Chapter Twenty-Five

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"See you later girls. I'll be home after work." Hayden placed kisses on us. It's saturday but he have a work today, i don't know why.

"But babe, the game will be held later, you going with them?" I asked, that made him stop going to the front door. We're here at the living room, i was playing with my two months old Hailey.

"Yes. Meet you at the stadium babe, alright?" I nodded

"I love you both." He said, walking rapidly towards the door. His on a rush, don't know why.

I continue to play with Hailey. Hailey will stay to my parents' house today, i'm going out with my friends. We will watch the basketball game of Hayden and Dan with their teams. You know it's their way of reuniting each other, thru a basketball game.

I've been back to work. Hailey was staying with my Mom while Hayden and i was at work. Mom was okay with the idea that Hailey was there with her cause she can't get enough of my daughter.

"Now little girl, bathing time now." I spooned her in my arms, then make our way to her room. I started to remove her clothes and do the bathing moments with her. As i was done with my rituals on her, i feed her then that cause her to drifts on her sleep. Putting her on the crib, i adjust the baby monitor. I walked out of her room then do the chores.

Cleaning the mess in the kitchen, doing the laundry, arranging our clothes, that's been my everyday living. I fixed Hailey's bag, bag that she will bring to Mom. I put her bottles, milk, clothes and those extra stuffs she needs.

I put the bag above the bed then made my way to the bathroom. Time for myself. Quick shower is what i need. Put on my denim shorts and plain white shirt. I grabbed my bag and stuffed it with my wallet, gadgets and shades. I should be quick cause any moment Hailey will be awake.

I put all of our things on the living room. I made my way back to her room, she's crying. Why didn't i heard it?

"Time to go baby." I get her from the crib, cradling her a little. I walked towards the living room, putting her bag on my left shoulder as on my right, my own bag. I was carrying her in my arms then stepped out of our house. I lock the front door then walked towards the house of my parents.

I knock on the door, receiving a warm hug as Mom opens the door.

"Hello babies. Hailey looks so pretty today." She giggled, getting Hailey from my arms. Hailey was wearing a zebra print onesie. It was a cloth covered up to her toes. I put a pink headband on her brown hair. She's too pretty.

"Of course Mom, her Daddy will be mad if i didn't put her on some nice clothes." I laughed. We walked towards the living room. Mom was starting to play Hailey.

Hayden was always buying branded clothes for his one and only princess. His starting to spoil our daughter. Giving her everything he can.

"What time are you leaving?" Mom asked

"They will be here within ten minutes Mom." I smiled. I don't like to drive going to the stadium, that's why Ross will drive for today. We will use her car, like the old times.

"Alright. Don't drink beer, your still breast feeding your daughter." I nodded. Well, even if she didn't say it to me, i won't drink. I'm not fond of beers now. I get Hailey from my Mom then swayed her in my arms.

"You'll be good to Mimi huh honey? I love you." I kissed her cheek then hugged her. I heard a car horn and i know it's my friends.

"Bye Mom. Thank you again." I gave Hailey to her then kissed her cheek. I stepped out of our house. I made my way to Ross' car, then jumped inside, finding my usual spot. Ross was the driver beside her was Dwart. Then on the back seat was me, Lana then Christine.

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