Chapter 17 - Counting Down The Days

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It had been a few days since the start of the collage/ school year and I'd spoken to the boys a couple of times. Luckily they had either just messaged or called and not FaceTimed me, meaning they hadn't seen the bruised state I was in.

I'd gotten used to daily shoves into lockers and walls and being kicked under the tables by Libby, Olly and now even Ryan had started.

I started sat in the corner of the library (one place they they never come to) staring at the countdown Drew had decided to put on my phone. 40 days and counting till I get to see the boys again. 40 days until I can forget about everything here for a shot amount of time.

"You ok there sweetie?" Mrs Morrisdale asked.

She was a sweet old lady who'd been the librarian here for decades. She was one of the kindest people I know and always let me sit in here when I needed time to myself. I'd become really close to her over the years to the point where she was now like my adoptive grandmother.

"Yeah I'm ok." I replied with a weak smile.

"Sweetie you've been coming in here since you were a little year 7 I know you well enough by now to know when something is wrong" She responded with a warm smile as she pulled out the chair besides me and sat down, placing her stack of books to the side of the table.

"Now come on what's wrong?" She asked softly.

"I just miss my cousin" I told her.

"Your older cousin who lives in America?" She asked and I nodded.

"I spent the most amazing summer with him and his friends in California" I then said, beginning to smile as I remembered.

"I bet you did. I can just imagine the warm weather, sparking waves crashing onto the beach of golden sand." She said.

"I spent a summer there once as a teenager with my parents, I'd never known a place like it" she then added.

"It's an incredible place" I agreed with her.

"Tell me, is the old ice cream parlour on the beach still there. I did the most delicious ice cream sundaes" She asked looking like an excited child.

I nodded with a happy grin.

"Yeah it's still there and the ice cream is still delicious" I replied.

"I'd loved to have taken my children when they were younger but they're all grown up and live in Australia now." She then said, a small glint of sadness in her eyes however it soon disappeared again.

"Do you have a lesson next?" She asked.

"Nope." I replied, checking my timetable.

"Wonderful, why don't you till me all about your summer and about this cousin of yours" She smiled.

Talking to Mrs Morrisdale really helped how I was feeling.

It was now last lesson and I'd managed the entire day so far without coming across any of the three amigos. I thought perhaps they were skipping, which isn't uncommon with those three, especially Libby and Olly.

"Ember Parker, do you know what the answer is?" Mr Finn the English teacher spoke, snapping me out of the day dream I was in the middle of.

"No sir, sorry sir" I replied looking up.

There were giggles around me as my face began to heat up.

"I'd appreciate if you payed attention to the lesson instead of day dreaming about so boy you met over summer or what ever it is you kids do in the holidays. I don't want to repeat myself." He went on the say, making my cheeks go even redder than before.

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