Chapter Six

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Present time..

"Michael, please. Stop it." I laughed. Since he went home he tickled me as he caught me in my kitchen. I was cooking some dinner for us.

"I miss you. How was your work?" He stopped tickling me. He wrapped his arms on my waist as he stood behind me. I rested my head on his chest.

"Tons of work. I hate my new staffs... Miss you more." I squeezed his hand as he remained it on my waist.

I met Michael on college. His a year higher than me. He became one of my friends at first. My friends love him because his good looking and so nice. He courted me when i was on my third year. His the first one that i accepted to court me after Hayden. Yea, Hayden. His the love of my life, his my life, but that was before. I let myself moved on. I forced myself actually. I was still in love with Hayden by that time, even if his not around. I was lucky that i met Michael. He encouraged me to trust someone and to fall in love again. I let him court me. I became his girlfriend when i was on my fourth year college and his already working that time. We've been together for a year now.

I was currently working now as a Manager on a bank. Number one bank in our country. I strived hard to became successful. Successful in a way that i can be independent now. I support my family. I bought a unit and a car. Little by little starting my life with what i have. My friends were married now. Christine, Lana and Ross they were all married and has a family now. While Dwart, his on New York making his dreams come true and still living with his partner.

My family let me live alone. I bought a unit on a condominium. I wanted to start my own life. My parents still liked Hayden. But i made it clear to them, Hayden has a life in Australia. I didn't heard any news about him. Nothing at all. I was living my life now. Maybe he has his own family now there.

I'm happy with Michael now. I'm not ready to settle down with him and he knew that. Michael always visit me here at my unit. His working on a company and has a high position there. He was staying on an apartment around the area of his work. I don't like to stay with him, it's too early for that. I'm still looking forward for the right one that will put a ring on my finger. I'm twenty one now, still living my life to the fullest. I'm with Michael, but i'm still searching for the spark that i once got. Michael knew that. I want Michael and i love him, but there's still the missing part. Mom always said that i should not give up myself to Michael. There's someone out there waiting for me. She always said that. I believe her. But now, i was making myself a happy one.

We ate dinner and made our way to the living room. I sat on the couch as i waited for him.

"You know what.. I think your boss is right. Have some vacation and make yourself relax." I shouted so that he can hear me at the kitchen.

"Vacation? No way." He laughed. He made his way to me and sat beside me.

"Yea. Just relax for a while. I can go with you. Just tell me when so that i can file my leave." I smiled. I turned on the television and searched for a good movie.

"Really? Hmm.. Fine! File your leave for friday." He draped his arm on my shoulder and moved closer to me.

"Great! Okay. I'll email it to the main office." I got up from the couch and made my way to my room. I got my laptop and went back to the couch where he is. Michael was sweet but not the sweet type that i want. I'm still looking for something. You know the right spark.

I filed my leave for friday. I'm just going to wait for it's approval. I want him to relax with his work because his super stress with it. And i want to relax too, i just want to clear some things on my mind.

We filled the night with laughter. We watched some old funny movie and it's really funny. For the rest of the movie he always hugged me. We hug each other but that's it. I'm not ready for anything.

"I'm leaving now. Thanks for the night Love." He said as he made his way to the front door. I accompanied him to the front door to bid my goodbye to him

"Your welcome. See you tomorrow. Love you." I placed a kiss on his cheeks and hugged him.

"Love you more. Call you as soon as i reach home." I nodded. He placed his soft lips on my forehead. I waved at him as he left and rode the lift. I locked my door and made my way to my bedroom. I changed into my sleepwears then laid on my bed.

We've been together for a year but still, i didn't kiss him on the lips. No sex, of course. I was still looking for the spark. I'll never know if his the one for me. Maybe it's him, but i'm looking for the sign that i want.

I reached for my phone as i heard it beeped. Maybe it's Michael, maybe his already home.

His back.-- Christine

I looked at Christine's text, confused and asking myself. Who is back?

Who?-- Tiffany

I waited for Christine's reply. Sweat palms, confused mind and really a fast heart beat. My phone beeped and i was like shaking as i reached for it.

Hayden's back-- Christine

I gasped. I slowly put down my phone in my bed. His back? How was that? He told me that he'll be in Australia for good.

How did you know?-- Tiffany

Without a minute, i heard my phone was ringing and i quickly answered it.

"Tin, how did you know?" I seriously said

"I'm on the mall with the kids. We bumped onto each other. I was so shocked you know. We all know that his on Australia." Christine slowly said. I keep on sinking the words. His really back.

"His back. So what?" I bluntly said. I don't know but it got me so nervous. This topic was the least thing that i expected.

"I gave him your address. Sorry." She slowly said then softly laughed.

"Why did you gave it to him? Tin, you know that i have a boyfriend now." I grumpily said. I don't know what to do. Really!

"It's for good. Love you." Then she hung up. For good? I'm good! I laid back on my bed, looking up the ceiling.

His back. Maybe he has to deal with some things here. Maybe he has his own family now. I'm happy now so i don't think there's a chance for us. I'm happy, really happy. Am i really happy? I asked myself.

I remained lying on the bed with the laptop on my tummy. I need to finish some work. It can help me get rid of Hayden issues. I got up from the bed and decided to get a mug of coffee. I need to finish this work. I made my way to my kitchen. I put my laptop on the counter and made my coffee. I was about to leave the kitchen with the laptop on my hand and the coffee on my left, until i heard the doorbell. Who would that be?

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