Chapter 20 - Speechless

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From Natey
The Tide will be officially arriving in the UK in t-minus 12 hours and counting.

That was the message I'd woken up to from Nate on Monday morning.

This brought a smile to my face before what was most likely going to be a typical day for me.

He'd sent it around 4 hours ago meaning when I came home from sixth form they'd be arriving in London.

Them arriving today also meant that the start of the tour was just a few days away and I'd get to see them again in just over a week. To say I couldn't wait was an understatement.

The thought of this meant that I was in a pretty good mood as I left the house and made my way to collage.

I hopped onto the skateboard that the boys had given me for my birthday and headed down the street, listening to 5 Seconds Of Summer's first album as I went.

It wasn't long before I reached the sixth form building and walked in through the main doors, going towards my locker.

Ignoring the marker pen insults written boldly on the door I opened it and placed my board inside.

As I pulled my books out and closed it again before the sound of the bell echoed through the halls.

Looking down the corridor through the crowds of people I managed to spot the trio of evil down the hall, walking in my direction.

I pulled my beanie down further over my head and quickly spun around and walked the opposite way. It was a longer walk to my classroom and I'd have to go a lot quicker however, if it avoided me gaining anymore bruises than it was worth it.

I made it to class with seconds to spare and sat down in my usual seat.

Soon the teacher also walked in and began teaching the lesson however I stayed focused on watching the clock, counting down the minutes until the boys flight landed in London.

Tick tock tick tock. My eyes were fixed on watching the small hands move in a circle.

"Ember Parker!" The teacher said loudly, snapping me out of my daze.

"Y... yes sir?" I stuttered.

I could head some of the class sniggering around me.

"You know it would help if you actually paid attention what I'm saying rather than day dreaming about whatever, if you want to pass this year that is." He responded in a pretty irritated tone.

He seriously doesn't like me, just one of a long and ever growing list I suppose.

"Yes sir." I responded, looking down at my desk.

Other students around me were still sniggering as the teacher turned back and continued with the lesson.

My happy mood didn't last very long however, the positive was that once the day ended I'd be able to call the boys and we'd finally be back in the same time zone again.

The rest of the day didn't get much better. I spend both lunch and my free period in the library with Mrs Morrisdale, catching up on my homework and then just watching some random YouTube videos in attempt to cheer myself up.

I'd remained out of the way the entire day, until just after last lesson that was.

Things were looking up when Ryan didn't turn up for the class, most likely because he was skipping to ride around in his older brothers sports car with him or something like that.

After a pretty peaceful lesson, once the bell rang I plugged in my earphones and pressed play, continuing to listen to the same 5sos album as this morning.

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