Chapter Three

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It's been three days since that incident happened. My friends were always with me, supporting me. Hayden always visit me at our house, but i don't want to see him, so i wasn't able to faced him. I was so hurt by the action that he did. The fact that it happened on our anniversary.

"Tiff, you going with us at the resthouse?" I nodded. I will go with them just to get rid of my boyfriend. Boyfriend? Do i still have one?

"No backing out missy." Lana snapped. I nodded again. My friends were here at the house because we'll attend some party later on at John Village, same village that Hayden's family was living. We're just killing the time before going to that party.

"Any news about him?" Dwart asked as he continued doing the hair of Lana. We were all dressed and ready, except for Lana. She's too slow with everything.

"None. He texted me but i didn't responded." I smiled weakly.

Since that night, everything changed. My point of view towards him, changed. His not the one that i use to love. I almost lost my virginity at this very young age. I wasn't ready for that thing. I mean, i know some or few had sex with their partners at this age, but for me it's the best thing to do when you are so ready and legal. Legal in a way that you have work and  not depending on your parents anymore.

"Ohh! No plan on talking to him?" Christine looked at me, searching my answer through my eyes. I shrugged and closed my eyes. It's the most irritating issue for me. I sighed and smiled towards them.

"Can we leave now?" I asked sheepishly. They all nodded. Dwart was finished with his magic moments with Lana. He fixed Lana's hair and put her on a nice dress.

We all made our way to Ross' car. It's just a five minutes drive. I seat on my old place, beside Christine and Lana. I was really hoping that this party will be good. Talked and laughed filled the short drive. I looked outside the window and realized that it's a familar way, way to Hayden's family house. Our friend that will be having the party was only a one street away from Hayden's house. I glanced at their house and saw two people standing in front of their door.

"Ross! Wait! Stop the car!" I shouted. She pulled the car's break and the car stopped. My friends groaned and cursed me under their breath, saying that 'why do i need to stopped the car?'. I ignored them and jumped out of the car. I was unsure of what i am seeing so i decided to go down. My friends were calling me to came back inside the car but i continue to cross the road. I wanted to know, who was the two kissing in front of Hayden's house froont door.

Slowly, i walked through their pathway. I gasped but i remained my mouth shut. It's not him, please. I placed my hand on my mouth, covering it. The girl wrapped her arms to his neck and him wrapped his arms on her waist. Kissed and soft moaned is what i've witnessed and heard.

Tears rolled down on my cheeks. I stared at them, trying to sink in what's happening. It's him. It's really him. I softly cried. Accidentaly, my clutch bag dropped on the floor, it loosened from my hold. I quickly picked it up. No wonder, that made them parted. They were both looking at me, as if i'm a disturbance. Hayden looked at me.

"Sorry to disturbed you. I just thought it's my boyfriend. Just.. Just looking out for him." I said in rambling words. I wiped my tears that continued to rolled down into my cheeks. I held my clutch bag tighter, not to slipped out of my hands again. I started to walked out of their pathwalk. Really unsure of what to do. I felt an arm grabbed my arm. I looked back and saw that it's Hayden.

"Tiff.. It's not what you think. She's a.. Stranger." He looked at the girl, talking something through their eyes. The girl started to walked and attempted to escape.

"Stay! Don't you dare go anywhere else!" I shouted and pointed at her. I don't want to freaked out. I looked at the girl then to him. I don't know what to do and what to say. Tears rolled down again from my eyes. Hayden reached for my cheeks but i turned my head away from him.

"Tiff. I'm sorry. I love you please. Sorry." He hugged me but i remained stiff. I'm tired.

"Babe please. Sorry." He touched my face and kissed my cheeks. I felt no love from his actions. I wanted to break down and cry.

"Sorry babe. Talk to me." He begged. I looked towards the car where my friends were. They all looked at me with such concern and support. I looked back at him, trying to collect my confidence.

"Hayden. It's okay." I sighed. He looked at me, confused.

"I was the first one to put off this relationship. I can't give you the happiness you wanted, i knew that." I looked at him then to the girl, i smirked between my tears.

"You've been good all through out our relationship. I was hoping to see you at the party later, but looking at you, your busy." I softly laughed. They were standing in front of me. I want to hit them both but, No. I was raised to be a good one.

"I'm going to forgive you, if you're there at the party. Really, i'll forgive you." I sighed. The girl was wiping her tears that rolled down on her cheeks. Guilty?

"Sorry if i disturbed you. I got curious with the two people standing here, that's why i got down from the car." I smiled weakly. My world is spinning, but i know i can do it.

"Tiff it's a misunderstanding. She's just a friend." He explained but i waved my hands to him to stopped him talking. I'm so tired of his lies. A while ago he told me that she's a stranger and now she's a friend. Liar!

"Take care of her as much as you took care of me. Gave her everything that you least to gave me. And love her.." I wiped my tears that's rolling down from my eyes.

"Love her as much as you loved me. I love you, you know that huh?" I cupped his cheeks, acting as if it's normal.

"And you.. Give him everything i can't. Love him like.. His your world." I looked at the girl that was now really crying hard.

"You are my first boyfriend. I expected so much that's why i was disappointed a lot. I didn't expect that my first relationship will failed." I softly cried but smiled soon.

"We can fix this. Let's fix this." I shook my head

"I love you Babe. I love you." I looked at him, proclaiming what i really wanted to say.

"That will be the last time that i'm telling you that." I smiled at him. His crying. I just looked at him, nothing more.

"I'm leaving you. Let's act like we never met, we never knew each other or should i say you don't know me." I sighed. I'm going to break down. I swear.

"I'm leaving now, don't look if i go." I held his arm and put him in front of the girl. I looked down on the cemented floor and sighed.

"Kiss her and don't look as i walk. I will walk out of your life now." He shook his head, pulling me into a hug.

"Kiss her please. It's for me. Don't look as i go. I don't want you to see me so hurt. Just do it for me." I cried heavily. I put him back infront of the girl and turn my back to them. I'm walking out of his life. I'm bringing back my old self, the one that everyone have. We're over. Over. That made me stop walking, the word that i hated most. I want to looked back at him, hug him and kiss him but, No. I continue to walked out of their path walk. I will cross the road, get inside the car, act normal like nothing happened.

I walked and started to cross the road. I'm upset, but i didn't showed it to them. I heard a shout but i didn't bother to looked back. I heard a loud horn from a car. A hard bump is what i felt and that made my everything black.

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