Chapter 11 - Can We Dance?

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When I woke up a few hours later I didn't feel dizzy anymore and generally felt a lot better.

I moved around a little before opening my eyes, looking up at see that Levi was still there, just like he promised.

He had his phone in his hand and was scrolling through what looked like his Twitter, probably reading what their fans were saying. The boys really do love all their fans a huge amount.

"Hey sleepy head" He smiled down at me a moment later, realising that I was awake.

"Hi" I smiled.

"You look better" He said still smiling whilst putting his phone down.

"I feel better" I replied.

I lifted my head all little so I could see over him to the bedside table, where the clock was sat.

Turns out the few hours I slept for was only about an hour and a half so now it was only 2pm.

"What time will the others be back do you think?" I asked moving so I sat next to him leaning against the headboard.

"Why am I no fun to be around?" Levi responded, acting offended.

"Your great to be around" I laughed.

"I feel loved" He then responded, giving me a goofy grin.

"And the answer to your question is in a couple of hours, unless..." He began to said.

"Unless..." I mimicked him.

"Unless..." He mimicked.

"Levi..." I then said in the same tone.

"Ember..." He copied.

I glared at him.

"Ok ok, they asked if we wanted to go meet them in Chipotle later, only if you're feeling better of course" He finally answered.

"I like the sound of that, I'm starving" I replied smiling.

"Me too" He laughed.

"So what we gonna do while we wait to go meet them?" I asked.

"Hmm, we could go to the park down the road or something. It's not too far away" He replied.

"Sounds fun." I smiled as he stood up off the bed.

"Awesome." He grinned in response before heading out of the room, leaving me to get ready, seeing as though I was still in my pj's.

It didn't take me long to grab a quick shower before sorting my hair out and getting dressed into a pair of denim shorts and a pale purple and blue tie-dye top. I slipped on my vans and grabbed a dark blue bandana, which probably did belong to Nate but ah well.

Before leaving my room I made sure to grab my penny board to take with us, seeing as I hadn't ridden it yet sine being here.

"Hey I didn't know you liked to skate?" Levi said as I reached the bottom of the stairs to see him standing in the hall.

I shrugged an smiled.

"I am related to Nate so..." I then said.

"Gimmie a second to go get mine." He responded before jogging back upstairs, reappearing again moments later holding a skateboard.

"Ready to go?" He asked opening the front door.

"Yep." I nodded heading out and waiting for him to lock the door behind us.

Both of us then jumped on our boards and headed down the street.

To say that it was a hot summers day, the part its self wasn't overly busy. There was a few parents with theirs kids in the play area, a few old couples sat on benches next to the pond feeding the ducks and a very small number of dog walkers.

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