Chapter 10 - Promises

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I hate the feeling of being awake in the middle of the night and not being able to sleep. Its even worse when you feel ill. Hot one minute, freezing the next, thumping headache that felt like I had a construction site inside my head.

I didn't go down to the kitchen to find some painkillers, which I needed, as every time I tried to stand up I just felt dizzy and I didn't like the idea of me crashing down the stairs and waking the others up at 3am.

All I did was toss and turn or stare up at the ceiling.

As the hours passed, I managed to get a few brief intervals of sleep and as the clock at the side of my bed hit 9am I knew I would look like a zombie who'd just come out of a grave, hair in all directions, bags under my eyes, puffy face. Totally picture perfect.

"Ember? You awake?" I heard Levi ask as a small knock sounded on my bedroom door.

"Yeah." I replied, sitting up as best as I could whilst feeling dizzy.

"Wow...." He said opening up the door "You look sick"

"I feel it too" I said with a weak, sleepy smile.

"You been like this all night?" He said walking over and putting his hand on my forehead.

I nodded, struggling to keep my eyes open.

"You're pretty hot, I'm gonna go get Nate.... and some painkillers." He smiled before walking out, pulling the door so it was almost closed behind him.

One of the things I didn't want to happen was for all of the boys to make a fuss of me whilst I was ill or have them feeling they needed to take care of me. I didn't want to be a burden.

"Hey Ember, Levi told me your sick." Nate said walking in a few minutes later carrying a glass of water and some painkillers.

He sat on the end of my bad after passing both to me before I swallowed them.

"We have meetings and stuff today." He then said quietly knowing I had a headache.

"Don't worry, I'll be fine." I smiled, laying back down in fear that I might actually fall off the bed.

"I feel bad leaving you" He then said.

"Nate, I'll be fine, it's not like I'm moving anytime soon" I said with a weak smile.

He didn't reply but gave a weak smile and nodded. He knew that I'd probably want to be left alone whilst I was feeling like this.

"I'll call later and check up on you, text me if anything's up ok?" He said.

I nodded. "Promise Natey" I smiled, now with me eyes closed, imagining the glare he would probably give me from that name.

I still managed to annoy my big cousin, even though I was ill.

"Ok, see you later." He said as I felt the weight lift move off the bed before the sound of the door quietly close.

I managed to sleep for around an hour, with help from the painkillers and when I woke the headache was gone but I was still feeling a little dizzy. The joys of being sick.

The sound of my bedroom door opening woke me and I managed to open my eyes enough to see who it was.

"Hey how you feeling?" Levi said with a small smile sitting on the end of the bed where Nate had sat before.

"I thought you guys had meetings today?" I said, completely going around his question.

"The others have gone, I said I'd stay here and keep you company." He smiled.

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