted my head from his chest and looked on his eyes.

"I'm yours believe me, babe." I softly laughed, realizing that we're on our floor, i pulled him out of the elevator.

"Yours or mine?" He asked. I want to bond on his place so i pointed on his unit. He quickly opened it and let me enter on his place. The scent of his masculine perfume was the scent of his unit. He placed the coffees and pastries on his center table. He lit the scented candles on his kitchen counter. A soft music filled the room as he turned on something on his music stand.

"Babe, water you want?" He shouted from his kitchen.

"No thanks." I shouted back. It's really cute. We're acting like together, knowing that were not. He made his way to his room. I let myself get comfortable. Well i'm really comfortable. He came back with his shorts hanging on his hips. His holding his T-shirt on his right hand. His body was really a masterpiece. His abs was perfectly molded now. That chest, that looked so.. Hmmm!

"Can i change my clothes too?" I stood up from the couch and grabbed my bag.

"I'll go with you." He put on his shirt and pulled me out of his unit. I unlocked my door and quickly changed into my sleepwear. A shorts and tank top will be good. I brought my bag going back to his unit again. I locked my door and quickly stepped inside his unit. It's gonna be a chatting night with him.

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