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After four years..

"Mommy! Mommy!!" I heard my daughter's shaky voice, i hope it's not about her toothache again. Damn chocolates.

"Yes baby? What is it?" I get her from the couch. She's watching some cartoon which is her morning routine.

"My tooth is aching." She sobbed. Hailey's words was not so clear but you can understand it. She's talkative whenever it comes to chocolate talks.

"We'll go to your dentist today, let's cancel the party. Mommy told you not to eat chocolates right?" She nodded then hugged me. I miss carrying her and cradling her in my arms. She grew up so fast and look at her now, she's really pretty.

Hailey will be having her 4th birthday today. It's gonna be happening on our garden area. Hayden hired a catering service, party planner and staffs that will be in charge for the entire party. He didn't want us to get tired and rush because of the party.

"I don't like to cancel it. Mommy.." She continue to cry. I rubbed her back as she keeps on crying.

"You will take medicine for your teeth, is it okay?" She nodded.

"Stop crying now. I love you." I said, wiping her tears away. I hate it when she's crying.

"I love you too Mommy." Hailey sobbed then placed a kiss on my lips. She hugged me again and i accepted it. I love Hailey so much.

I looked over the stairs as i heard some foot steps, Hayden's awake. He walked towards us.

"Why is my pumpkin crying?" He softly said. I can see that his wiping the tears on Hailey's cheek. Hailey remained silent and softly crying. It's the first time that she ignores her Dad. She's a daddy's girl. I'm always out of place when i'm with them.

"Daddy's asking Hailey. Why are you crying? Tell it to Daddy." I turn around to face Hayden then slowly remove Hailey's head from my shoulder. I looked at my husband, well he already have his shower. I swear Hayden was really my weakness, just the looks that his giving me, i can die now.

We get married after three months that he asked me to marry him. We're almost four years married now. It was like a fairy tale for me. The theme of our wedding is vintage. I cherished that day and i'm still cherishing it now and i don't want that to end. It was like a dream that came true.

"Never mind, anyway, where's Daddy's morning kiss?" Hayden giggled. Hailey quickly kissed her Dad's lips then hugged him. I was still carrying her in my arms, the more she gets closer to her Dad, the more i get closer too. Hayden and i wasn't okay. We had a small fight last night, because of some unknown text messages. Someone's texting him, saying that to meet him, on this place and there. I don't know who would that be.

I gave Hailey to him then walked towards the kitchen. I continue making our breakfast. Pancakes, sausages and eggs will be good.

"Hailey, breakfast time. Come on." I shouted from the kitchen. As much as i wanted to talk to Hayden, i don't want. He shouted at me last night, saying that, that's just a client. Client like the old times, i'm sick of those.

Hailey run towards me, i grabbed her body then put her to her seat. I sit beside her cause i don't like to be that near to Hayden. I put foods on Hailey's plate. I can see from the corner of my eye, that Hayden's walking towards us. He sit on the stool in front of me then started to eat.

I've been having this weird mornings and nights. Like today, i prepared this food, but i don't like it. Even the smell sucks. I don't know why.

I sipped my coffee then bite on my toast. I chew it and pretended that it's good. I rushed on the sink and throw up. Wow, did it really happened? I throw up everything, i think. I felt large hands rubbing my back, i shoved it away. I wiped my mouth then walked back to my seat.

"Mommy, you okay?" I nodded. It's a lie, i'm not okay. I feel terrible. I hope my instincts wasn't true.

I watched my daughter as she keeps on eating. Hayden was looking at me and i'm ignoring it. As they were done eating, i clean up the mess and dishes. They moved to the living room.

Minutes later, the catering arrives. They started their business on the garden. I instructed them on what to do and everything. We're not going to intrude on them. Hayden hired them so they can manage those.

After instructing them, i walked back inside our house. I feel tired and exhausted. I sit beside Hailey. They are watching some movie.

"Can you go up with Mommy? I'm going to tell you something." I whispered to her ear, she looks at me, confused, but nodded later on. I carried her then got up from the couch.

"Where are you going?" I heard Hayden asked. I ignored him then continue to go up to our room. I placed Hailey above our bed and get the thing on our drawer.

"Stay here and wait for Mommy, alright?" She nodded. I stepped inside the bathroom and did the test. If my instincts were right, Hailey will be happy. I waited for the result then stepped out of the bathroom.

"Pumpkin.. Mommy will tell you something, but.. It's a secret." I whispered. I grabbed her small frame body then hugged her. I love Hailey's smell, baby scent.

"What's that Mommy?" She asked as we remained hugging.

"Mommy's pregnant." I whispered again. She released herself from the hug then looked at me.

"Really Mommy?" I nodded

"Yehey! Mommy's pregnant!" She jumps on the bed then keep on cheering and jumping.

"Mommy's pregnant! Mommy's pregnant!" She continue her actions. I was looking at her as she keeps on doing that. I'm happy with this.

"Babe is that true?" I looked over my shoulder, seeing Hayden stepped inside our room. Ohh gosh? Why didn't i lock the door?

"Stop it Hailey. Let's go get shower. Want that?" I ignored Hayden. I grabbed Hailey's body that keeps on jumping then kissed her lips.

"I love love love love you. Kiss me baby." I cupped her cheeks then rub my nose to her. She kissed my lips repeatedly then hugged me.

