Chapter Thirteen

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I was now waiting for Michael. We'll be having the dinner and talk. Sitting on the couch, i remember the happenings a while ago, it really made me sad.

This morning we went to Hayden's family house to visit Cindy. His Mom look older and thin. I almost cried seeing her like that but i keep being strong for Hayden. My parents also visited her but they just stay there for a while.

The things that Cindy told me was a lot to take in. She even asked Hayden to leave the two of us, saying that she will tell me a girl stuff. Our conversation was really smooth and her words was still running on my mind.

"I want to see Hayden to get married and have kids, before i die.."

She even told me the things that Hayden went through when he was at Australia. His ups and downs there, even his drinking days, just to get rid of me. The way Cindy told me all the things about Hayden, it's full of sadness. I was crying hard as we keep on talking. She told me that she's glad that i accepted Hayden again and she's lucky to have a daughter in law like me. I don't want to make things worst for her, so i didn't told her that we're still not together. She even gave me the list of things that i will do about Hayden, really something to keep. She cried, saying that she will miss us. Her words was repeating on my mind, she wants Hayden and i to get married and have a child before she die.

Cindy has been a mother to me. She has a happy personality. I hope things will be slow. I don't want her to leave Hayden. I just don't know how can i handle him when that time came.

I came back in my track as i heard my doorbell. I quickly opened it and it didn't surprise me cause i'm expecting Michael. I let him sit in my couch. Later on, we ate the dinner and he seemed so tense the whole dinner time. As we were done we settled on the couch on the living room.

"I have to tell you something." We both said to each other. I laughed then waved my hand to him, so he can go first. He nodded and sighed.

"Tiff, listen to me okay?" I nodded without looking away from him.

"For the past few days that i'm telling you that i'm on the office, it's not true." He hold my hand and squeezed it.

"I'm on the hospital, taking care of Angel." He smiled. I still focused on him, confused, asking myself who is Angel? Knowing that she has no sister and his mom was already dead.

"Angel was my ex-girlfriend. We bumped into each other just two months ago. You've been busy that time with your work and i asked her to go out." He sighed. I don't want to look at him. Instead i glued my sight on the center table.

"We have sex and.. she got pregnant." Tears rolled down on my cheeks as he said those words. He didn't resist the temptation. I know he has needs and that's what he needs.

"I'm telling you this because i want us.. to end things between us. I want to have a family and.. i love her." He slowly said. I keep on sinking those words. It felt like i was being hit by a train, thrown on a cliff and shoot by a gun.

"I love you Tiff. I'm sorry." He reached for my cheek but i keep my face away from him. I don't want him to touch me.

"Michael, i understand." I said firmly. I stood up fron the couch and stayed in front of him.

"Hayden's back. For two weeks that his here, we're seeing each other." His face dropped but soon composed himself back.

"You just ask me first but i will ask you the same thing too. I want us to end." I looked towards him, standing.

"Tiff, i know that Hayden's back."

"H-ho-how?" Rambling word that slipped on my mouth. How did he know?

"I was here last night because i want to talk to you. I asked the receptionist if you were on your room. She said yes and said that your with a guy. I get confused, a guy? I thought it was Miggy. So i went up to your unit." He run his hand on his hair and sighed deeply.

"I was knocking on your door and pressing the doorbell but your not responding. I thought that you were on the bathroom so i decided to wait. While waiting i walked along the hallway. Back and forth, waiting for your door to open it." He smiled weakly and closed his eyes. I remained standing, listening to him.

"I heard giggles and soft laughs coming from the unit next to you. I wasn't affected at first, but as i heard you screamed for his name with such happiness on your voice, i stopped and eavesdropped on the door. Soft moans coming from you. I know you that's why i noticed that it's really your voice and it's really you." He stared on the floor trying to collect the words that he will say.

"I decided to call you. I heard your phone ringing and that confirmed everything. You're really there. I asked you if you're at your parent's and you said yes. I heard heavy breaths, not coming from you. Even a soft kissing sound it was really heard over the phone." He heard that? My god. I was really a cheater!

"You were answering me, delayed. Lost in track, i decided this dinner. I want to tell you the truth about Angel." He stood up from the couch, wiping my cheeks as tears keeps on falling.

"I'm sorry Michael." I said between my tears. I pulled him for a hug, this is the last hug that i will share with him.

"Don't be sorry. I'm the one who needs to say that. Take care of yourself Tiff." He patted my back and released me from the hug.

"I'm so glad to meet you and spent a year with you. I want you to be happy." I nodded. He placed a soft kiss on my forehead, a last kiss.

"Call me if he hurt you again, not to go back to you again but just to rescue you." He laughed and i hit his chest for that.

"Thank you Michael. Take care." I held his hand and entwined it with me. No more things between us. He waved at me, as i accompanied him on my front door. I sat on the couch, collecting my thoughts. We're over. It hurts but i hurt him also. I feel so down and alone. His starting his family now. No more Michael on my life now. We ended things, without any hatred to each other and that feels so good. I keep sitting on the couch, until i heard my doorbell again. Did Michael left something here? I opened my door without any word.

"Babe.." His waving a bag of coffee and pastries. Why is Hayden here? I told him that i'll be calling him.

"Why are you here huh? You already got your sleep?" I pulled him inside my unit. He sat on the couch then placed those bags on the table.

"Yea. I miss you Tiff." He pulled me on his lap, wrapping his arms around me securely.

"We're already over." He looked shock but smiled later on. I touch his face, enjoying my sitting position. I told him everything that Michael said. Hayden looked so happy but when he heard that Michael have sex and got the girl pregnant, he get mad and curse him under his breath.

We ate all of the foods that he bought. I didn't ate good a while ago with Michael because i'm nervous. We started to watch some chickflicks on the TV and remained sitting.

"I'm going back to my unit now." He tapped my shoulder and i tilted my head from his shoulder.

"You getting your things?" I put my hair in a messy bun then stretched my arms.

"No. I'll be sleeping there. Anyway Night Babe." He kissed the top of my head then hugged me.

"Sleep here. Please?" I whispered to him as we remained hugging each other. I need someone on my side now. I'm feeling like about to breakdown.

"I stay here until you get your sleep. You need some alone time." He released himself from the hug and touch my cheeks.

"I want you here babe." I softly said. I pulled him to the direction of my room. I really need him. I felt so hurt with the things that Michael said. Yes, i cheated on him but knowing that pregnancy it made me feel sick. I can't give him the happiness he wanted.

I pulled him inside my bedroom. His eyes was roaming around. No one can enter here beside me, even Michael didn't have the chance to see my room. A pink and white combination. It's too girly but i can see myself in these colors. My bed was a pink one and it's a king size bed. I love pillows that's why i have tons of it.

He remained looking around. He stood up from the bed then go directly to my photo stand. I find my photo stand as a piece of me. I love photos, old and the new ones. This photo stand has a lot of picture of myself and only one photo of him, Hayden. I have that picture, few years ago. I just keep it to always remind myself, that i once got him.

"Do i look nice before or now?" He laughed, pointing to his picture on my photo stand.

"You are so handsome my love ever since. You just look nicer now. Your body changed a lot and you really have a good abs now. Not like before, you are thin!" I laughed and threw a pillow on him. His thin before but now, my god, he has a wonderful body.

"You're so mean! That's why i love you." He grabbed my body from the bed and spun me around. His actions was really worth dying for, i swear.

"Really really mean." I bite his arm and he groaned so loud. I was really up for teasing and cuddling tonight. No more worries now.

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