Chapter 13 - Party Time

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1 week. 1 single week was all I had left here in California with the boys and I didn't want to ever leave. I loved spending every day of the past few weeks with Nate and the others more than anything. I'd made 3 incredible new friends and to be honest, Austin and Drew felt more like older brothers now and Levi well, I think you can probably guess how I felt about him.

I woke up as the sun shone through the curtains, as it did 95% of the mornings here and for a change, the house was super quiet. Usually the sound of drums, guitar or one of the boys singing to All Time Low, The Chainsmokers or Jon Bellion (Or sometimes all three at the same time) would be echoing around but this morning there was nothing.

I threw on a pair of shorts and Levi's blue hoodie that I'd borrowed the other day before tying my hair up into a mess pony tail.

Then after opening my door I headed across the hall and knocked on Levi's opposite but there was no response. Wondering if he was still snoring away I opened the door slightly and popped my head in.

The room was empty so I guessed he must be down stairs so that's where I went to look.

Hall? Empty. Kitchen? Nope. Living room? Also Empty.

"Nate? Guys? Where are you?" I yelled out, finding every room I checked empty.

I hear a small clatter in the last room I had left to check, which was the practice room.

"Hello?" I said opening the door.





I was welcomed by the loudest/ craziest version of happy birthday I'd ever heard. The boys were all stood (or sat in Nate's case) with their instruments and mics, singing, well more shouting the song.

"Thanks guys but you did nearly gave me a heart attack." I laughed going into the room.

"Happy birthday Ember!" Nate laughed walking over and pulling me into a hug

"You didn't think I'd forget about your birthday did you?" He then asked, his arms wrapped around me tightly.

"Group hug!" Austin said loudly, the others soon joining in.

"Erm... can't breath." I laughed, in the middle of being squished by the boys who were all towering over me.

"Oops sorry." Nate apologised as they all stepped back.

"Happy birthday thought." Levi laughed.

"Look we even got party hats." Drew grinned, reaching to put one on each of the boys heads before placing one on his own and mine.

"Party!" Levi yelled, popping a party popper over my head, covering me in rainbow confetti.

"You guys are the best." I grinned, giving the each another hug.

"Hey, Ember we've go a surprise for you!" Austin then spoke out as Nate went to reach for something hidden behind his drum kit.

After pulling out a large rectangular box wrapped in blue and white spotty paper and silver ribbon, he walked back over to where we were all stood.

"Happy birthday Ember." They all smiled again as Nate handed me the present.

I smiled back carefully unwrapping it until I held an amazing skateboard in my hands. It had navy blue wheels, a galaxy design top of the board and underneath had a blue, purple and black tie dye design.

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