"I love you Mommy. I love you baby." She softly said as she placed her hand on my tummy. Wow, it feels so good to have her in my life. I felt arms wrapped around me. Hayden tucked his head on my shoulder.

"I know your mad at me, i always told you, that's a client." He softly said. I remove his hold from me then move on the other side of the bed. Hailey laid down on the bed so i laid beside her.

"Hailey, Mommy's mad at me. Can you convince her not to get mad at me?" Hayden laid on the other side of Hailey. No way in the world to forgive him. I'm mad at him, really mad.

"That's why you didn't kiss Daddy, Mommy? Ohh.. Mommy, please forgive Daddy." Hailey pleaded, giving me her puppy eyes. She was kneeling beside me, touching my cheek.

"Hailey, Mommy didn't teach you to be like that." I pouted. I got up from lying then stand.

"I can live with you and this baby inside of me. Always remember that Hailey. Mommy don't like liar people. They are monsters." I laughed then get her from the bed.

"Don't leave Mommy huh Hailey? I can't live without your pretty giggles." I started to tickle her. She was giggling and whining to me to stop.

"Happy birthday pumpkin. I love you." I kissed her. She thanked me then kissed me too.

We started to prepare. Shower, put our nice dresses on and those final touches. The party will start in a few minutes. I let Hailey play with the other kids. The visitors already arrived, my friends and their kids, Hayden's friends and our family.

I forgot the DSLR on our bedroom, so i made my way up. I need to take pictures even if there's an official photographer. I stepped inside the bedroom, noticing my husband, sitting on the bed, smiling and holding my pregnancy test. Why didn't i keep that?

I ignore him and bend on the drawers to get the camera. Where's the damn thing? The party will start in a few minutes, i need to find it.

"If your looking for the cam, it's here." Hayden said. I looked over to Hayden, seeing the camera on his lap. I got up from my bending position. I walked towards him then quickly grabbed the camera from his lap. He grabbed my wrist then pulled me closer to him.

"Can we just talk? For Hailey, let's talk please." He begged. I stand between his legs as he placed his hands on my lower back.

"I hate you Hayden you know that." I frowned. He wrapped me in his arms then pulled me on his lap. Why am i doing this with him?

"Tiff, the client that messaged me, he'll be here later. I invited them today. I swear, For years that i'm with you, it never came into my mind to cheat on you." He sighed. He grabbed both sides of my face then kissed my lips. It was a simple kiss at first but later on it became passionate. I let him touch my body and i feel the safetyness because of his touch.

A knock came and that cause us to parted. I fixed my dress and my hair. Then fixed my husband's shirt that was unbuttoned.

"We'll be down in a bit." I shouted. Hayden pulled me for a kiss again but i pulled out.

"Let's go down first. Hailey's waiting." I pulled him up from the bed. We stepped out of our room and walked down the garden.

Party went on, gift giving, birthday games, those eating moments. It was a precious moment for my daughter. She was on her best smiles and those giggles that was coming from her, it was really priceless.

The one that Hayden was talking about, the client that he told me that his been talking to, he arrived just few minute ago. Well, his one of the big client of my husband's company.

Hours had passed, some of Hailey's visitors said their goodbyes. The caterers and coordinators of the party was already cleaning and fixing the mess at the garden. And now we're settled on the living room, i'm with the best people in the world.

"Mom, thank you for today. Look at your Hailey." I laughed, pointing to the couch where Hailey is lying with her Daddy. They didn't manage to go up, because they were both tired.

"It's okay. Congrats again honey." Mom kissed me then waved her goodbye. We already announced to them that i am pregnant and they were like crazy people. My friends already left the house just minutes after my parents left. The day has been a blast, really enjoyed today.

"Want to go up babe?" I asked as i saw Hayden, sitting now. I walked towards them, seeing my lovely daughter, has been awake too.

"I thought your both still sleeping.. Hungry or what?" I smiled then sat beside them.

"Mommy.." Hailey sighed, getting up from the couch. She sat on her Daddy's lap. They were both staring at the floor, you know, out of themselves.

I remained looking at them, smiling. This is life. My amazing husband, my lovely daughter and this baby in my tummy. I wish that life has been this good since then.

Hayden pulled me closer to them, draping his arm over my shoulder. I put my hand on his thigh as his free arm was wrapped around our daughter. I leaned on his shoulder as we keep being close to each other.

"I love you babe.." He whispered on my ear. I tilted my head, meeting his gaze.

"I love you too, so much." Pecking a kiss on his lips

"Mommy, i don't have i love you from both of you?" Hailey interrupted, getting up from her Daddy's lap. She stand in front of us, as her hands crossed on her chest.

"Do we really need to tell you that?" She nodded, rolling her eyes. Such a cute little bratty.

"Well pumpkin, our life wasn't complete without you. We don't need to tell you everyday that we love you. Mommy and I will never get tired of saying and giving all our love to you." Hayden seriously said. Isn't it a little dramatic on her birthday?

"Daddy's right. We love you so much honey. You know that?" She nodded. She lifted her arms, waving her hands. Hailey wrapped our neck in each of her small arms then make our heads closer to her.

"Thank you for your love.. Mommy and Daddy."


END :)


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