Chapter 15 - Goodbye For Now

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I didn't sleep at all that last night in LA. I worried about what I would face when I get back home.

I lay resting my head on Levi's chest as we both stared up at the ceiling, his arms protectively wrapped around me.

I only had a handful of hours left in California and couldn't help but mentally count down the minutes with the sound of the ticking clock on Levi's bedside table.

"It's gonna be ok Em" Levi said, breaking the silence.

"I'm scared Levi, everything gonna be just like it was before summer, with Libby and Olly. You guys and Ally are the only friends I have and you're all going to be thousands of miles away, I'll be alone again." I responded.

My nerves and fear had been building up for the past few days.

"You wont be alone. You can call or message me or the others any time you want to. I don't care if its the middle of the night. Whatever happens I'm here for you, we all are." He replied softly, hugging me tighter.

"And besides you'll see us in like 2 months on the vamps tour." He then added.

This managed to bring a weak smile onto my face.

"Two months is a long time." I responded turning my head so I looked up at him.

"Hey, we'll be in Manchester before you know it." He replied "Pass me your phone."

I reached over to his bedside table where it was charging, unplugging it before handing it to him.

"What are you doing?" I asked confused as I heard the sound of him taking a photo.

"Here now you can countdown the days to you see my beautiful face again" He responded a few moments later passing me it back.

I laughed seeing the picture next to the countdown.

"I wouldn't exactly call that beautiful." I then said, looking down at the double chin cross eyed selfie he'd taken.

"Hey! I look pretty as a picture." He pretended to be offended.

"Except that picture's not pretty." I commented.

The reply I got was a death glare from him.

"I'm gonna miss you so much" He then said, pulling me even tighter to him.

"I'm really gonna miss you to" I replied "But er Levi..."

"Yeah?" He asked.

"Kinda cant breath here." I then added.

"Oh oops sorry." He said suddenly letting go of me allowing me to breath again.

"Your such a dork." I laughed.

The mood changed back to what it was before Levi managed to cheer me by being his goofy self when the alarm went off.

"Maybe I could hide in the basement and accidently miss my flight." I commented, shoving a pillow on top of my face whilst Levi turned the alarm off.

"I think we all wish you could" He responded.

I gave a weak smile getting up and heading back into my own room to get changed and get the remainder of my my stuff packed.

I sleepily changed into a pair of sweat pants and a hoodie, knowing I needed to wear something comfortable for the long flight.

After getting ready I quickly stuffed my chargers, headphone and other things I needed on the plane into my backpack.

"Hey you ready to go?" Nate asked popping his head around the door, also looking half asleep.

Good thing Austin was driving to the airport and was the sensible one that went to bed at a normal time last night.

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