Chapter 29 - Safety Pin

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Turns out that I was right about Nate, a few minutes of us stood out in the rain later and he was yelling the we'd get hyperthermia if we stayed out in the wet and cold any longer. He was probably right, Levi getting ill when they still had the other three shows of their first headline tour to go wouldn't be the best outcome.

After we all go back inside the venue, the boys managed to persuade me to stay for awhile by telling me their manager was coming back with pizza and ice cream. I agreed (who can turn down free food).

Levi and me didn't exactly act like we did before everything happened. I think he understood that I would take time for me to fully trust him again.

Right now it was like there was a safety pin holding my heart together. It had a good chance of fixing but could easily be broken again.

 After we'd all stuffed ourselves with Pizza, I'd then stayed the night at the boys hotel after Nate had refused to let me go home late at night in case I got kidnapped or something. Not wanting to be a pain I told him I'd get a taxi straight from Sound Control home instead of going back on the tram, which was my original plan. Neither Nate or Levi were having any of it.

"Ember." I woke the next morning to the sound of my name and someone gently shaking my shoulders.

I ignored who ever it was trying to wake me up, determined to stay asleep for as long as possible.

"Ember, wake up." The voice, who I'd now guessed was probably Levi said a little louder as he shook me again.

Staying in the same position with my back to the side the he was stood on and keeping my eyes close, I reached over to grab the spare pillow that was on the side of the bed. before throwing it backwards hitting him.

"Ok now I know you're awake." I heard a laugh, confirming my suspicions that it was Levi.

"You know if you're trying to make things up to me waking me up early isn't the best way to start." I jokingly replied, turning over onto my back and slightly opening my eyes to look up at him.

"Well I did have an awesome, fun day planned for the two of us but I guess if you don't want to come, I'll have to take Drew." He responded with a sigh.

"Drevi date." Nate commented from the bed next to mine.

I held back a laugh.

"It'll be fun" Levi then said smiling down at e after sending Nate a glare.

"Where are we going?" I asked him, opening me eyes properly.

"It's a surprise." He grinned.

I rolled my eyes.

"Please?" He then added, looking at me with puppy eyes.

I looked over at Nate who gave me a smile and gestured for me to go.

I then looked back at Levi.

"Ok, I'll come." I smiled at him, sitting up and getting out of the covers.

I did say I'd give him another chance and this would be it.

"Great!" He replied with an excited grin. "We can stop at your house on the way so you can properly get ready."

He then walked over to his open suitcase, pulling out one of his hoodies and tossing it over to me to wear until we got to my house.

I smiled a thanks to him.

I then walked into the bathroom, grabbing Nate's hairbrush on the way. Hopefully he wont mind me borrowing it.

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