Chapter 3 - Little Boy In The Marsh

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"So which one should we go on first?" Drew spoke as we wandered through the gates of the theme park after one of the most awkward car rides ever.

Last night was pretty awkward too. They'd taken me to Chipotle for food, which I have to say was pretty nice but they kept asking me random questions, which I didn't want to answer. I didn't mean to come across rude or anything, I just didn't feel particularly comfortable around them.

"I don't know, what do you think Ember?" Levi said turning his head to face me.

I shrugged in reply.

He gave a weak smile before turning back to Drew.

"Lets go on that!" Austin grinned pointing over to one of the large roller coaster.

"Come on!" Nate smiled taking hold of my hand and quickly pulling me in the direction the other boys were running into.

We followed behind them and luckily when we reached the ride there was only a very small line of people, meaning we wouldn't have to wait long.

"Ok 2 in the front 3 in the back" One of the workers said when it was our turn to get on.

He didn't look particularly thrilled to be working there to say the least.

Levi and Drew quickly clambered into the front leaving me, Nate and Austin to squeeze into the back. Nate also thought that since I was the smallest it would be best if I went between them both.

"Keep you arms inside the carriage at all times, hold on tight, don't do anything stupid" the moody worker spoked as the bars cam down over out legs.

The carriage then jolted forward before beginning to climb the long, steep ramp leading to the highest point.

"Well wasn't he the happiest guys you've ever met" Levi commented as the ride moved upwards.

"I hope he knows he's working somewhere people come to have fun" Drew then joked.

This made a small smile creep onto my face.

The carriage climbed higher and higher until other people in the park looked like small ants below us.

Maybe it wasn't the best idea to go on this one I mean, I love rides and all but not this high up.

As we approached the very top of the in climb my grip on the handle bars tightened to the point where my hands were beginning to go white.

"3... 2... 1..!" Austin yelled excitedly beside me before the carriage tipped forwards and rocketed down the track.

I don't exactly remember most of what happened during the rest of that ride as my eyes were tightly squeezed shut for the entire thing until the second I felt the safety bar lift up. I don't think I've ever got of a roller coaster so quickly in my life.

Once we'd all retrieved our bags from the small wooden shelves, where we were told to leave them before we got on, we headed down the exit ramp.

The four boys in front jumping and yelling with excitement about how, in their words 'awesome' the ride was.

They were also laughing at each others hair and how the vast about of hairspray they put on this morning hadn't prevented it sticking up and all random and funny angles. I on the other hand was thankful of my desicion to braid my hair, saving me, for the time being, of looking as if I'd been dragged backwards through a bush.

"Come on Ember, stop being a tortoise" Nate yelled behind him to where I was dragging my feet behind them.

I quickened my pace a little so o caught up with them.

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